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<br /> n• • �-- -Y'" . •--� . . - -- . . ' �S "' -1 .- , t„(- . � .. _ � . . -), tLt1`1•.�..q.
<br /> � � .. y, . .i..S� � -t t-' �. . _ ' • . . :.1.� , aJ�i _�N-� I��t�i—�
<br /> `.€. .... ,.v,' ��Sr�r��r».«.�,'�c'. �'l�.v�,�y i��7tU`l!?�a!#�q:�TN�� ,1, .r` _. _ .
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<br /> �� „ .�' 17.Tm�wter o�Ilw Property or o&neliciol Interest in Ibrrnwer.If rll or any pah nf�he Propcny ar any iMercsl in it a,,�..-,_-
<br /> ,� , ��: � ix rai1J or Irnnwfcrrcd(nr if u hcncl'iciul �mcrc��in Fi��rrowcr ix w�ld or tran�fcrRJ und F�►rrowcr ir MH u nalural pena�n)wUh�ut
<br /> , .. l.cndet'x priur wriucn cununt, lA:ndcr muy. �� ite nplion, rcyuia� imn�cdiutc paynwnt in fuU nt' ull �ums �crurcJ hy �his
<br /> .'.• � ��,,?�•ti;: • SecurUy Instrunxm. However, thir�1ion�h�ll M►t F+e exercizal by I.encler if exerci�e ix pr��hibitod by iudcr�l lyw ur uf 1he clwe
<br /> • uf'Ihis Sccu�ity Instru�n�nt.
<br /> � ,.,� If I�;ndcr.RCrciX� thix uJ�Nn�,l.�r��lcr tihall give f�irn�wer nulice�►f urcelerution. 'fhc nutice rtudl pruvide u peri�l uf nW
<br /> ', . •. ° - ' Ic+y lhan il►duy, fr.�m �hc datc�he n�►�lcc i�dclivcrcd ��r rtwil�al within which &�m�wcr mu�t puy ull Kumx �ocuraf hy thfx �; :--:.�_
<br /> ,. " Sccurily In�uunknt. If lii�trnwer fuilh�o pay thcu:nums prfor to�he cxpiruuun�►f thic perial.l.cndcr nwy�nvnko uny remodie� a��v -�----`_ •-`
<br /> � permiu�i by thix Sccurity lourumi:ot with��u� Ihrthc�noticc ur demund on&�rr�►wcr. _
<br /> ' •__ !8, Borrnwcr's ttlRht to RclntiYalc. If Qnrruwcr mccts ccrtuin condidons, Bormwer +hnll huvc the right �n havc �-----.-_�,_-.:.
<br /> • -
<br /> � ' '. enl'onement �►f�his Securi�y Inurumem dini:aMinued a� uny �ime prfor�o the ea�lier of: lu1 3 doyti I��r guch Mhcr perlod ns _ _
<br /> ' �pplicubla luw mny xpucify fi�r rcinxtutemcm) t>efore sale of Ihe Property pursuant to uny power nf sule contained in thir
<br /> , G - ' ', Sccurlty Inslnimenl;�r(h)cntry of u judgmcnt enf�rcing this;Sixurity Inslrument. Those canditions ure thut&�rrowcr: (a)paye _-�-
<br /> l.cnder all sumx which thcn would bc due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if na ncceleration had accurnd; (b) _-
<br /> ' � curcz uny defouU of Any ��ther �nvenonts or Agreements; (c) pays all expenses inwrred in enfi�rcing thix Secu�ity Inctrument, �_
<br /> including, but mil limiled to, �ear,onablc attorncys' fecs:and(d)takes such action aE Lendcr muy rcASOnably requjre to nasuro Y
<br /> thot the lien of this Sccurity Instrument, l.cnder', rights in the Propeny and Borrower's obligation ta pny the sums secumd by '�`�'�- _
<br /> • thih Secu�ity Instrument shull continuc unchangcd. Upon rcinstutemcnt by Borrower, this Secuuty lnstrument and tho �>'--
<br /> � ��lig�lionx sci:ur«I hereby xhul l remain lully effective�if no ucceleratiuo iia�l occurt�i. Huwrver, tinir rigot�u rrinslale shull r= ------ �-
<br /> ' ` not apply io Ihc cu.,c of�ccicratiun u�xicr par.�grapfi !7. __ __ - - --
<br /> 19. Sale oi' Note; Clwnge oP I.own Scrvicer. The Note or a p3nial interest in the Note(togetbe� with thi� Secudty
<br /> , Instn�mc�t)may ix�old un�:or morc timcs wilhnut prior notice to Borrnw•er. A snle may r��sult in a change in ihe entity(known �
<br /> as thc'Loan Scrvi�tir')that collucts monthly paymcnts duc under the Note und�his Securiry Instrument. There olso may be a� -_
<br /> � '' or morc clwnQcs oi thc La�n S�rvicer unrclatrd to u sale uf thc fVote.!f thcrc is a chAn�Re of the l.oan Servicer. Borrower will be
<br /> .;;,�•��;r ,, �_ given wrillrn rkNice in thc ch;�nge io acrordan�e with parugraph 14 ubovc and appfi:.ahtc law.Thc noticc wil!state the n�me w�d �'=- .--- -
<br /> "''���'` � nddrexs of the new l.oan Seni�rr And the add�esc to which paymenls shuuld be madc.The natice will also contadn any other �...
<br /> ":' . `„",.•::: >,r� ':��-:�
<br /> '.1:.,:;.'.�.; . �,�:�?;�i�;�;�: ; inti�rniatinn rcquircd by applirablc law. ,,_
<br /> ; :.�.; , ", � . 20. Hauudaas tiubst�nces. Borrowcr shall not causc or pe.rmit thc presence, usc, disposal, slorage, ar rclease ai any ��;�:'.��;.�;.,,.�
<br /> ..,; i,r.::t:,.��:�.•.-._.
<br /> '.�� ;.:.• , : , H:�ardaus Subx�anccs un or in the Property. Borrower shall n�t da, nar allaw anyane else ta do. anything affecting �he ,t.;.,,�,�.;P.�;.�-___
<br /> '.';' ' ' �`'�:� P�operty that is in violatiun i�f any Environmental Law. The preceding iwo scntences shall nat apply to�he presence,use, ar ,!�;+;���1�lA,° --
<br /> �'� storage on Ihe Pruperty ��f small quuntities��f Haaardous Substances�hat are gene�ally recagnized to be appropriace ro nornial �'��''����E��.��
<br /> • ��'` msidcntial uscs vnd to maintenancc of thc Pro rt � �y�� '- �
<br /> P� Y• i:•-;�••,,-,_�-
<br /> . 't,,;•,;.,,
<br /> ;.. , Borrowcr shall promptly givc Lcndcr writtcn noticc of any invcx�igatian,rlaim, demand, lawsuit nr otficr ac�ion by any �:v./-�.~,,,�_
<br /> � �: � . governmenwl or r�gula�ury ugency ur privute party involving the P�operly and any Ha�ardous Subslance ar Environmental Luw `
<br />. '!''•''''; of which Bonawcr has ac�ual knowlcclgc. If Borrowcr Icurnc,Of IS IIOl1�ICtI I�y AAy i:OVCT11R1�OlAI Oi fCgUTAIOry aUlllOrlly, t'hat �. � f•`•��?`!l •`�.�
<br /> r�•,. ;:i ,; . •.�f•P�. �.�
<br /> ,-��;,;: �'. � ' any rermwal or other mmedialion��f any Hazardaus Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Barrower shbll p�omp�ly take r,P;•:�`�).r;••�;,_•,>�� �: • �
<br /> all neccssa rcmcdiala�tions inacrordancc with Envi�onmental l.aw. ��..<<;` ;•}'�•`" s
<br /> _'"��',.° �__,�. .� ry , ., • �. ., • r.'�r}.,_�'- - - .
<br /> A1 4�'li 10 IYIIA PA�Aj�1�1�1�t:V� "1i.urisuua SuvaiafiC�a° uta:I�'IUSt: SUbSlafii2:+ u��ilh'.d 85 ivAii u7 n37.aivirui su;csiar��:�Jy
<br />..,; ' I En�•itoomcntal Luu• and Ih� Pi�llowing suh}[an�cti: gn�►linc, kcroscnc, othcr Oammablc or toaic pe�ralcum Qroduc�s, toxic � �,
<br /> .• � pesticides afld herbkides.volut ile s�ilvenls,muteriuls contuining nst�es�os or fornieldehyde,anJ radioactive matenals.As used in
<br /> ihix paragraph 2U, "F.nvimnmeMul Luw" mcun+� fixlerul luws anci lews �►f the jurisdicti�m whcre the Propeny is located that „ ,.
<br /> rclu�e w hcalth,sufcty or envirunmental protec�ion. ",'' • •;
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVFNANTS. &►rcuwcr anJ I.�ndcr furthcr c�rvcnant amt ugrcc us ti�llow�: � ' •••�
<br /> 21. Acceleratlont Remediev. I.ender shull Rive notice to &�rrower prior to accele�tbn tollowing Bornower•s brexch '
<br /> of any covenAnt or a�nrme�l in this Securlty ln�ctrument IbW nM prior to occele�Hon underp�rngmph I7 unless ,. %°-
<br /> applicable IAw provides atherwlse).Thc noticr tihNll xpcciiy: (a1 the def�ull; (b►the action required tu cure the dets�ulh �
<br /> (c)p date.not ler.g than JO day�s frnm the d�►te the notice Is�Iven to Borr+�wer.by whlch Ihe detault must be cured;and ��:t "
<br /> (d) llwt inilure to cun Ihc dcfault on or beto�e the date speciftcd in the notice ms�y result in acceleratlon of the sums
<br /> ' socured by thic tiaru�ity Inglrumcnt und sale of thr 1'mperly. The n��ticc shs�U funher infi►rm Borrower oP the dQht to •°
<br /> - reinslate aitcr acccicn�tlun s�nd thc ri�ht to brinR a cuurl uction to u.c.r•ert the nun-exfstence oP a default or�ny other : '.:'�
<br /> defense of Borrower 10�cccleration und!a�le. If Ihe defAUlt is not cured an or before the date specified fn the notice,
<br /> I.ender. �t tls option. rnay raq uirc immedlAtc payment in full oF all sumz+ecurcd by thts Securlty lastrument wilhout
<br /> , fu�tAer demand and may invake the p►Ner of�Ie and any othcr remedtes permittcd by appllcable law. Lender slwll be �
<br />' • entltled to rnllecl all expenses (ncurred in pun�uing the remcdies pmvlded in Ihis parA�raph 21.including.but not Nmited � �..I__...:_
<br /> • to.reasonable atlorneyx'fees and eosts af Ulle evidence. , '�,�'=-`=:
<br /> ' If the power of sale Is iavoked. T�uytee tihall record a notfce oP def�Wt in e�ch county in whlch ony part af the , ,.*_"�:..
<br /> , Property is localed and slwll mail coples uf such notice in the manner pr�cribed by applicnble law to Borrower and to . -,
<br /> ' lhe other personc prescribed by applicable lax�. APtrr the timc reyuin�d by�ppliwblr law.Trustee slwll�ive public notice • _-- _
<br /> � ot sale lo the pencong and in the mynner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, withoul demand on Borrower� slwll sell �r�.� , •
<br /> ,�,�" � . . the Prnperty At publl:auction Ui Ihe hiqhest bidder at the time and place and undrr the terms designnted in tbe nollce ot
<br /> : sale in une or mure parrcls und in any order Trustec determin�x.Trustee m��•postpone sale of all or any parcel of the
<br /> Property by publfe anrn�uncemem ut the tim� and plrce of an�� prrviousl�• �cheduled wle. I.rnder or its desigt�ee may
<br /> : ' . purchese the Property al eny �ele.
<br /> �,�'
<br /> � Fam 30Y6 9r9p
<br /> - . VwM'.�1 It .
<br /> � � MC-3018-NE/5
<br /> . �
<br /> '
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> �
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<br />