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<br /> l7.1'raucfcr of t4e Pcopecty ar Q Beaeticlal D►irre�t fa Bn'rwM'er.If�ll ut uny pan ni�h�:Pru�x������r�n}�inicrc�t in it -
<br /> is�uld c�r iransfcrred t��r if�t+eneticial irurrest in&�rc.►wer i�w,IJ or tau�..ferraf und Rurrow•er i� iNW a n�►wral perw,nl witluwt
<br /> [,c�xter's prior writtan rnn.Se►u. l.eraer nay. ut its u�tioi�. reyuire inu�xxfiate p:►yn�cnt in full uf ull �un�.� .erurecl by this
<br /> Security�la�tninxnt.Elou•e�'rr,this o�tit►n shall uui b�:.:�e�cisc.�l by I.e�xkr if exercise i��ruhihh�a!by f�tikru!luw us u!'tht clrte
<br /> ol►tds Sc:uritV tnztruu�em.
<br /> If lxndc�cxercise�this option. Lcixke st►aL Fi�•c &�rrvwer�x►ti�e uP::rcicration.Ttu►xxic:+h�ll`wovicic;►4x.�'ux1 u nc�t
<br /> Ie�.c thsn 3l)days from the date the notice is dclivere.�i or n�ilod wi�hiu whl�h Rorraw.r nws� p:sy ul! �un�.c �ecu�al by this
<br /> Security Instn►n�n. If Borrowcr f�ils tu pay thek�ur.is pric�r to the:apirntion of thic periuJ. LcnJ�:r n�:►y invukc a��y ren�odies
<br /> pernutted by thic Security Instrunknt withcwt furthe��x�ti��e or dema�ul on Borrawer.
<br /> 18. Borrower s Kiglst w Rei�rti►te• �f BoR"+�'er mccts cenain rnnditions, Bc�rrowcr �hall have thc righ� to have
<br /> enfoteenxnt of this Security Uutetiunent disrnntinuctil at any tune prior to the carlier af: (a15 �ys (or sueh cuhtr period as
<br />, npp�ir,ab�¢ Iaw nuy sNocify for neinstatement) before s�le af the Propeny pur:�.uunt to nny pc�wer of �Ic contuin.d m this
<br /> Security Instrun�enl;or(b)entry of a judgnxnt enforcing this Security Inurunxnt. Those condiuons ure that Barrower:(�)pays
<br /> [.cnder all sumc whieh lhen wou�d'oe due u�►�c, t��; �::a:.:y 1;.�:rs:r.-^:as�!�hy' Nn'?A�if no �eee�eration h�cf oceurreA: (b)
<br /> cures any default of any other covenants ar agrcente»ts;(c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security irstcwnent,
<br /> including,but not limitod to,reasonable attomeys'fees;ard(d)takes such xtion as I.ender may�e�onably require to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Securiry lnstn►ment, I.ender's rights in the Property�nd Burrower's obligation to pny the suma secured bp
<br /> this Security inurument shall continue unc:hangaf. Upon ceinstatement by Borrower, this Socurity Instnunent xnd the
<br /> obligations secured heteby sha2E seasain fully effective as if no acoeleratioa ha�!occw'red. However.this right to reinstate sliall
<br /> not apply in the cyse of accelerrtion undEr�arugraph!7.
<br /> I9.Ssde of Note; C�e of I.os�o Settiicer• 71�c TVcue or a pareial interesi in tho Note (together with this Security
<br /> instn�cneat)may be sold one or more times without prinr notice to Borrower.A salc muy result in a char►Se in the entity(known
<br /> �s the "1,oan Ser�:cer")that collects mo�nthly p�yments due under the I�ote and this Securiry Instavment. There also muy be one
<br /> or.ma�ne chaages�aE i:1�e 1u�Se�'icer unre!a::+�to a sa.[e of tStie NcKe. Lf e11e:�is�cha.�e of the L.��a Servicer.RO[IIOK�er will be
<br /> gz:ecn wtitten oca�;�ti'ctf th.el��i,cz:�o.-vc�aix`a with par�.r..a�h 14 abo�•�and agp�ica3Qz 1aw.The n�tw'z will sta3.r�:tu►me and
<br /> ;�,,�r::..c�tE+�:ne�:Y�n Sen����.hd x3n:a3ds�.�as to whi�a�aymecus sbaw,ld be m�«e. '�he notice wil! also o,nat�nn wy other
<br /> infet�r.tiva cec;:�.�by applicabia law.
<br /> 20.Ei�xai+6eus Subctaaces. Bomow•e:sl�ll not ca�tiv pem�c r�pr�m,c, usa.dispa.caE, s�+u's�:, f►r n:9�st of a.�y
<br /> t�ar,u�k,us S�st�nces on ar in the Propen��. Bo�rowa str1.��� a�a]lav: an�one else to��. .�r►.�th�n�� tbe
<br /> propeny that i:in viol�tion of any Enviroarnental Law.'II"nz ca�� s:nte�es st�all not a 1 to ti�e c:�r.c�t
<br /> storage on the PaL�rtY of small quantities of Huzrdous S�bstances t�at are gener�liy recob*nized to be upproQca�to axer�]
<br /> �sidential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Horrower shall promptly give Lerxkr written notia of any investigaiioo.cltim.demand. lawsuit or other action by �ny
<br /> govemmesual or regulatory�gency or privatc partY involving the Propercy and�ny Hazardous Substancc or Environtnenta! I.aw
<br /> of which Bortowu hu actu�l knowledge. if Borrower Itams.or is natified by any govert►mcntal or regulatory auilsoriry. Wai
<br /> �ny removal or other retnodiation of uiy H�ardous SLbstance affxting the Property�s��ocesc�rY.Borrower shal!pranptly take
<br /> � �l aocs�ary remodial actions in scxordance with Envimtunenwl law.
<br /> �Ra used in th�s p�ragraph 20. 'Hazardcws Substances" are those substanoes dcfinod as toxic or huardous wbawtioes by
<br /> ' Environmental 1.aw and the following substances: gasolinc. iceras�ne. other flammable o� cazic petrol�um pmducta, toxic
<br /> ; p�W¢id�and he�icida.volatile solvaus.materi�ls c�inic�urbestos or fomu�ldehYde,ar�d ndio�cuve m�ce'.�ia1s.As usod in
<br /> 1 this prr�raph 20. "Envirooa�ental law" mcanc fed�rsl iaws and taws of the jurisdiction wl�ere ttrc PropertY is located ti�t
<br /> -�-
<br /> +k reLfE W fR'�IUI:sslCtY oiCtivindiaiwi... .,.:,C.«,:.. - - - ---- -��--- �-
<br /> ; NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'fS.�mower u�u t.er�e fwttu�a'w�cn�t:.�d�Scx as fo!(ews:
<br /> � 21.Aocda'atloa;Rem�.l.e�der shpU�ive aotlo�W Borrower pior to aocderadaa fdbv►iag BoR+ovrerl7 uoles�
<br /> -+ of.ny ouvea.nc or agr�eme�ae w u�Is sawtty In�+mxN (bue not a�lor w aocdastioa uada� par�grs�h
<br /> -- spplic�ble taw provides otbeewlse).Tbe notla shaJl cpecUy: (a)t6e default;(b)t6,c actioe raiuired ta cnre tbe de�fiutt;
<br /> ` (c)s d�te.not kse tlua 30 d�ys traa the date tbe notfoe is giren to�Borrow�e raAy rau�lt in�sccderation ot tbe s�m�
<br /> �� {d)t1Mt fAilure to c�re tbe defauN o0 or betore tbe dr+te speci8ed
<br /> f seeur�ed by tLie Security Imtrurocat and wk ot tt�e PropeitY.The�wtice shall turt�er iotorm Borrower ot the ri�ht to
<br /> reio�tate sRer aooderstiw aad the rigbt to bri�a couri actton to ascert tbe nootxistena of a detiu[t or�wy otlxr
<br /> defeme oi Bo�now�er �aoodaatiou�P�y� aWt is not cured oa or betore tlse date specifr�d id the io�tkx,
<br /> I.es�lar, st its oPtioo+ Y ro4� � ia foll at all sums sxured by tLis Security Iastriweat wiR�wt
<br /> ttintLer demand aad nwy iuvaice t6e power ot saMe aod siay otLer remedies pa�mtttal bY�PP���iaw.I,c�der sha�U be
<br /> e�titled to colfeet al�expea9es iocumed io pursulo8 tYe ramedies P�'uvided ia tLk por�p,raph 21,inclwli�+b�i aot tinsited
<br /> �T,p���s'tees a�d ooats ot titk evidence. in wWc�att� p�i ot ttte
<br /> ' It tLe pa�'er ot ssle is iovoiced,Tn�ta shall reoord a ootioe ot default in e��Y
<br /> -' propaty ic{oa�tal aod sh�il m�il copics o!wcb noHce tn tl�e msmer prescdbed by app��cabk law to Hotcawer aad to
<br /> the athr pe='r�oas Peac�bed bY�PP��law.Atta�t6e tioae rt9utred bY aPP���w,Trusta s6all give paWic noi::!
<br /> oas
<br /> ot�ale w tLe persoas aad in the maaner prescribed by applicabk lsw.Trustee,witbout demard oa Bo�rower,sYall sefki
<br /> - �property at puWic suctioo to tlk�bidder�t tl�e thoe�od ptaoe aad wKier t6e termc desi6nsted ia tLe notice of
<br /> � saie in ota or mo�+e parcels and in any order Trustee deta�mines-Trustee may PoctPoo�sak ot all or any p��ed ot tbe
<br /> . �9 bY P�ic annouooemeai at We tims an3 p::.x o!aay P�+rviouslY ccbeduled s�e.La�dor or its desi�tnee ms►Y
<br /> pqrcWse tie Propaty at any wk.
<br /> s Fosm 302s 91l0
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