.r:'`; .1} r. � 5�.h, fEa�: :ss`. _�.411}�5���yrf:�n �rVrr'i> ; . • n.j��E• �\'rr., ;.�. .�. :�•� r;�;:: •c, . �M_f �,.i;�iY2��(FT/TiiS�i�_'hA4 -- __
<br /> �l 1�tc� . � u )` 1 a����-�,�.:.!• ,a�..;::?�4j..• � ' � • tYt
<br /> I�t�,�{f�fi��ti�i '` '� ',�.f4�'.,J�P+�• *�y.:wt�� Y:.y':•1!tj� �wr�.._ .�...up�'�{�41:5i• . . �Q�1����'-SSi -
<br /> ' �''j��ti_� �. ... _ ._._— ' _ _
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<br /> .. . �
<br /> ,� -. '—"__.� _� .�-_"'-_—__._ ._ _.. .
<br /> ��������'��" . �92-.� io�29�3 -�--
<br /> �'" -d�� � �hix ticcurny In�trument.11nwcvcr. Ihix��u�m xh+dl n�n In excrciMJ hy Icn�kr il rxcrrisc i.pn�hihileJ by 1'edcrul luw ar ul
<br /> •�U '� .; :° " �Ik dalc al'thiti Sccurity In.�runun�.
<br /> a:.
<br /> li'LrMkr cxrrciK.lhi,��ti�x�. I.crklcr.hull�tiv: H��R��WC�Iluh�C u��i1CCCIl•f:lhi�ll.TIIC tlu�tcc r{IUII(ffuvlde si �xri�nl —
<br /> �'' ° nf nut 1�+,thun�0 duy.fruu� Nic datr thr nuticc �.r.Irliverrd ur nr�ikd w nhin K hich liotruwrr mu.t pay all wm+.rcu�ed Ny
<br /> - -_.,-------�
<br /> _ �=-�:,>�
<br /> .�.,�� ,.:::,..° �hi.�rurity In.lrurrko�. It li�xn�wcr tud.lo pay�hr.c�um+pnur tu d�r r�piruuun ol thi,�n��l. lAnikr muy mvoMc vny �
<br /> " :.--. . ...._ .• rcnudicr�rniiUrd hy Ihi�ticrurily In,Irumenl w�Ihnul furthrr nutiec or�lemund un tiurrawcr.
<br /> :�... ,
<br /> „ _. •
<br /> - 18. Ibrrowcr's ItiKhl lo firi��+lwtr. II' (io�ruwcr mrch�rn,un.unJiliuu., liu�rut+cr+hall hun thr ri� t la •n•c �- -�-----�-- -
<br /> • r . � cntiircenknt of Ihiti kcurily Inurunknl JiK��ntinued ut uny time priur 1u Ihr eurlicr af: 1a15 d•ryy�ur�urh othrr�ri�Kl a,
<br /> . ' � ,��ri�.:�i,i. luw muy �perity tur rcimlulcu�riul ba•liire �alc uf Ihe ('ru�xny punurnt tu:my�N�wcr af�•rlc ronlainrJ in �hi,
<br /> . ., . ., ticcurily Imlrunum:��r Ihl cnlry uf a.juJ�mrm unli�rring ihi.Serurily In•lrumcn�.'I'hu,r cundiliun,arr th�l Hurniw�r: Iu1 =
<br />- s ' puy. LrnJrr •rll ,uui� which Ihcn wnu1J Ix Juc un�lcr Ihi. S�rurily In.trun►cm anJ Ihc Nulr a, if n�� accel�ra�ion b��d _
<br /> " �• .. �xrurr�J:Ib)curc, un� eic(.:uh��f any u�hrr ceivrnam� ��r:i�r�rment�;Icl pay+ uU ex�xn.c. inrurred in enli�rcing �hi. _
<br /> - • . ., tircurity Inhtrun�cnt. incluJing.hut nut limncd lu.r�a.anable all��rnry.' fcr.: unJ IJI �ukc, .uch uc�iun a, L.cndrr may
<br /> .. ' ' '; r���unably rcyuirc t��a,�uw �ha� the licn uf dai. ticruriiy In,trum�nt.l.endcr'. rikhl� in Ihe Pro�x ny and Hurr�wrr'.
<br />; _. � ' . uhli�a�iun lu pay �h�,wu,,crurcd hy thi,kcur+ly I�i��n:�mnt-hu!!rontinur o��ch;inge�l 1 ip,�n rrin.�:n�•nu�m by linrrnw�•r. �;__,--,- -- -�___
<br /> ,, ' ihi,Srrurny In,lrunkm u�iJ tlk��hliga�iunv KcuRJ hrrrhy,hull rrnwin I'ully rttrctivr a,d no acccicrrtion hud�KCUrrrJ. �y----
<br /> • Huwe�ct.Ihi,�i�thl lu roin,luie+h.�ll uut,ippl�iu the�.�..•�I'a�r�leration unJcr pura�;ruph 17. �_ _ ---_
<br /> . 19, tiple uf iVate: CbLnge uf I.�wn ticrvicer. Thu Nulr ur u panial inl�n.�in Ih�Nn1e Itugc�hcr with thi.Sccurity
<br /> ImlrumcnU muy lu .uld unc or nu�rc time. withuut priur nutice tu Borrowrr. A tialr may re,ult in a chang� in�hc enti�y -•_, -
<br /> Iknown a,thc"l.u;m ticrviccr"1 ihut collcclti murnhly prymcn�+duc unJer the Nwr+uiJ thi�Sccu�ily In�irunx�nt.Thcrc al,o '
<br /> ,, may Ix onr or moR chanKc� ui Ih�la�an ticrvir�r unrrla�ed to a udr of�hr No�c.It'�herr i.a chungc of�he L.�►an tierviccr. �'_"'LL--
<br /> . , . ' Born�wcr will txx givrn w riucn noti�r ul'Ilir chung�in acrurJ�nrc wi�h para�raph I-1 aM�re und applicuhlr la�+•.Thc nnticr ����.
<br />' �� . ., will,tulr Ihr namr;md:�dJn„ul thr neu•Luan S�rvicrr imd�he ciJdre,.�n whwh p•rymen�.�hould Fx mude.l'he no�ire will ;:. �--�
<br /> ulw contuin any uihcr inli�miu�iun rcyu�md hy applicuM�law. �•,�M�f�, ��
<br /> . • 20. Haz�rduus tiubswn�rs. liurtuwcr tihull nul cauu ur�xm�ii ihc prexnr�,ux.Ji�poxal.�toragc.or ml�a�r ul '•:• .."-:':
<br /> , , '_,,,,�: uny HLr,uJuu,tiub,tun�r.un or in �hc Pro�x ny. BoROwcr+hull nut�k�. nur alluw anvon�clur lo Ju,anythin�;afi'ec�ing thc
<br /> ^ . Pru��ty�ha�i�in�•iululiun ul'an5• t:nvinannrnlnl Law.l'he prcrcdinE Iwu��ntrnrr,,hall nut apply�u�hc prc,cncc.ux.ur •.•' :.
<br /> ' �, .turaEr on �he Pro�xny ul'+mall a�u•rmilir. al ffaiurdou.Suh�tunce. Ihat urc �rnerrll � rcco miteJ to ix a ru riat� to =��
<br /> b ) b PP P �:�":
<br /> norn�al re.iJ�miul u.c,an�l in main�enunce ul'thc Pru�xn�•. T'�`:` �, .�
<br /> ��;, . . [iorroxcr+huU prumrlly pivr l.�ndrr wriucn nuncc i�t any invr�liEatiun.rluim.demand.I.iw,ui��ir�Nher•rc�ii�n hy. C�''':..'`"''•i�
<br /> ,my guv�rnmrnial ur rcgula�ory a�;crrcy �►r pcivalr pa�7�• invul�•ing thc Pruperly and any Ilaiarduu. Sub.tance or � —
<br /> Fnvin�nrrKmal (.uw ul w hirh Burruwcr hu� ucluul knuw lcd�!c. If FioRUwrr Icum•, ��r i� notifirJ hy uny guvrmmcntal ur :.}.;y�:•�
<br /> • rcgulut��ry authurity.thut any nm�wal ar�Nhrr rrmrdiuliun uf:�ny Hai:�rdnu.tiuh,tuncc aflcc�ing thr Pro�xm•i�n��c,�•rry.
<br />� BnRawcr shull pramptly�alr ull nccr•.ury rcnxdial acliun,in ara�rduncc��ilh lin�•irunmrnt:d Law•. ,
<br /> ....
<br /> -– . _ �7+Ux'a ii'i ltih iiJf:i�"i:l�i�t�.°��.�J:ii�}OU:. Stl�l',1:IRtL':°am tl:c�•.0`.tl�t.`.S:t!!C�'�2�L•}ItH_'(�E2�!!�XIL'!�1'I1:1Li1i114q1•�llh•lifl!!'�'v =— ..-4�71�'..
<br /> S.1 a'�'�.�...:`=�s,.
<br /> by En�iranmenlal Law anJ ihr lulluwing.ub,lunc�•,:�au�linr.I�en„�nr.uthrr Ilammablc nr to�ir�xUOlcum pnxluclti.toxir �.
<br /> �.ticidca unJ hrrhiciJc�. v��lulilc ,ul�cnl+. ntatcriuh r��nlammg n�ix.tu. ur li,nnaldchydr. .�nJ r.�Ji�►acti�•r mu�rrial+. A+ ?�i��`= . :
<br /> u.ed in Ihi� par:��raph ?I1."tim•irunmrnl.d I.aa" mc.ui� Ii�Jural I:iw. :aid la���nt thr.juri,dic�iun uficr�Ihc I'ru�xrl�• i,
<br /> lacul�K)Ihut rclale p�hrahh.•:dcty�►rrmirunmrntal prul«liun. ,�"`� ('��
<br /> Nnv-l��nnH�i('i��l���i�. Nu�rua�r:mJL�uJrrtuilh��'ru��•nan�and:i�nca.li,ll�,��,: ����'��:I
<br /> ;•�.X'�•..��`. f�",.,�.
<br /> 2L Accelcrutfon: Remedie.. Lc�d�r rhall};iu nuticc In Rnrruwer prinr lo uccclerulion fnllw+in�Rnrroaer'+ ,.:..�*.:�.>• ,
<br /> breuch aPuny co�enuM or vKr�wment fn Ihi�ticcurilr In�trumeot Ibul nul prinr ta uccelcrution under purnuruph 17 -•" ''"' �` ';,*��
<br /> . unler.uppRcuble law pru�lda�other��iui. 1'h�nolice.hull.pecif�: �ai Ihedefuulf;�bl the uctiun reyuired torurc the '��" -Q--
<br /> defuult:Irl u dutc,nut I�w,th•rn;0 du►.r from Ihc dutt the nuticc i��;h��n lo Bn�r��«cr.by ��hich Ihe defuult mu�t nc V'i`�'A
<br /> cured;und Id�that fuilure to curr Ihe del'vull oo ur IKfurr Ihe dLle►�xriiied io Ihe nnlice mu��rewlt in uccelerufion uf ".: -
<br /> the tiumz,w•;:rcd b� Ihi.ti�ruritv In.trumcnl :�nd wli nP Ihc 1'ro�xrly. 'fhe noticc,hull furthcr infnrm Burro�►er uP �wr`•�:
<br /> !he riRht lu rcimlute u0er acccicrulion nnd tbe ri�;hl lo brin�;s�court uction tu u+�crt thc non•e�i�trnce oF u dePuult or �M� - _�
<br /> any othcr dePcmc of Bnrru��cr lo u�celcrutiun und wle.It'Ihe dcfuult i.nut cu�cd on n�Ixfirrc lhc dale.pecified in �'w'
<br /> the notice. I.ender ut ih��ptlnn mu} rcyuire immediale pu�roent in full oF all ,um, �erured b� thi�tiecurit� � - �"����_�:
<br /> Instrumenl eithout i'urther de�nund and mur imokc Ihc puwcr ul'.ule nnd an� olher remedie� permiucd b� --�"
<br /> upplicable Ivw. I.ender�hull Ix entiticd tu culMcl a0 etpen.r� incurmd in pur�ub�};Ihr remedie� pro��idrd in thi� •� -.. �°-'
<br /> • '. , pyr•r�;�aph 21,includinu.but not limil��d lu.reuwmable uporne�.'C�w�und cu,l,oY IiNe c�idencr. ; ,. ••.,'�'°��
<br /> li'the pu�er ui wle is In�oked.'I'ru+lec .hu0 nword:�nuticc ol'dci'ault in each caunt} in��hich nm purl of the • :,�, •' y�:_-
<br /> Propertr is I�KUtcd und�hall muil cnpicr of,uch nutica in Ibc munncr prc,rribcd h}•upplicublc lu��tu Borro����r und
<br /> _,:s,. ,
<br /> lo the othe��xrWro��xekrib►d b�nppllc•rble I:r��..�fler thc timc reyuired b� upplicuble lu��,'I'rust��e�hall�h•e pubUc . � �':=',;='=
<br /> notice oP+ule Io Ih�prnonx imd in Ihc m•rnncr prevrihcd b� upplicvblc la��.�1'ru�lce.��ithuut dema�d�m Bo�ru���rr, f
<br /> ' • tihall sell lhr Pr��pert�ut puhlic vucltun tn the hi}!he+l I�idder a1 Ihe lim��und pluce und under Ihe terms drxf�nated in � �
<br /> ,, fhe notice oi'sule in�me �K rtHire pvrcek und in un}urder'I'rutilee dclermine..'1'rustee muy�.poxtpone�ule oP ull ur
<br /> � um•purccl oPthe Propert�•B�•puhl:�•unnuuncemenl iU Ihe�imc and plam of:un prc�iou+l}�cheduled�le.l.cnder or its i- •
<br /> desi�nee mAy purchutie the Proprrtr al uny wlc. '
<br /> ' Form 3DZ8 990�r��.,<�.r n�,�i��„
<br />- BANKEHSSV5TEM5�NC St C�OUf�NNSt,k; �+�!'O +n'-`.�ot•PORMMU�4f :ti��� _ ._— .
<br /> f
<br /> � ,
<br /> - . . .._.1 __ -
<br />