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<br /> . . TOGEI'F1E�i W1TH �11 th• Mrp►ovrnaits naw or h�rwfl�r uacl�d w�i IAa p►op+tty. oM +��wn�nls. Wp�++t+ru^c+y, p'�d
<br /> � iu�turw iww a� hw:zftc: a pxrt ot!he pr�tY NI r+�,ta::wrvu►ls�utid�dddiona�Mu11 dso b�cov«�t1 by th1�S�cu+My inatrw►�^t
<br /> � AM of lhe laepak�p is r�l�rnd to In lhi�SocwMY Insk�,mw�l�9 t�o'P?o�arty.' �
<br /> BC1pA01h'ER GOYENANtS that HarowK �g I+wl�y swt�ci ot tha ��Ute heret�y ecmvRyad �nc! h+�s th� H4ht !n W�uil�nd _
<br /> conv�y th� Pro�+ty �nd that th� F'ropM'ty b urmcun�tured. wcupt Icr w�cu:r���cas ot rscard Borraw�r wana�ty and wIY ___.
<br /> dN�tid ponMalry th�iNlt to th�FrapMty aqaYtist�I clafms and d�nundr, sud�cl to any «+cw»br�nr.�s ol��cord
<br /> THIS SECt1HITY INSTRUAAENT cant�nus undam cov�nsnta tor n+Uonal u�� and na7 unNorm cov�nant� wiU�� imit�d
<br /> va►i�tionr Ly ju��a.ilc:la+i to consptut��unMam a�auily�nctrua»nt covwinq nal p+oD�1Y• -
<br /> UNlFORt�1 C04�ENANTS B�xroww and Londw cownant�nd a�r�a au I�No�+'o: 8arowrr shall on wh�n -
<br /> 1. �aym�nt of Prtnclpsi �nd IM�rwt: PrYp�y+�ar!and Lsu Chv��s. Pr wW psY
<br /> dw Ih�prk�cipa�of�d'w�loroit ori tho clobt rlkienc�d by IM No{��u+d anY P�aWY�t�^d la'a char�s dus und�ths Not.+
<br /> 2. Fundt tor 1'sx�s and Inw�snca.SuC{�ct tc aPPiic+b�Uw or to�writt�n w�uvK by lsndw. 8ortowK sh�Y pay
<br /> to Lw�der on cha d+►y nwnih,Y�ym�nts u� dus w:d« th� Not�. w�t�I t10 tYots k paki in k+.� i fiUi�l (•€u��1��� f��v�
<br /> taxes nrd�asessmwile wAlch rrwy a1Wn p�torihr ovK thls S�curfty Inatnunwit u • H�n on th� Pr°MnY: (b) �od insunnc�► -
<br /> WY�^�s or pround ��nts on th� Prop�ty. H any: (c)Y�uN haiard a propwtY k►sura�c�Wnn�funw: (d) Y�Y
<br /> pr�r�iuma.fl any: (�) ywry rr.ortyaye insuru�ce pr�niums.H�ny:anJ(Q�ny wms payaW�by Borroww to l�ndw fn accordanco
<br /> with th� provislons ol parnprapA 6, in liw af th� paym�nt of nwrtqaQ� inwrar.0 pn+Nums. Th�t� itwn� �ro c�d 'Escrow
<br /> n�ns.• L�nd�. may, at�ny Wne. coKact Rnd Aold Funds in an �n►ount not to �ccNd fha nw�kiw++� artwunl• I�ndK lor •
<br /> fadar�Ry r�41ed mottg�ye loan may r1q�G� (w Bort'owe�b escrow �ccount und�r 1hM i�r� Rwl EstaU S�ttterrwnt Proc��ra
<br /> Act W 16T4 sa amend�d kom tLne to tinu+.12 U.&�.�2801 et saq. ('RESi'A'). unbss auathw law that ��s to thr F�nds
<br /> saAe a lass�t�nwunt. H so, lender may�at any Llnw, coY�ct and t+old Funds in an �mounl nol to �cc�sd Nui Issstx anKxnt
<br /> Landar may atkn�t�the amwu►t ot fwtids dua on th�b�cls of curtw�t data and nasonabl� ssWnstas of exPe^dit�tras a!luture
<br /> Escrow Itama or otharwiso in accordancM with�ppYc�ble uw. naUwiwnta�AY. or�ntity(�nclucin9
<br /> TM Funds shaY bQ haid in an InstiWNon whoae depodts ar�hsund by�t�dwal ay�ncY• �
<br /> Lendar, d Lend�r is such an institution) or in any F�danl Home 4oan Bank. L�nd�r �hall+PP►YM sacro�ecount, or'v s�lfYlr►�
<br /> Itwns. L�nc{ar m�y not charq�Borrow�r tor hofdlnq and apVN�9 th�Funds. �u►ualy ��9�ta Lend�► to mak� wch •
<br /> th� Escrow R«na, unlou L�c►dr pays Bortowr nt�nst on th� Funds pnd apalicshl�
<br /> chargs. Howwa, Lendor rt►�y rpuk� Bortowa to pay � onatim� ehar�� for an ind�P�ndant rw1 �staU eaz raportiny sKV{es
<br /> ussd by l�ndw in conoectbn wilh this loan, u�less appYc+il� kw provld�s othwrlu. UNoss �n sgrwr►�►t is tn�de or
<br /> appYcabl�law requkas interest to be p�d, LendK s1uN r.ot be required to pay Eiortower�ny Intr�st or wminps on th�Funds.
<br /> Botrowar�nd Lender may agrw in wridin9. howev�t, that tntrat sha8 ba paW on 4he Funda. Lw►ckr shall ��1wl�kh �ach
<br /> �h�� �y�, an ynnual aa;punting of the Funds. showing crodits and d�bits to lh� Funds and th+Du�P�se
<br /> d�bit to th�Fundc was m�d�. Th�fu�xts us plsdyed as addiUorwl s�curitY lor�II sums=°cu�*d by tht Suc�Y�^s��^t.
<br /> !f th�Funds h�id by L�ndx exc�ed the anaunb p�rt�ttad to W h�ld by�+b�law. LendK sha0�ccoix�t to BarowM
<br /> for the�xoas Funds in accordanu with ths nqufr�n�nts ot appkaa6f�I�w. it tM u�wvnt ot th�Furtda M!d by L�r►dw ot �ny
<br /> tims is not wfbci�nt to pay th�Esc.�ow Items when du�,Lander maY so �otiN Bortow�r h writk►q.and. In wch case 8ar�°r
<br /> shaY pay to Lendx the amount nac�cxary to m�ic�up the d�6rJancy. 9ortower ahall m�k� �P the d�6d�r►a1t in no rtwro lhan
<br /> Lw�k�monU�l7f PaY�ts,at Londer's sGe d'iscrofion. rehu►d to Botrowr any Funds
<br /> UPon P+Y�� ln tuY ot all swm sccunol by tt�Is �ity InsWrtwnt. Len�shaN P�PVY or saN of the
<br /> heid by Lend�►. N� wtidw Para9r�Wh 21,Lend�r shal acyuin or seN tM PropertY.Under.Wio►W th��cquisitio^
<br /> proparty,shaN �y�1y sny Funds hdd by Lende at the tina o!acqui�n or sab as a cn�it ap�ntl th�sums sscund by this
<br /> Sactuiry Instrument. ts r�sd b Landrr undK
<br /> 3_ ApplkatlOn of PaymW�Rs. Unkss spplk'�abls taw provides othMwBe. aN P+Ymen Y
<br /> P�9�� 1 �nd 2 ahall be �ppli� tfrst. t0 NY P��WYn�t G� dt1Q URfNf 1hA NOU; a�cond.to amounts WY��^'�
<br /> parapraph 2:thkd,to Intrest due:t��e,to principal due: and Isst.R�any Iate cAus�.e dua undK'the Note.
<br /> 4. Chu�s; W�ts. Borrower shaN pay �I t�xes. �sssssmar+ts, charges. fina and iimFositions atofbutabM to ihfl�
<br /> __—.Pr!Y±�rN which ro�y_aftah c+io�QY ovx thls Ssc�uiry Instrurtw►1,�nd basehoki payt�snta a�round ronts.H a�sy. BoROww shall
<br /> Lh!!!i.. - -
<br /> •• it'i�i-n�ii'di.:a�.°.r.TC::w.0!'�-�: �.. ...—::.-.-__
<br /> ---- . WY th�e cDl�ntlone 'in the m�nn�r Provid�d in pi�i�n 'r. or a rtai p�o
<br /> direety to ths p�►son ow�d payment. Barowrr sh�1 prorr�tiY fiimfsh to L�n��11 nodc�s of unounis la 3a pi3.i untln L��s
<br /> paraqraph. H Borrower makes theso payments d'ir�f}r. Borrower shall O��PtiY tumish W Zw�iAr ��ca1PU ev1d�^� �""�'
<br /> WY�"�• uver thts Security+ tnstrument em?ass Borrov+ar: (ay agr�ee 'v+
<br /> Bar�wer shall promPtlY disoiwnJe anY Nen wh�h has P�Y
<br /> writiny to ths payrt�st ol the obilq�Uon secured by the tien in � rtwx�er wcce�ble ta Lend�r: (b) coM�sls in 9��h th�
<br /> fian by,flr defe�sds acg�net enforcenw►t ot the li�h. tsqa! proceedin9s which in the LendK's opiNen op�te to Pnr�nt the
<br /> entorae�anS oi 1hQ�x►:a (c) seeaues trom the hokkr o1 the Yon an sgtaanent aatisfadory W Lander sui�adin+tY►9� 2Rits
<br /> lhis Smra:�2�;��sttixr�ee�t.8 Lender�rtnlnes that any p�rt of thv E�ertY is wbjed to a Wen�'.tiT.h may atWn Prio+RY
<br /> Socir2yr k��ument. i�may�,Y:e Bortower a notice 1dw►tifyirx,y'I�ra Yw�.Borrower shal satis�Pyr 3t�Yen or tak�on�u mo��� .
<br /> tM�qions set fath�bove withit+10 c�ays of t�e 9ivins of nottcw
<br /> 5. Hsrara or Prop��ty Inauranc�. BortowK shal ictep the irnprovamants now exktiny or hrMtt�r�nct�d on��
<br /> property insured a�irssi foss by fre. h�z�rds inciuded wilhln the tertn "axtend�d covtny�' arul any otha f'v�frds. hck+di'�9
<br /> tloods or Aoaclny.4ac•which Landr�equkss inwnnce. This inwnace sh�b�mdntah�d h the amounts�ta*.31or th�p«bds
<br /> that Le�ivr�puires. The insumet�cartiK Pro�'idlny th�instxstrce shall be chow� by BoROwK subjsct �bo lsndr's a�xc's+ot
<br />- whictc sbwl not b� un�ea�sor►�biY �t7'.he(d. M Barowar faiis�.m�intain wvKa9e deaaibM abar+a L�ulr may. at�en��s
<br /> option,c�nin cov�a9e to protect ter�'s riyhts in th�Pr�ec!�i�•accord�nce wwithh para9r�pb D. ��. Lendar .
<br /> !�1 Insurance �s and ren�wala ahaM�e s,xeptaWe U Lender and sh� indude w standud siwct�e
<br /> sts3°�a the ti�h!Lo hold the PoYcies�nd ro+err�fs. M(.�t►cM►nquirea.Batn.^wu sh�P++onWdY qhs to ��T4�or a� rocaipts el
<br /> Paid,�vmkims and reauwal notic�s. In ttia w�ni olloss. Bortowet shal qWe{x�ompS�oi(c�to tfN hwranoe rartier and Len6a.
<br /> L�nd�r,+►yy m�ke proot o1 bss if not mad�prcxr►pUy by Borrower:
<br /> Ur�ss Lender and Bortow�r othawtss s�g�e �n writing. ins�xanc�proc�sds shaM be aFpied to rosYaaUon or npat of tfie
<br /> propsrtyr damaQed,fl ths rostoraUon o�r�pair fs econu+nlo+AY faasible and Lander's security u rt�'t iessan�d. M the ratoraticrt or
<br /> repalr Is not economfc,oYy teasibN c► La�d�r's sw^.ar'�y would be lessened.the'r,s�uance pnoceeds shaN b��tied to th�sixns
<br /> a�our�d by ttaa Socuciry InsUttmen4 whetha or ~�cG'tl+en due. wRh any exoess Paid to Bwrowar. H B�zrrc+�er aband�►s t�+e .
<br /> Propxty, or does not answer wiihln 30 days a :xsG7a irom lender that the inss:uwvice urrier has ottered tz�s�tLe a cf�m,ttfen
<br /> Ucsd�r may calsc4 the insuranc� proceeds. Leneer may usQ tR�proae�ds ta rq�afr or restoro the ProFe+=Y u to pay wan
<br /> s�csic,ed tsy this Security IrisUument,whethar or not than due. TkWc Stl-day pe�iod wiN begln when the noUce is given.
<br /> ri►�R Lrwl�r and Borroww otMrwlsa ayrao in wr:t�.g: �;� j+PP�� o} pracoods ta prindpnl Ehdl not �� a
<br /> pos�one the d�ee iLtite of tha monthly paynxnts retertod to h patayraphs 1 and'1 or chanqe ihe amo�ut+,v:'.,`Kr �}ms�w• !!
<br /> uncMr p�rayraph Y7� it+e Proparty is acqukW by lender. Bonowar's right W any hsurance poilcias and pcucea�ds resukk►g fMm
<br /> d�rn�ge to tha Property prior to the acquls'itlon shaY pass to l�nd�t to the extent ot the stms by th:s So�xuitY Instru�t
<br /> iirra�2eifl P�+to th�acquititla+.
<br /> 6. Occuoancv, Pr�s�va�ia►. �Aai�nanca and Probctton of ttw �roperty: Borrowsr's Loan
<br /> . � .,...�a�r;��.�
<br /> Appljcitioil; I.+��MhOlds. Bonowx shaA ocaE+Y, ataDilsn, �nd uce tix rroperiy as 8onuw::s µ:w'4.r..,..�...»
<br /> scdy days aRx the axscution oi tFaa Secwih Instrument and shall continue to ecc7uPY the Prtip�rty as Bartowet's p�rinaipd
<br /> »sidsnce b►at ts�st one y�ar after the date ot occuparx.•y. unkss Lender othawise aprees in writing�whkt+ conseni s� not
<br /> be unressonsWy wahheld. or untess exunwfiny circumstanoes exiat whkh are bryotid Bortower's conVOl. Boaower shW not
<br /> dastroy. dvnaqe e►wnpair t6o Pro{x�ty.saow the Proprty to detedor�. or cam�t wute on the Proporty. BaROw�r�resuQ .
<br /> dafwft il any fortature action or procesdi�►g. whdher civil or crirri�wl. is begun tRat in Lenda's yood fakh lud9n►�
<br /> .�:u-ts�s.�at:h�!':=;••�•^•!+tnrrwise matcri�lly imoak tt�Yen cxaat�d by thia Sec�uity Instrumant or Lendar's security interesL
<br /> F537b.LFA6(3f9BI �
<br /> a.oe2as �
<br /> 86174
<br />