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� �r-'� -,• � � . . , • .:r -- '�r •. . 5. , - • �y i .��':� <br /> . 'i�i�- r ���� ' _-5,-'rii:�r •':tt;..���1, .t . ..' . _.i.,. ,Y�".��. • ' �f t� �t �_ .1..` . ' ` ,..` . � ��1 F,4W�yi tChr� <br /> .f . = r . ,.,•. j- ,,,• -, ;f:. , •, ,R':a l} ..:.�. <br /> 'i �y .u� -���!,�t. �4�'���f ..A��J�Ma7�LM�l r 1�LU4Ml:�t+�..-N4i j.- 4 ?��f t = :__ <br /> � t� �� W.7M�+.hi..i_ J <br /> '�7InYT r;,'•. _ ...q 41. . _ ... - � 7, il� --` ` <br /> � <br /> Y� �' �.]. <br /> • _ . . ..• .! � - ' ' <br /> Y� <br /> .I <br /> Y[rrrr�.�..rr-+-���--�-..-v _..��. " _ "" " -_ <br /> � -�_ : � . �z_ ao4�� �--- <br /> � <br /> : . _.��.��:,. . • — <br /> � �'���'��';'�'.� .:� � S� Nar�rd or p��q►eKy Iqeurance. Eiormwer clwll kecp Ihe impruvements now cxisting on c�rcaGer erccted on the <br /> ;��,: . <br /> ��„ °• . Property insurcd aQain�t Ic,ss by Are.h�rd�included wilhin Ihe tcrm'cxlcndod rovcregc" und uny rnhcr ha�arda, including <br /> ;�,�.:.,,� ttoads or fluaJing.far which l.ender�equircx insuruncc. 7'hic insurancc shull hc maintaincJ in�he unu►unt�und fi�r Ihe periadc __ <br /> •�°��"�=�" th�t I.ender rcquires.T�C insurance corcier pmviding the insu�ance xholl he chor•cn by &�rn►wer subject �o l.ender'. upprova! <br /> ��'C$�:'�i�;';�r:� ;'� - <br /> •;.:: �4„ . „• which chnll not bc unrc�se�n�bly wfthheld. If Bormwcr failr�o maintafn cnvcr�tc deuriMcd alxwe, I.end�r nwy, ut Lender's <br /> �����•�.�:._ optian.abtain covernQe lo protect l.ender's rights in the Prc►'peny in accu�J�ncc wi�h prra�roph 7. <br /> �'�+�"w"`��" sr AII �fl4UfAlICC�10I�fICB Wld�CIICWYIx SIIAII t1C YCCC�1IAbIC IA I.CMIC�AfIII �NAII mcluJc a�tunQu�J mu�t�;�g� �lau�c. l.:.ndcr �:____a--._- <br /> '�",.,�;�''.."`•.�`°' ' siull havc the right ta hdd ihe policies aod renewals. li lxnder rcquireg, Barrowcr ahall promptly givc a�l.cndcr all reccipts of <br /> ,.'1�'-'�;''�""`�' ''x s �u1 rcna:w�:notices. !n thc cvent of losc,B�►rower shall give pmmpt n��tice��the ineurunce carrier annd Lcnder. �_T__ __, <br /> pa�d prcmium a <br /> ��'' {YA I,�4�;�} x Lender may m�{ce pnx�f of loss if not made prompdy by Romower. <br /> _�,I'�•�� ` "� '.. Unless L.ender nnd Bortower otherwise agroe in w�iting, insurance prncoed�shall he upplial to restorutinn ar repair c,f the <br /> . , • � property demagod.if the restorntion ar repai�is econamically fea.r•ibk and I.ender's security is not lessened. If thc res�arotjan or <br />;�,.� , repair ia not economically feasible or Lender's security would be Iessened,ihe insurnnce praceeds ghall be Applied t� the suma <br />,�'�,�,�`,� :' secured by this Secu�ity i nstrument. whether or nat �hen due, wflh pny eKCess puid tn Borcower. If t3��rrower abAnduns the _ <br /> ' Propetiy. ar dces not answer within 30 dnys n notice from l.cader that Ihe inxurunce carrier hus affered to settle a claim. �hen _ <br />'��Y✓ � ''� Lender may collect the insurance procoeda. L,ender moy use the praceeds to repair ar restare ehe Pnopeny or to pwy sum� <br />�` ,�' secured by Ihis Security Instmment. whcther or nat then due. The 30-day p'riod wi�� beBin when the u�►tw�e iti given. <br /> �.,:•'���:�;,., . , . � __--__ <br /> �;� . .,.�....�., • <br /> ��;�;�:,;., ' <br /> y:. .,,;.,,.,✓ :� Unless I.ender and Borrawer atherwise a�cee u►a+riting. anY �PDlication of praceeds w prirnipal shall rat extend ar �� - <br /> ;'::;'t�:t:°_` ;' postpone the duc date of thc monthly payments refcrm� to in p�rag�ap�s� am1 2 or changc the armiunt of tbe payment�. 1� <br /> T. •.�` - .:7.;.n F.�.. <br />�',. •• `":'.;��•. ', under paragraph 2t the Property is acquired by Lender.Bornaa•e�s right to any ic�surance policies nnd proceeds resulting from ��.:;-:.:=^= <br /> , damage to�he P�vp�ty prioc to the acquisition shall pass to l.ender to 1he eRtent of�he svms secured by thic Security Instrume� �`:-�= •• — <br /> �:_:-:_:-..- <br />� • irtunediately�+iar to rl�t a�c�.iisitian. ` - ---- <br />.,1;.'.,`, n ' 6.Oocu�,Yt�ae��sRian�Myintenance oad Hdtediow o�'Ihe Pr+ape�$;Borrower's l.oan Appllcs�tfon=I.easehotds. <br /> ' r7:<=;;i�;i;;��i�_� Borrower shail accupy.establisA.ond use the Property as&►naw�i s principa�msidtnce within sixty days afler the execution oP <br /> :`.•,.�:�: �r'�:r�.;,:.7.��., • •t�'t;: . <br /> . ;�:,��;i,;;';;;:':.�,`•�.�;i�;t;' this Security Instrumerit�rd shall continua to occupy the Praperty ac Borrower s priocipal residence for at least one year aRer _ <br />� �',°�s?'y�;�,��Y���t'�;���e: the date of occupancy. ursk� l.�nder otherwise agrces�a ariting, which consent sh�ll not be unmasonstbly withheld. or unless <br /> :.a.,.-���,+1 i;:�.�. <br />; • .,,, � ' . . ,,,.,,.�,1,, extenuating circumstunces eaisl which are beyond Borruwer's contml. Borrower shall not destroy, domage or impair the <br /> ' � . ':•�r� Property, ullow the Property to detcrioratc, or cammlt waste an the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfehure <br /> A ����'� • '.��;(� action or proceeding, whether civil or rriminal, is begun that in Lender's good fnith judgment could result in forf'citure of the <br />'� ,;. Propeny or othcrwise mr�eriaUy impair the lien crcated by this Security Ins�rument or L.ender's security inlcrest. Borrower may <br /> �� •- cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in peragreph I8. by causing the action or proceoding to he dismissod with a ruling �-- <br />•� '.• � �� that, in Lender's good fz�ilh determination, pre�ludes farfeitur�e oi the Borrower's interes� in �he Property or othe�ma�erial _ <br /> ';',;,.r�. , —` ��; impaim�ent of the liencre�cci i�y tF�i. S�.urity Insirumcat ar Lender's seeurEty inlcrPst. P�rmwcr chnll al�hc in default if =--�__-__-- <br /> � � •��'� Borrower,during the laan epplication pracess,gave materially falr,e ar inaccurale infnm�ation or slatement�to l.ender(ur failed <br /> • to provide L.ender withany material information)in wnncxtian wi�h the loan cvidencod by the Notc,including,but nnt limited _ <br /> '• to,representations conarning Borrower's occupancy of the Ptoperty as a priocipal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> � leaschold. BoROwer shall mmply with all the pmvisions of tho lexce. If Bonowcr ucquires foe title to the Property, the =___ <br /> .. '•�. leasehold and the fec title shall not merge unless l.cnder agrees to the rr�rger in writing. ^� <br /> , . ..� -_R_ <br /> � . 7.ProteMion of I.ender's RlRhts in the Property.1(B�rrowcr feils lo perform the cnvenants und agrecmcnts conlai ncd in �...::_T-�-�.` <br /> , s::s',:!.t��-,= <br /> . , , . this Securiry Instrum�:m, or there is a legal proceeding that may signiflcantly affect Lender'z rights in the Propeny I�uch nti a �; <br /> ' , . . procceding in bankruptcy.probate, for rondcmnation or farfeiturc or to enforco lowti ur rc ulutions),then l.ender ma do and � ' -��" <br /> 6 Y �;�,�. <br /> . . pay for whatever is naeswry to protcct thc vulue of the Propcny and Lcnder's rigM+ in the Propeny. Lender's actions rtwy L�,;�_.._�„ <br /> . . include p�ying any sums secured by a lien which has priority aver lhic Security Instrument, appcaring in court, pay�ng �•�- <br /> ' : • .;�;; rcasonable attomey,i fas and entering on thc Pruperty to makc rcpair�. Alihough Lendcr muy take xtion under this paragr�ph L. ___���=- <br /> .�,, , 7,Lender dces not has� to do so. f �:;�::. , <br /> � '(��-�Y . Any amounts di�bursed by L.cnder undcr this paragraph 7 .hall bcc�m�: aJditional debt of Borrower .ecurcd hy this �,��'.�''� �`�• <br />. , ,:��,:!,; .; .� <br /> . Security Ia4trument. Unless Borrower and L.cnder agrec to othcr lerms o(paymrnt, thesc umoun�s shall txeur interest from the �'�,`�: _ <br />`s '��:..�,, ' , date of disbursement at �he Note rate and shall he p:+yable. with interest, upun noticc fmm Lender to Borrower requesting ',�::�.__ <br /> . payment. ,'�. �,,,,'_ <br /> .•:�': �t •.'�� `` <br /> 1� <br /> ' . '�'��:�;'+;., 8. MortgBge Insur�nee. If l.ender required mortgage inrurunce a. a condition of m�king thr loan secured by this Sewrity , -;-___ <br /> �":'�''�••�'� Instrument, Borroweeshall a the remiums re uired to maintnin the mongagr in.uranrc in cffect. If, For any reasi�n, the � <br /> �. • .,,,.t.. . , P'Y p 4 :; <br /> : '�••�;��; mortgage Insutance coveragc reyuircd by lw:nJer lap�c���r rcase� �o hc in cff�wt, Borrowcr.hall puy thc premiums requircd to � <br /> �y.r.r,. . ' , , -.�.r�,� <br /> • � • obtain coverage subxtantially cquivalent to the immgugc insuranrc previou�ly in effect,a�a c�ist ,ub.tLntially equivalent to the <br /> ��-• .. <br /> ,. . , cost to Borrowcr af t�C mortgugc intiurancc previourly in M'fcct. I'r�►n� •rn ahernatc munga�c imurer appmvcd by lAndcr If � , . <br /> :.:,'•r��':ti�,•i•�.;`, ' ` substantially cquivalenl nmrtgage intiurancc covcragc is niN available.E3urniw�r shall p•ry tu l.endcr cach month•r sum cyual to ,' <br /> �` �„ti������� , � one-twelflh oi the yc:irl�• nxirt�agc ineurancc premium hcing paiJ h�• Bi�rrowcr whcn th� in�urancc rovcragc I•rpxxi or cc:�scd to ; <br /> ' be in effect. l.endcr will acccpt.usc and rctain thc�c paymcnt�a� u lu+s rc+crvc in licu af mnrtg:�gc insurrncc. I.uss rescrvc � <br /> ' . ; � ,: fam�02t 11�0 � <br /> P��7c�6 • <br /> MO-3018-N�13 <br /> ! <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . . ,, � _ , _ <br />