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� <br />�� <br />� <br />m <br />� � <br />c� � <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />G� <br />. <br />� <br />. <br />� <br />�' <br />After Recording Return To: <br />GREAT WESTERN BANK <br />200 E lOTH STRE�T SUZTE 100 <br />3IOT7X FALLS, SD 57104 <br />(605) 334-2548 <br />ATTN:MORT4AGE DEPARTMENT <br />Prepared 8y: <br />�,oR2 xvsiC�x <br />GREAT WESTERN BANK <br />1235 N STREET, PO BOX 83009 <br />LINCOLN,NE68508 <br />(605) 334-2548 <br />�, M <br />—� � <br />ry '�' P <br />� �'. ":7 w <br />rey �t'-� �' � <br />�� � <br />� i <br />, � i <br />rti r ,. <br />�_ <br />O <br />� <br />k ; <br />�'� <br />�a <br />Rt <br />�Spuce Abuve'I'his I.ine For Recording patu� <br />DE�D OF TRUST <br />z <br />� <br />r <br />� r. <br />� �' c�' C7 <br />° �' O <br />c. _ � � • <br />� � �� <br />z � � n " I <br />F--� ° c7 -�, G7 <br />cx� �-, � <br />� � � <br />� b cz' I " Y ' I <br />3 r� �.' � <br />r" r <br />� ��� <br />� <br />A <br />O � <br />W ft> <br />c� m <br />d <br />� <br />wxxzL <br />Loan #: 1111056962 <br />PIN: 400424231 <br />MIN:lOD125711110569621 <br />DEFINfTiONS <br />� <br />rv <br />c� <br />�--► <br />w <br />� <br />� <br />C.) <br />^-�7 <br />Cl� <br />��'�U <br />Words used in multiple sections of this document are d�fined below and other words arc dcfined in Sections 3, 1 1, <br />13, 18, 20 and 21. Certain rules regarding the usage of words used in this document are also provided in Sectian 16, <br />(A) "Security lnstrument" means this document, which is dated JANUARY 10, 2011 together with all Riders <br />to this document. <br />(B) "Borrower" is DANTEL A W�N�L, A SINGLE PERSON. F3orrawcr is the trustor under this Sccurity <br />lnstrument. <br />(C) "I�ender" is GREA�' WESTERN SANK. Lender is a CQRPORATION organizcd and existing under thc laws af' <br />SOU'TH nAxOTA. Lender's address is 20o E IOTH STREET SLTITE 100, SIOUX FALL9, SD 57104. <br />(D) " Trustee" is GREAT WEST�RN HANK. <br />(E) "M�RS" is Martgage Electronic Registration 5ystems, Inc. MF1ZS i5 a separate corporation that is acting solely <br />as a nominee for Lender and Lcnder's successors attd assigns. MERS is the beneficiary under this Security <br />Instrument. MGRS is organized and existing under thc laws of I�elawarc, and has nn address and telephone number <br />of P.Q, Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501-2026, tel, ($88) 679-MEKS. <br />(F) "Note" mcans the promissory note signed by f3orrower �nd dated JANLTARY 10, 2011. The Note statcs that <br />Borrower awes Lender ONE TiLTNDRED TT�IENTX-FOUR THpUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED ANA OD/100 <br />Dollars (U.S. $124, 800. 00) plus interest. �3orrower has promised to pay this debt in re�ular Periodic Payments <br />and to pay the debt in flrll npt lafer than FEBRUARY �., 2041. <br />(G) "Property" rneans the propercy that is described below under thc hcading "Transfer of Rights in the Property." <br />NEBRASKA--Singlc Family--Fannic Mac/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INtiTRUMF.NT <br />�:� 338.2 Page I of 12 Furm 3U2R 1/Ill <br />� <br />� <br />2 <br />� <br />C <br />� <br />� <br />Z <br />0 <br />