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The grantors are MARK J <br />MORAVEC and J[II)Y KAY MORAVEC, HUSBANll AND W1FE, who5e address is 2804 KINGSTUIV Clli., <br />GRANll ISLAND, Nebraska 68803 ("Borrower" $orrower is not necessarily tlie same as the Person or PerGOns <br />wlio sign the Equity � I,ine of Credit ("Contract"). The ohligations of 13orrowers who did not sign the C��ntract. <br />are explained further in the section titled Successars and Assigns Sound; .Joint nnd Sever�l Li:�bility; <br />Accommodatio�a Signers. T�ie trustee is Arencl R. l3nnck, Attor��ey wl�ose address is P.O. Rox 790, Gr�nd <br />lsland, Nebraska 68802 ("Trust�e"). T'lze bene�ciary is Home Feder�l Savings & Lo:�u Associatiou of Grand <br />Island, wl�icl� is organized and existing under the laws of the [Jnited States of America azid wtzose addreG� is 221 <br />South I�ocust Street, Cra�td lsland, Nebraska 6S8U1 ("Lender"). MARK .T MnRAVFC and JUUY KAY <br />MORAVEC have entexed izrto a(:ontract with Ler�der as of Deceinber 27, 2UlU, under the termti of which <br />Borrowez �nay, f.rom time to time, obtain advances not to exceed, at �►tty time, a'"x*MAXINILIM NI21NC�.1'Al, <br />AM(]UNT (EXCLUUING Ylt()'1'EC'I'tVE ADVANCES)*** of Tliirty-five Tlaousand and 00/100 llollars <br />(U.S. $35,UUU.UO) ("Credit Limil"). Any party inCerested in the details related to Lender's continuin� obligation to <br />n�ake advances to i3orrower i5 advised to consult directly with Lender. If not paid earlier, the sums owii�g under <br />Borrower's Coritract with Lender will be due and payable on J��iunry 15, 2016. This Securi�y lnstrument secure� <br />to Lend�r: (a) the repayment of the debt under the Contr�ct, witl� interest, includin� firture advataces, �nd all <br />reizewals, extensions and rnoditicalions af tlie Contract; (b) the payment of all ather srims, with interest, advanccd <br />to protect tl�e security ol this Security Instrument under ihe provisions of tlie sectioi� titled Protection of Lender's <br />Rights in tlae Yroperty; and (c) ttze performance of Borrower's covenaz�ts a��d a�reerY�en�s under t}ais Security <br />Instrument and the Contract. Pc�r this purpose, B��rrower, in consideration of the debt and tlie tn�st herein created, <br />ir�•evocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, tt�e followin� described property located in <br />tlte COUNTY of HALC�, State of Nebraska: <br />Address: 2804 KINGS'TON CIR, GRANI) ISLANU, Nebraska 6R803 <br />Legal Description: L(JT FIVE (5) 1MPERlAL VILLAGE FIF1'H SU131)lVISIUN '1'O 'i'HF, C'1TY (�1+ <br />GRANU ISIaAtV.l), HALI� �'C)UN7'Y, NELiRASKA <br />TOGETHER WITFI all the improvemenCs now or hereafter erected oz� tkie property, and all ea5ements, <br />appurtenances, �nd fixhires now or hereafter a part c�f the property. E111 replacetnet�ts and additions shall also be <br />covered by this Security Instrutttent. All of the foregoing is referred to in t}�is Security Instrument as the <br />"Property." <br />BORRQWER CUVENAN7'S that 13orrower is lawfiilly seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to <br />grant aiid cot�vey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except 1i�r encumhrances of record. <br />L3orrower warrctnts and will del'eii�l generally tk�e title to t}ae Pr�operty a�ainst all clainis ancl cleza.iancls, subject to <br />any encumbrac�ces of record. <br />Borrower and t,ender covenant and agree as £ollows: <br />P�yment of Principal and la�terest; Other Charges. Borrawer shall pror�iptly pay when Uue the principal of and <br />interest on tl�e debt owed under the Contract aud late cl�arges or any c�ther fees �id charges due under the Contr�ct. <br />Applicable I�tlw. As uGed in this Security Instniment, the term "Applicable i,aw" sh111 tnean all coi�trolling <br />applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and administrative rules a�ad orders (that h�ive <br />the effect of law) as well as all applicable final, non-appealable judicial opinions. <br />Clastrges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assesstYients, charges, fi�tes and inipositic>ras attributable to tlie <br />Yroperty which may attain priority over this 5ecurity lnstrumez�t, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. <br />At the request of Ler�der, Borrawer shall proizaptly fiirnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br />Borrawer shall procnptly discharge any lien wt�ich has priority over this Secua�ity Instrument unless Bor��ower: (a) <br />agrees in writing to the payment of tk�e obli�ation secured by tl�e lien in a mamier �cce��table to Lender; (b) <br />contests in good faitki tt�e lien by, or del'ends against enforcemenl af tl�e ]ien in, lcgal pro�: i�editigs which in the <br />Lender's opinion operale to prevent the enforcemen�. of tlie lien; or (c) secures fi�om the Ir:�lder oF tlae liex� an <br />agreement satisfactory to l�ender subardin�ting the lien to this Security Iz�strumeitt. Ii� Lende deterrnines that any <br />part ol the Property is subjecC lo a lien wl�iclt may aCtain priority over this Security lr�strume�5t, Leiicler iYZay give <br />��� 2004-2010 Cornp�ianre Systcros, Inc Ei0I3-1�SD5 - 2010.03.t7R � <br />Cnnswncr Rc�l Esliitn- tieci�rii� Instrumcnt DL2pJ6 PaEt I nf 5 ���vw.cmm� <br />� <br />� <br />�/] <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />a <br />� � ,7U <br />