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<br /> � � ��' UNIFOFIM COVENANTB.Borrow�r and Lar►dpr covenAnt And aprQa as Iollpw4: --
<br /> � � indebtsdne�isev d�c��edby'ths N t��spGym�antend I4 e chprp�asdf ppovldod m tho No�eend Ihe pnncipe of end InN�wt on ��
<br /> � any Future Advp�cu s�cured by the Oe�c1 ot Yrus4 �'�
<br /> Z. FuiMslaT�a�d�nwnrM�i.$ubjaGttoapplfGabldlpworWawnttenwoivarbyLw�c3ur,Borroworshat�pnytnLertder _._ ,__.�.—.
<br /> � on theday monthly in�nments 4f prinalpal end intp�estare pa�ableu�der tha Nob,untll th�Nots i�paid in htll,p sum(hereln
<br /> R1
<br /> "funde"�equel to on�-twelfth ut fhe y�erly taxas end assYS�ma�b whlch may eltain prlo�lty ovur thls DNd o1 Trust.and
<br /> pround rentaon the Proparty,If any,plusone-tweltth ot yeerly prernium Instellmente forherard�neurence,plus one-twelfth o1 �LL -__��R.__,_
<br /> � • l�nde pon the ba�i�ot�etwsimenb npq billa�and re�W'nNM�Ittlm�tps the eot���ted INllally ond Irom tfms to tlrrN by
<br /> The Fundeahall be twld in an Insdtudan thed�poaiW qr aCCOUnt�pt whichere Insurecf or Quarenteed,by a Federal or etate
<br /> eyenoy(Inqludfnp Lsnder it I.pnder ie wah an in�titutiaa), tsndar shell apply the lunds to p�y eofd taxea,assssamente, _
<br /> • Insurence premiuma and p�ound renta.I.ender mey not chargebr so holding and epplyinp Ihs Fund�,anelyxing esld eccount
<br /> or verlying and compfling seld+�ts�ssmentsend bllls unless lender ps�ys Borrower intere�t an the Funds and applicebte law
<br /> permNa I..endar ta meke sucha ahargq.Bor�ower and t,ender rney epree in writinyet thedme olexecution ol lhis Deed ol Trust
<br /> � thet intereat on the Funds shell be paid ta Borrower,and unless euah eyreement�s made ar epplicelbe law requires such _
<br /> �nteraet to ba pald,l.endet shall not b��aqulred to peiy Bonawer any intereat or eAmfnqA on the Funda.l.endar ahall pive to ---.-----�-
<br /> Bor�ower,without Gha�ge �n qnnual ecaaunting o1 the Fundf ehowing Credlta end debfta to Ihe Funda a�d the pu►poae lor
<br /> ' whicheachdebiftotheFundawasmade.TheFundsarepledpedasaddlrionalaecurlyfortheeumsaecuredbythisDeadot � � __-
<br /> ' Trus� • °.�`�—
<br /> If the amount at the lunde held 6y lender,toyether with thelutura monthly inslallments o1 Funda peyable pna�to the due �,`°_�___
<br /> dates af taxes,ass�smafte,insurance premfums and ground rents,ahell exceed the amount raqufred lo pay said taxes, -
<br /> aesessments,inaurence p�emiume and ground rents as theY lall due,such excea.a shell be,ot Borrower's option,either
<br /> � prpmptly re afd to Bonower o�credlt�ed to Borrower an monlhly inetallmenta ol Funda.II the amount of the Funds held by �
<br /> � `pay��d�r en��rama�unt aeaess ry to make up e delic�e n�cCy�w lhini30 daya framihe dat�e notl�ce fa�ma+ied�by iende to � ' � ,_ __.
<br /> ' Borrower requestinp papnent lhereof. t'"'�
<br /> UponpaymentlnlullofaNsumabecuredbythisQeedulTruel,l-enderehallpromplly�elundto8orroweranyFundaheldby � �•.___
<br /> Lender.If unde�parap►eph 19 hereot the Prope�ty le sold or theProparty Is otherwise acquired by lender,Lender shall apply. • :T:,�,
<br /> no laler then immedletelyprlor ta the sele ot the Property or Itsecq u�iaftion by Lendar,end Funds held by I.ender at the tlme of • .�
<br /> I applicatfon ea a credlt ayainst the iums secured by th�s Deed of Trust =-
<br /> 3. ApsPlloatlon M Pa�ts.UMess epplicable�ew provides otherwise,all payments recelvad by Lender under the Note �-��
<br /> and peragraphs 1 and 2hereol shell be applied by Lender firot In payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under ��
<br /> t,�.,--
<br /> � perepreph2hereof.thontolnte�eotpayebleontheNote,thentotheprinclpeloftheNote,andthentointeresta�dprinclpalon Y„
<br /> any Future Advances. �'�"'
<br /> I, Ch��.L,i�t.8onowers ehall p�y all taxes,asseasmenta eed other charges,Ilnea and Impositions attrlbuteble tq the '�'
<br /> i Property whlch m6�y atfeln e p�iorlry pver this Deed af T�uel,end leaaehold paymenta or g�ound renta.if any,In the menner
<br /> provided underpe rap►aph 2 hereol or,N not pald In such menner,by Borrower making paymenL when due,directly to fhe
<br /> • � payee thereof.Borrower ahall prqmptly lumish to Lender ell notices ot amounta due under thi�peragreph,and in the event
<br /> Borrower ehell meke peyment direatly,Borrower shell promptly furnlah to I.ender receipts evldencing such peyments.
<br /> 8orro�8r st�s!!A[atnptiy dlsCltB�fle R^Y Ite+n which has Qrbrity over thla Deed o1 Trus�p►ovided,that Borrower shell not Oe
<br /> requlred to dlacha�geanr such Itenso long es Borrower ahall apreeln writing lo the payment of the obuganon securea cy suci► , • •
<br /> Ilen In e manner accept�dle to Lende�,or shall In good talth contest auch lien by,or defend enlorcement of auch Ifen In,le9al �.�
<br /> proceedfnys which operate to prevent the enlorcemenl 01 the hen or forteiture ot the Properly or any part thereol. ' Y+',
<br /> 5. H�7t�rd Imuulnc�.6orrower shell keep the Improvements now exlsting or hereaker erected on the Property insured , .
<br /> epainst loss by flre,hererda inCluded wlthin the term"extended cove►age",and such other hazards as l.ender may require
<br /> end in such amount4 and tor such perlods as Lende►mey require;provlded,thet Lender shall not require that the amount ot
<br /> � such coverepe exCeed 1ha1 amount of coverage reqwred to pay the sums aecured by thla Qeed of Trust
<br /> � Thlsinaurencecarrierprovidingtheinsuranceahallbechosenby8orrowersubjecttoapprovalby lendflr;provided,that
<br /> � such approval ahall not be unreasonebly withheld.All premiums un msurance policies ahall be pald in the manner provided
<br /> , under paregraph?hereof a,if not paid in such manner,by 8orr ower mekfnp paymenL when due,directly to the�nsurance
<br /> cer�fer. �
<br /> � All inaurance poliCips and renewala thereot shelt be in formaccepteble to Lender and shall include a stsndard moAgaye
<br /> clause in fevor ot and in b�m acceptable to Lender.Lendershalt heve the right to hold thep ollcfes and renewals thereat.and
<br /> � BorrowershellprompUylurnfehtoLenderallrenewalnotfcesandellrecefptsotpefdpremlums.lntheeventotlosa.8orrower .
<br /> shallgivepromptnoticeto thefnaurencecarrlerandLender.Lendermeymakeproofoflossflnotmedapromptlyby8orrower. �
<br /> � UnlesaLenderand8or�owerotherwlaeapreelnwritl�g,lnaurance�oceedsshallbeapplfedtorestorationorrepairofthe �
<br /> " Property damayed.provlded such restoratfon or repair is econom�ca ly feaalble and the securlty of thls Deed o1 Truat ia not
<br /> I thereby impalred.If such�eetoretlon or repeir Ia not econortucally leas�ble or il the security of thls Deed of T�ust would be
<br /> fmpalred,the inaurance prxeeds ahall be epplled to the su ms secured by�hls Deed of Truat wlth the excess,if any,pafd to
<br /> Borrower.If the Proparty is ebandoned by Borrower,or if Borrower fafls to respond to Lender wlthin 30 days from tho d8te
<br /> notice fs malled by Lender to 8orrower that the msurance cerner ottera to seHle a claim for msurance benetlts,Lender is
<br /> authorized to colleCt and apply the Insurence proceeds at Lendei s option efther to restoratbn or repa�r o1 the Property Or lo
<br /> ' the sums secured by thia Oeed of Trus�
<br /> Unless Lender end 8orrower otherwise agree m writing,anY such epplication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ' ostpone Ihe due date of the monthly Installments relerred ta�n paragraphs 1 and 2 hereol or change the amount ot such
<br /> Pnstallments.lf under pera9raph 18 hereof the Property f s acqu�red by lender,all nght,title and interest ot Borrower in end to
<br /> � enyinaurancepoQcfesandlnandtotheproceedsthereotresultlnglromdamagetothePropertypnortotheealeorecqulsitlon
<br /> � shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums aecured by thfs Qeed of Trust immediately pnor to such sale or acquisition.
<br /> t g, pr�aUoe�ndMalnt�nanc�olPropsrly;L��sehold�;Condominlums;PlaenedU�ItO�v�lopm�nb.Borrowershali
<br /> keep the PropeAy in good repafr and shell not commit wes:e or perm�t Impeument of deterlorat�on of 1he Property and_shall
<br /> � comply with theprovfsionsotany leaseilthfs Deedof Trustis on a leasehold.11 thla Deed of Trust ison a unitin a condommwm
<br /> � or a planned unit devetopment,8orrower shell pe►forrn all of Borrower's obl�get�ons under the declaration or covenants
<br /> creellng or governing the condominium or plenned un�t development.the by-laws and regulations ot the condom�nium or
<br /> planned unfi development,and constituent documenls.II s condomunum or planned urnt development r�der�s excuted by
<br /> � Bor�ower and recordedtogether with this Deed of Trust.Ihe tovenants and egreements of such nder shall be incorporated
<br /> into and shell emend and supplement the covenants end agreernents of this Deed ot Trust as�t the►ider were a pert hereol.
<br /> 7. Prohctlon ol L�nd�r's S�curMy.II Borrower fails to pe�orm the tovenants and agreements Conta�ned in thfs DecM of
<br /> Trusf,or if any action orpraceeding�s commenced wilh matenally aHects Lender's mterest fn the P►operty,mcluding but nof
<br /> lim�ted to,eminent domafn,lnaolvency,code entorcement,o r arrangements or proceedmgs involwng a bankrupt or decedent.
<br /> ' then Lender at Lender'soptfon,upon notfce to 8orrower,mAy make such appearances.d�sburse such sums nnd take such
<br /> actfonasfsnecesserytoptotectLender'smteresLincludmg,butnotlimdedto.disbursementolreasonableattorney'steASand
<br /> entry uponthePropertytomakerepairs.lflenderrequiredmodgage�nsuranceasaconditionofmakmgthe�oansecu�edby
<br /> the Deed of Trust,Borrower shau pay the prem�ums�equ�red to ma�nta�n such��surance�n eHect unt�i such tlma as the
<br /> requlremenllorsuchinau�anceterminatesinaccordencewimBorrower'sandlender'swritlenegreementorappIicelbelAw
<br /> Borrower shell pay the arnount ol all mohgage insurance perm�ums in the manner prov�ded under paragraph 2 hereot
<br /> Any amounta dfsbursed by Lender pursuant to th�s paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shau become edd�t�ona�
<br /> indebtedneSS ot Borrowe�secured by 1h�s Deed ol Trus1 Unless Borrower and Lender agreeto other terms of payment,nuch
<br /> ertl0Unt8 Bhell b@ p8y8DI@ upOn nOpCe trom�ender iv ounc�war �mi�es����y Nar���a�a��a��,,,ar�:.�i�a.1`vcu7 7.�:o':vSS Q v:7::•"�
<br /> deteofdfsbureementettl�eratepayablefromtimetotimeonoutsUlnding pnnc�pa�undertheNoteunlesspaymentcf�ntt�rubt
<br /> at suCh rate would be cantrary lo nppllcable law,i� wh��,h BvCnt suCh amounts shall bear mterest at the h�ghast rnte
<br /> permfsalbleunderapplicable law.Nothing conta�ned�n 1h�s peragraph 1 snau reqwre Lenderto�ncur any nrpe�se or take Hny
<br /> j actfon hereunder.
<br /> i 8. In�p�tlo11.Lender may make or cause to be made reasor�nbl�entnas upun:ind inspeCl�ons U�Ih�9 Property.prov�d�A
<br /> i thatLendershallglve8orrowernoUcepnortoanysuch�nspPCi�e,r�u��cdymqreascm•�blec�wsethere�lore�rei.�tedtuLendei�
<br /> fnterest in the Property.
<br /> I
<br /> � !
<br /> J�
<br /> �� �
<br />