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<br /> � Ti)('s ETi�l�t W I'i`N dl the inyx�,ve�►wnt�ncrw or!»rex�te+�+�a�ta3 on tLe prnpestY. Nnl�li wseinciUs. :y��w��.u►:;:�.��;!
<br /> fix�ut�iww c�e herraftex � p�t uf the pra{�e�y. Ali re��ot�tonta �nd diiticutsc ►Iwll alw be uuve�! �y thia Sa�urily
<br /> lnsy,umrne.AI!of tl�a fw�egoin�ic rcferrai tu in thir�uriry Inctrun�ast w�ho"F'n�p+eKy,•
<br /> �01tA0WliR C'QYENANT5►iwt E�xrawzr i� tawfull�►eiaal uf�ca�tc txrct�y�wnveyaf anci h.a Utie �irhe w�ra,u and
<br /> canvey thc Pro�eay�uwi tlut!be Pn�perty ir unencun►btto�d,excepc fur cncumbruxxa uF rarunl. Hurr�wer wiure�tiw�uxi will
<br /> �ta��e:�rwll}�he dde to thr Prap�rty ayninst�I cWm�wx!ckif�a�xi:,sa�bje:t�eny esuumbraa�xs of rxcml.
<br /> ?HIS S�.^.URI'i'!' 1NSTRUMEihT cwnbines anlfortn covr►xuus for nottiwul asa w�d�wn'unii'oroi��uve�unts with limltad
<br /> vatiatinas by�urirdictiw�ta ua►uiwta a wiltom�ca.utity ia���co�•cziriyt ecai p�.��+:y
<br /> UNIFORb!COVENAN'Y'S.8om�w•u and l.ender cove�nt and t�roo w i'oltowc:
<br /> 1,Pl�ya�aat ot PMncipal �ad totur�W; PreMYmeat md L�te C�a. Bomov►er stall PrompUY P�Y wh.cn duc tbe
<br /> P�IuCiP�l of ond inurest on the debt evWonood by the Notc atrd wtY W'ep�Yment zuxl lau clwrges due undet the Nate.
<br /> 2,F'+uwl�for Tuce�� I�uraace. Subjax co applic�blc law or to�written waiver by l.ender.Barrower slwll pay to
<br /> t.ende�,ron the day monthly PaYments are due under t,1e W�.urui!the Note is pnid in nui.a sum j'runds°j for.(a)Yeariy tax�s
<br /> and asuss�n�ts which rnay utain priority over this Securiry lnstrument as a lieal on the PropertY;(b)Yeauly lessehold Payments
<br /> or�c�owrl raus oa the Propony.if any:(c}yearly hazud or property insurana pruniums:(d)Ytsrly fioad insuni�oe prcnuwnt.
<br /> if�a3�;(e)Yrar1Y mortSage inwru�ce premeums, if aay:and(� u�)' wm,s PAYable by Borrawu ta l.ender, in accordancY with
<br /> the pro�is.ions of pRr�graph 8. in lieu of tbe payment of martgage insuranoe prcmiunns.Thesc itans u�c called'Fscrow Iteuas."
<br /> Lxackr naay. at any time. cdlat anc!hold Funds in an acnount not to e�cceod the m�xinwm �nwunt a lendu for a foderally
<br /> relitod a�artga�e Iwn m�y requlre fa'Barrowor's esanw xoount wder the fnderal Ral Estsk Sade�at P►noodu�s Acc of
<br /> 1914 �a�atided fmm time to t'vae. 12 U.S.C.Sectlon 26U1 et seq. ("RPSPA"),unless ancxlkr Iaw tlwt applies w the Fucds
<br /> sds a kssu amounl. If so. L�tnder may.at aoy timc, oolicxt �nd hold 1=unds in an amount �x�t to excae� ihe fesfer yuwuue.
<br /> I�der rtsay estim�te tbe amount of Funds due on the bssis of curr+eat data aad trasoasble estimates of expeodituces of future
<br />' Fscrow Items or otherwise iu acco�with applirab:e law.
<br /> 'ibe Futxis st�11 Ee held in an inuitutioa wtase deposiu are iasunod by a fedetil agenev, instnus�wlity. or entiry
<br />' (includicg Lender,if La�der is such at�iwtitution)or in any Foderal Homc I.oan Bsiilc•I.esder sha11 aPP�y the Funds to pay the
<br /> Es��c+�w Iuans. L�nder m�y not ch�rge Borrowa for boWing uid applying the Fundr,uuwally onslyring ihe escrow a000unt. or
<br /> veri�jriag tha E,scrnw Iteass.udas I.a�der pays Borrower interest on the Fwds aod applipble law pennits L,euder to�wlce such
<br /> a charge. However.l.ender may roquir�Borro�wtr to pay a w�e-time cl�r+ge for aa ic�adcnt real estat�tu ceportin8 sc�+�ce
<br /> . med by I,wder ia oonaoction wiW this Loan. utilas �pplics►ble law provides odsaNisc. Uniess art.Ag� is rr�ade or
<br /> a�s:a51:l�w requires iatera:ta be pid,Irader s.hal! not b�zequire�id to p�y Borrower any iraesest c��.*nings oa the Funds.
<br /> Barr,�er. �od I.eader rn�y agree in writiag,howeva,that im�est sb�ll be paid oa tbc F�cn�'s.Lencks stwll give tc�:9orrower.
<br /> Miti�o�t r�wge.an aonwl a000uoting of the Fuods.ahowic�2 crodiu�ad debits to the �uuc�s wd thr purpoie for�a�nich each ,
<br /> 3ebit_u�e Funds w�s m�de.Tbe Funds arc pladged�s additiooal seeuriry for all cu�seacrod by this Sxurity Iastrua�t. � .
<br /> if tiye Fuods beW by I,ender exoeod the acoo��sxs petmitted to be ixld by applicabk law,l.eada sh�ll�nt to Borrow� ,
<br /> fa tlaeea�oesc Funds in acoondaooe witb ttx n�iiments of applicablc lstw.if the amouat of tl�o Funds be]d by Lcndtt at any • .
<br /> tlme icnot tutTx3ant to p:y the Fscrow Itetm whea due,Ixader may so notify Horrower in writing.wd,in sw�r�e$o�mwer
<br /> . ... .. . . --'—•—••--- .. .----------.._ � .�.a_ a_a..:.��. o.. . 1.�14..wb�..M�_ 'wnrw in t�n»7Bre_fl}Y�
<br /> -'�"- -
<br /> yq{i p[p w a.cuu�w ia�c�wi�:.s w�...c.�.ay'w iL"�c i�s�a�v w�au�wrJs a.va'Sv'..w.r -1- -v""-"-- -
<br /> 1WC;rCR1�Othly}�jt�f•�t L�tl�S SO1C d1SC[tillOA.
<br /> UP�PaY� in full of�ll wms sxured by this Sea�rity Iaswrnrau. I.eades slvll ptomptly refund w Borcowu aay
<br /> . Fundthcld by L�mder.If.under paragrap6 2i,I.wder shall acquire ot sell tbe Propaty,I.�.'nda,priot w the�c4���s�
<br /> of tlre pt�opnty,shaU apQly aay Fuods hdd by I.ender at ifice time of xquisition or s�te u a crodit�g,siast the sums savrtd by
<br /> thie Suus.tity L�um�t.
<br />� 3.A�;p�AR Pap�t+�.Unkss applicable law pmvidcs ot&rwise,all payments roodvod by Let�da unda�agza�'
<br /> 1�trd 2 s6d!bt a�li�3:firsT.to anY P�WY��r8es due uo�lrr thc Note: secocd. to amau�ts payabte n�der paragt�2;�:�
<br /> tliicd.b iatere�t durr;fauth.to principal due;aatirf lau, w any latc ct�arges due under the Note.
<br /> , .. L ttie'�cs:I.inr.Bortvrver sl�11 pay�tua. assessmeots, char8es,fiaa aod imposiqons aaributable to tl�..ProQat} �
<br /> whid�ntity attai.-��riasity ovu this Savrity Iasttumwt, and le�cdtioW payn�etYS or grou�d raus.if any. Borror�a�s�U pty
<br /> thse obli�tioos ia We m�ooer prov'sdod in parag�api►2,or if not p�id in th�t n�anaer,Borrowa s�Wt pay them oo�nmed'+r�ectly
<br /> io t�ae pts�an owed paymmt.Bort+ower a1W!piAmptl9 fumish to Itnder aU ootioa of amaws ta be p�id�nder d�s pin�gtaph• . .•
<br /> .. If B�ortowa o�lces theae payaxots dimxly.l3.mowa sinll pcumptty fiutash to Lada s+xapts ev icict�^i�tbe p�y�fs: ..
<br /> " �6oerow+er s6aU 1��Y��Se�liin which 1�priority ova this Secvrity I�trummt unkss Bars'o�rer:C�)'.�ro�s ur .
<br /> � w,ritia�ts�thc p�yntwt of tht obligstcioo tecurod by t6e liea in a a�aaer aoaptable to Lrs�cier;@)�s in good�si��i the tiea
<br /> - by. a defa�cls �gaiost wfonoeatieat of the lim in,legat Prncacliags �+6ieb in t2ie I.ender's oQinion oper�te te yc¢4�aft the
<br /> j eafora�at of�be liw:or(c)secures from d�e holdez of the lia�wn�ge�eot s�tisfactaY w Lender wlxxdin�tir�'.`re lira to,
<br /> ? this S�uity L�ctma�eat. If i.endex decermines t}�at any patt of�the Prope:ry is subject w a liea which roay �ttain pcia�i[y ova
<br /> - [hif �eauity Iastnuueat,i�eader muy gitie B�Trowa a notia ideatifying the lien.Bort�wer stul) s�dsfy tbe lim or tsf�e oae or
<br /> � mo�xof tbe�ctioos set fortL abov�withia 10 days of the g�ving of notia.
<br /> Faw 30ZY �0
<br /> r.o.sa�
<br /> F �_r4
<br /> � � YG�4• �
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