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V ti. ' F����, 'l`��n. . . . .. . �..�ar' .. .p�fa�4, . , _ �'.., �a`�:''�1�i`t4 .I.wais�a' <br /> � i;_�� ��•' �•r"'� - �ul_ . ���yi���� '�f'��'`. �i:.�':rY.___.��.� , :i,.. .vY •yt `flllY`r..tiit.,h:� v'sw��.w. -- <br /> .t���(.� � r�.�i` .. . L:R�YI!LYY+LS{t r:'lp,�{:L:' ..�_ .� �. s- f� ' �`�.......��,_- -.--..�..-..� ___ _ �...- _�-_ .— <br /> j �. . �Yy���Ri.�l'�k 7 ' __ <br /> � � r� w�v�.fii- ..�nMw..�• .� _ . l Y'��t'�'�• ' . _—�—_ <br /> •.•^vNIR_�Yrmu�ua".".. . .--- -�°---- <br /> 4.. '� <br /> .a."'"L.. _."_�_ ....� . _ ___ <br /> .�L" -s`L� ._�..�..��� . . .__ .-.. <br /> ' � _ __ <br /> ��- -� -.�.- <br /> `���'��`:�� . � ^ g _ so4zs3 <br /> rt�'`��;''������-�s��,..,:: . <br /> 2 <br /> . .,.,�•�...,;,,.w>_;.r',�,, TO(jETHER WITH ull the impruvementx nuw ur bcreuf�cr crec�ed on �he property,und oll easemeote. <br /> . _ :s�". �°�� �:'• appurtenances,und fiRtures now ur bemuftcr u pun�►f�hr prapeAy.All replarcnxntx wui addi�ian� �hull ol�o bo covered by <br /> � 4;��, -' ' � �hi�Secudty instrurnent.All of Ihe fureguing is rcfernrl w in this 5ecurity lnwtrumcnt av the"F'roperty." <br /> __^ - " � Buttaow�a Cuvr:N�N�'s that Bom�wer i+luwfully�ciscJ uf�hc exlulc hereby comcyed und ha�the right to gtsutt and <br /> _'__ convcy ihe Property and�bat�he Pn►peny is uncncumbereJ,except fur cncum6ruiueti of record.durmwcr wnrranlx sutd will <br /> • �wi,�x�� defend gencrally�I►c nde to�im Pnrpr�+y Wguin.t uif ciaimti w��l�k�u��s��ubj��t to��y.:��u�tib�aK..�F�u.urd. �---'— <br /> - . �a:... .> <br /> T�us Secuerrr lNSrrti�MFNT��xnbineti uniform covennm~ fur nutiun�l use und non•uniform covenonw wilh limiled r ,___ �pT_ _ <br /> � . � v�fatlon�hy jurisdiclion to canstiwte u uniform Mcurily instrumcm covcring rcul propvrly. <br /> , ����' UNIFNIMCOVENANT3. Burrnwer und L.ender cnvenant unci ugree ati 1'ulloww: <br /> 1. Payu�ent ot Principal and Interest: Prepayment and Late Clwrges. eomuwer xl�ull promp�ly pay when due <br /> - o-�� �• , the prineipul of and i�Nercst on thr debt cvi�knced by the Note and any prcpaymem unJ lute churgeg due under the Nc�te. <br /> • • 2. Fund�PorTpxes And IawrAnce. Subjcc�to uppIiraAlc:law or w a written wuiver Ny l.ender.&xrower sh�ll pay <br /> � . to Lendcr on the d:iy munthlY paYmcnty am Juc under�he Note,unlil the NWc is puid in full,a sum ("Fundc') <br /> �" �su�es and axsessmenls which may anain priority over thi�Secunty Intitrument u,u lien un�he Pr�crrty;(bl ye�ly le�xhald <br /> � � . � ayment� or ground rents on the Property, if uny: fc)ycc�rly hazard o� property intiurance prenuums:(d) ycurly fload <br /> � '��Y� , mrurrnce prem�um,,if any; le) yeurly manguge i�,urunce premfumg,if nny:and 1� any rcums payable by sorrower tu _ <br />' � .,�; : uccordance wi�h the�ruvisionr uf parugruph 8.�n lieu ot the paymem uf morlgu�ee iu.urunce prcmium�.Thex <br /> item+are rulled"Hscrow Item�' l.ender muy,u�uny time.collect and hold Fund�in:ui umount nut ta exceed�he mnximum <br /> � umount u lender for u federully reluted mortgAgc lo:u�may reyuirc for Borrower's c,cmw ucrount under th�federul Reul _ <br /> � • Estate Settlemenl Procedures Act oi 1974 us amended f'rom�ime to time. I 2 U.S.C. # :601 er sey. ("RESPA"1. unle�s <br /> �� - :�. ..;- . " another la�v that applies to Ihe Fund,s�ts n lesser:unuunt. (f co,lxnder mu ,ut uny time. raltect und hald Funds in •rn °-- <br /> . ----- <br /> ••�•� " "" umount not to exceed the IeYSer amnunt. lxnder muy estimo�e the umuunt o Funds due on the ba+ir:ot current dAta:u�d ���":— <br /> ' " : �. reasanuble egtima�esaf expendf�ures of fature Ezcruw I�emti urotherwi,e in uccordunce wi�h upplicable luw. �_ <br /> � The Funds shull lx hcW in un in�titu�ion whox depc��MS arc insurcd by u federal agrnc�•. instrumentality,or rnti�y �� <br /> , . ' (including Lendcr. if l.ende�ix xuch un inntiwtianl or in any Fnlcr�l Homc l.oan Bunk.L.�:nJcr tihall apply thr FunJs�u pay �•,-;�,::.,.,_ <br /> the �r�cruw Items. l.ender may na chs�rge BoROwer for hulding�nd applying the Fund+,unnually analyziog!he Czcrow " <br /> " ucwunt,or verifying the Eurow Items, unles�l.ender pays Bomower imerest un the Funds and upplicable luw permit, �_;,���.�._ <br /> „ Lender to makc,uch u churge. However, l.ender muy reyu�re BoROwer to puy a one-�ime charge for an independent re:�l �•-:�:.W:--��. <br /> �...:..z._---- <br /> " ' estate tax r+eporting xervice used by l.�:nder in connertion wuh ihis k�an,unlezs npplicuMle law prov�des othenvise.Unless an ; ��• �••.- -, <br /> ' � ugrcemem is msd�ur applicable luw rcyuires in�ercst to be pAid,Lender xhull not tx requircd to pay Barrower any interctit or �.•'�w� °`'r <br /> '5�.�.r��'� <br /> eumin�n on the Funds. Borrower�n d L en der muy•rgrec in wriiing,however,thut in{erest shall be paid on thc Funds.L..c.nJer '�`•.=��_ <br /> -" � tih�ll grve to Bom�wer,without ch•rrge,un unnuul accoumin�of the Funds,showing credi�s and debii�to the Funds And the �r iT';�,.'�s� <br /> � � purpoze For which eu�h debi�to the Fundx wuti mude.The Fund� +ue pleclged as uddi�ianal�curity for nll xum+xecund by <br /> this Security Instrument. °�- <br /> ` • • If the Fund,heW by l.ender exceed the amaunts permitccd lo be- 6cid bv u�licu4le i�►w, i.�:�dcr shaH accouni to �"•-:°_�``. ' — <br /> ' Borrower for ihe rxce,s Funds in accordunce wi�b the reyu�rememx uf applicuBlr luw. If'the unwunt uf ihe FunJ�h�ld by °-�=� <br /> L.ender ut any[ime is nut+ufficien� to pay�he E+crow Items when due.l..ender may,u naify BorrowCr in writing,;uxl,in ��L� <br /> , sunc �uxe Borcower shull puy tc�I.ender the unwunt necessary to makc up [he deticiency. Borrqwer xhull makg,up Ihe � _:;i:�.=�.— <br /> deficiency in nu more thun lwelvr monthly payments,id l.ender'� sde Jiticmiion. !�w'-'��"` <br /> Up�n puymeN in f'ull of all sums srrurcd by thix Secunty Imtn+ment,L.enJcr,hull prompUy refund to Barowcr any !�, t= <br /> �• Funds held by l.ender. If,unJer parogruph 21, l.rnder shall a�quirc��r.ell thc Property, lAnder,prior tu�he ucyuisi�ion or ;.•r• l;r�..._.___. <br /> ' . ' �ulc of the Property.+hull apply any Fund�+held by l.ender W the tin�c of ucyuixil�on��r crle as a r�dit u�nin.r•t,the sums -�J"�• .• --- <br /> 4'. <br /> . secured by this Security Instrumem. <br /> 3. Appli�ratlon of Payments. Unle,� upplicuble law pruvidcs�>thrnvi,ex, ull paymems receivcd by l.ender under ' <br />• ' parugruphti l anJ��hull br upplieJ: iin�,to•rny�►repaymrnt chur�es due under the Notr:�crond,to umounls p�yable under Y:•,�:;��,__ � <br /> ' pnrugruph 2;thinl.W interext due;liiunh.�o principul Jue:•rnJ la�i,��►any 1•rte char�tc�due unde�the Note. . .;T" `'w, <br /> .. 4. Cha�es;Liens. Borruwrr shull pay all �axos, :��x�.mcrns, rharges, �nc�and jmpP+ilions attributable to the •-�-�••_ <br /> • ' Propeny which muy attain priuriry over�hi+Security In.trumrnt. u�� leu,chuld Qaymcntti qr ground rents,if any. Borrower � ';�.;�..�'•_�y�` <br /> ,� . „�:��vi�s�_.-.— <br /> � shall puy the�e i�bligation�in the munner pr�,.•idcJ in paragraph_.ur if nut paiJ m thut�n:mncr,Burn�wcr xhall puy them on A �.,�t„t4,y,, <br /> � time dirertly lu Ihe per�on uwcd paymcnt.Bun•uwer�hull pr��mpl ly 1'urni.h��►Len dcr•r l l noiiccti ol':im��un�s t��he pnid undcr . =- . <br /> � this parugraph. If Borruwer muke+thesc paymcm.dimctly. Horr��wrr+hull prumpUy 1'umi.h 1��l.ender receip��rvidencing �;4�:0'-:_ <br /> � the puyments. ' � <br /> • Borrower.hull prompUy di.chargr any hcn whirh hu�priority over thi�Securiry Instrumrnt unles, Borruwcr: lu1 • . .;,`.''" <br /> ' ' agrees in writing to ihe puyment uf the ubliga�i�m+�curcJ By�he li�n in a manncr arcept;wblr tu lxnikr:Ih►rontestx in goai , , . � ,�`z. <br /> faith the lien by.��r d�tendx oguinxt rnlurrcmem ot'thr lirn m, (rgal pr�xuJin�. which in thr l.rn�kr'.apiniun aperate to � :�•;,._ <br /> ' ; � prevent thc enforcement of�he licn: ur Ir) +ccurc. 1'rom the huldcr uf�hc licn an a�!rremcnt sutist'actory to Lcnder � . - <br />' " zuburdinuting�he I ien to this Serurity Instrument.If LenJrr deierrnines�hu�any pan��f�hr Pn��xny i.suh,ject to a lien which <br /> ° . , may auuin prioriry ovcr�his Sr�urity In�trument,LenJcr muy Liv� Bom�wrr a n��lir� iden�if'yin� tlk lien. Borrower shall � •• <br /> ' satisfy�he Uen or t:ike onc or mure of the uctionx sct tnnh ulx���c wiihiq IU Jay,of thr givi�c uf naicc. <br /> 'i FOrm 30'18 0l90 iNt�:,'1^Mee�� <br /> �; , <br /> BANRERB BVSiEM3-WC.ST.CLOUD.AW 5G304��800�997 2�t�fORM MU�+.NB ?5!� , . <br /> i <br /> � <br /> 4 ' <br /> • � � _ . _ ____ .. _ ._ <br />