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/d!'�11 1�. t .���`'��y�f 4'�� 1 \�- �i�✓���i'.i,�S•�J .1_ . � ..i .�� .��:, j�� ..� n_.. <br /> ` ( . �� S�)� � �r i'i,G }lVl� • �4�.L511T,�_'y"��.'- .I�1 i/�Lc:�`� ..... �i_.__�._... ... . �.....� <br /> ' � �j, :)`�},�{ i j slFti la � M � � 3��� � ��" .. <br /> �•�.j .a•ll.w�+l�i i ,V��..Si.�,.u�..(r �-t�N�}��ti�!li���'���._+r.i �,��',., � _� ��.+..fkre ' - - <br /> ���..4�� J I' } �. ' 11 !�:��. <br /> "'y, . . ..-t��y ;,11i�, • , �. - - <br /> i� a <br /> ily'1.� y. <br /> „ .t;.y�•'j.�*����._:.. - --- .-r.'�--.- <br /> .�.. -- - - - _ - - - <br /> -'-- <br /> _ � ' • LOAN # 010823033 -`� <br /> .:�� •r.:;�:;'•;: • CAROb I � <br /> f'�' ��: , �� ':.'�� • � --- - � <br /> �- �., � a2� <br /> �.� -� ��;�.�;��:�. 10�2�5 _. <br /> nii�"�.�¢i+e�.n.tifT�''���'. .. <br /> �°i',�1.�`�'h�'r�;�:J'nr� � <br /> �����=m� 1-4 FAMILY RIDER - <br /> .1:� ;; Assignment of Ytents -�_-- <br /> i A <br /> ,�.,r... , --- <br /> ' '���'s+.,.�:. �. THIS I-4 FAMILY R1DFR is made this 15TH dAY�` MAY • 92 � <br /> -- �;:..o��,..�,,.,: .. � -�• ----� <br /> �,�„�, ,a�,„ , and is incorparated into und shall ba deemed to amend end supplement thc Mongagc. Deed ot'Tnrst or Sccurily <br /> ..°, � . [�cd (�he "Secu�ity lostrument") of thc aeme date given by the u�xiersigaed (the "Borrower") Ro tecure <br /> I_��tji�,�Y..:.7t!C.:L� ' . r <br /> �TM—f l:, �,�,;h�.�. •.� � �orcawer s Note lo CQNMERGIAL FEOERAL MORT6AGE CpRPORATION <br /> -.rr:.<��,�W. =�. .. <br /> � ,.,. �. , • (the"Lcnder") <br /> ,�!. . . <br /> � �� af Ihe same datc and covering the Property de�cribed in the Security lnstrumeui and located at: _;-='� <br /> —..,:r..�.�..._::,�aci.�R�.i <br />-����,�-�-=-- --- 5TH � WALNUI'. OONIPHAN. NE 68832 �------ <br /> ;�:;�-,..�. . �:__--- <br /> :Sf•� • <br /> w 1� �- <br /> �Pmperry Addrcss) <br /> _z_"�` . _ _ - ---- __ <br /> !-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In Additian t�the covenants and ngreements made in the Security Instrument, <br /> �`'3 . � Borcower and l.endcr further coven:u+t and ugree as iblbws: � <br /> '�'���'�� �R+;�i:'�`•rJ�:';;:�' ':�': A. AUDITIONAI.PROPERTY SUBJECT TU THE SECURITY 1NSTRlIMENT. In addition to �he �p� <br /> ,:��;;,,, c;,:.�..;;: -,.;. pre�eny desrrit+ecl in the Serurity Insirument,ihe following items ar�e added to�he Property description, nnd �h�ll ;_ <br /> . ,v�� .: r, � Pe Y Y ty B ePP � ry �i -•�: <br /> ;�� ��Eo�;��� ,; ,,,,� t � also constimte the Pro n covered b t he S ecuri lnstrument: bu i l din materi a ls, l iances a n d o o ds o f e v e , <br />.'i.,;. !i �.,� ,, ��r•.-, na�ure whatsoever now or hereafter located in. on. or used, or intended to be used in connaction wlth the . <br /> •=>;,;;;: . r;,,,;;,° ��X,,,�,_.- <br /> ,,:,r , �;. ., . , :}� Property. including, but not limited to. those far the purposes of supplying or distributing heating, caoling. <br /> <<,y't, � � t �� clectriciiy, gas, water, air and light, fire psev�ntion and extinguishing apparatus, security and access controf �v������r-�--- <br /> ••��.;� <br /> ;; .� ' .�r� ��." � f,,, apparatus. plumbing, bath tubs,water hea[ers, waler closets, sinks, ranges, stoves, rcf�igeratora, dishwAShers. ,.;,' '.'`;.Y��:�"" <br /> l�f��' .:'1,�::,1�.,�:,'�•�tr' !.'A'��iz.��,�:.:n- <br /> :�"� G disposola, wushers, dryers.awnings, storm windows. starm doars. screens, blinds,shades,cunains and cuiWn ,��;�,,; , <br /> :�'i���.�� ' .����ei�_�i,�ti;qr..t,.r f�'�i�.`. t�'��4��� �� <br /> ���' .+:,��,l�':-;,•�;,:.,. rads.attnched mirrors, cabinets,panelling and aquched floor coverings now or he�eafter anached to the Property, ��� ��'�° <br />�._;ti.����.i� .••t,.:Jt'•1t�.� � � i'..).;,�'�Y� il�F1'�.t��-- <br /> , ������ all of which, including replacements and addieians ther+eto, shull be deemed to be and remain A part af�he �;'�'� -• <br /> ! `'''• ;��'��% ,�'.%'�'��?��' Pro A covered b the Securi� Instrument.All of Ihe foregoing togetAer with �he Properry descritsed in d�e �,�,... � -- <br /> . •. r„�.•.,:�::,; . • Pe Y Y Y =_ <br /> ' f ;°��?,�r;;��lr. ':. : Sexurity instrument(or the leaschold cstate if the Security Instniment is on A leasehold)ere referad to in this l-4 - <br /> "�:�.`;'';,..;::.,• . Pamily Rider and the Sccurity Inswment as the ••Property.,• <br /> •;�,,��".;:�=,-. . ' B, USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Barn�wer shell not seek, agnez to or make a _ _�. <br /> . ' chenge in the uso uf the Property or it�zoning classification,unl��ss L.ender hus agteed in writing to�he change. �. '"'° ' <br /> � �� ' ' � Sorrower zhwll comply with all law�, orcli�wnces, regulations and requic+ements of any governmentul body �,.,r ,.,`.. <br /> ' . " appticablc�n thc Pmpctty. ' <br /> • C.SUBORp1NATE LI�NS. 6xcept us permitted by fcderal law. Borrower shnl l not allow any Ifen inferior �-�••-�--� <br /> �� ... to the Scrurity Instrumcnt to hc perfcct��i aguintit the Property withuut I.ender's prior written permis9fon. �4 � :"'r�_ <br /> • D.RL+NT I.OSS INSURANCE.Bum�wcr shall maintain insuronce aguinst rent loss in addition to Ihe uther �a—,_ " <br /> . � Iwutrds f'or which insuruncc is rtyuired by Unifcirm C�venunt S, �_°�_���- <br /> � B.••BORROVVER'S RIGNT TO REINSTATF"DELETED.Unifortn Covenant 18 is deleted. [``�?r-�- <br /> i ' -.ti"�-- <br /> ' F. BORROWER•S (�CUPANCY. Unlcss l.endcr and Botrowc���thenvisc aqree in writing. the flrst p'A�T.,-�-_.. <br /> � � sentence in Unifortn Covennnt 6 concerning Bnrrower's accupancy of the Propeny is deleted. All reanaining � •���'� ^� <br /> " , c�nvenunts and agreements set forth in Unifonn Cuvcnont 6 shall remuin in effect. �=��;��,;- <br /> • G. ASSIGNMEN7'OF LEASES. Upnn l.endcr's rcquest.Bormwer shall as�ign to Lender ull leases of the �'°°�:. :� x� � <br /> �`• ..,. <br /> � Property und all security deposits made in canncction with Icases uf thc Propert}�. Upon the assignrnern,Lender . <br /> • shall hav��hc right to modify,extend or tcrmin:atc�hc cxi,ting leaus anJ to execute new leases,in Lender's sole <br /> � , � � discre�ion.As useci in this paregrnph G, the word "leuge"shnll mean"subles�se" iithe Security Inst�umrnt ison '•�.u�.a_•�-___ <br /> e e <br /> � . a leasehold. ;ki���{:�.,„;"�..� <br /> ' MULTISTATE 1-4 RAMILY NIDEti•Fmnl�MalFr�ddl�Nhc Unlfwm Instrum�nt Form 3170 91lO . ., <br />. .. . •. Pp��o�t � . - . <br /> . � <br /> ` <br /> � MUL718TA7E MC�303S(REV04/81) . <br /> • , . <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> . �, •, � <br />