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� <br />r y <br />2a1iQ0319 <br />Attachment to Disclainaer of Homestead Dated January 12, 2011 <br />Setween Five Points Bank and .leremy Mader, Zachery Mader, Laura M. Mader, <br />ancl Todd Mader <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />T}�e Sc�i�th ki�lf of the Narthwest c�uarter (S112 NW'll4) and the 5outheast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />{SE114 SW1/4) and lhe Nortti i-ialF uf tlie Southwest Quarter (N'l/2 SW1/4) of Smcfioi� Tfiirty $ix (36), in <br />Township Twelvc; (1'?) �lorlh, F2ange l"�n (10), West of the 6lh P.M., Flali CaG�nty, IVebraska EXCEP7' a tract of <br />land rnore particiilarly descrilaed in Warranty Geeci record�d in the Regis�er nt Deeds OffCe as pocument No. <br />79-008257 and E}C:CE'F'T a tract c�f land niore pa��ticularly descrik�ed in Warranty Deed recorded in tl�e R.egister <br />ot t)eeds t�ftice as Dor��n�e»t Na. 79-0�8258 EXG�F'T A tract of land c�rnprising a part of the Sauth Half of <br />tl�e Narthwe:�t Quarter (S`l/`tNW1/�} in 5ection "fhirty Six (36), Townshi� Twelve (12) Norkh, Range Ten (1p) <br />West of tfie 6th P.M., in Hall Ca�,inty, �lebraska., mare particularly describecl as foUows: Beginniny at fhe <br />sout}�west corner of said 5a�.ith Half of the Narthwest Qi.iarter (S1/2NW'1(4}; thence running easterly on the <br />south line nf s�id Soutii Half of tfie No�rthwest �uarter (S'l/z�lW1/�7), can an Assumed Bearing of S 89° 53' 47" <br />F, a distance c�f Forty (�40.f)0) feet, to a point vn tf�e east�rly right af way line of North Road and to the <br />AC`f UAL point of k�eg+r�r�in�; the»ce runnin� N UO° 2(1' 4U" E, on th� easterly right of way line of N�ith Road, a <br />clisla+ice i�f Seven Hundred Ninety 5even and Forty �iyht Hundredths (797.48) feet; thenco runniny N 89° 39' <br />20" 1�1 on the easterly ric�ht of way line of North F2oad a distance af Seven (7.0(7) feet; thence rGinning N 00° ZO' <br />4(1" E. nn the easterly ri[�ht oF way line or hlor�th f�oad, a distance of F'rve Hunrlr�d Three and Seventy ho�1r <br />Nundredths (5U3.7�E) feet, to zj poinf on fihe nc�rth line nf said 5oeath Half of the N�rthwest C�uaiter <br />(51I2NW114); therice runnin� S 89° 54' 02" E:', on ttie norih line of said 5outh Half of the Norkl� �uarter <br />(5'i/`ZNW11=1), a dist�nce �f Two Thnusand Three Hlundred �ic3hty Eight anc� �ii�y Four Hundredths (2,388.5�) <br />f�et; theii�:e runnin� 5 c13' 13' 2:S" E, a distance of Two 1•iundrecl Ninety Six and Forty Faur Hundredtt�s <br />(296.4�) feet; therice rimning S 69° 38' S7" W, a distance af `rhree Hundred 7ttiity Seven and �ighty 7�wo <br />Hi.indredtl�s (337.H2) feet; thence r�i�ininc� S$9 0'I' 5�" W, a distance af Three Hundred Twenty Five and <br />Nineteen Hi.indredtlis (325.19) feet; tl•�ence rw�ning 5 01° 45' 37" W, a distance af One H�+ndred Seventy and <br />Eic�hteen H�rndredths (170.i8) feet; tl7ence r'unnin� S 3U° 01" 39'" W, � distance of Thirty Nine and Four <br />Hur,cJreclfhs (39.U4) feet; ttierrc;e runniriq S 60° O8' 45" W, a �listance nF On� Hundred Forty Eight and Thirty <br />1'wa f•lundredtt�s (14II.32) feet; thence runniny S 72° 19' 02" VV, a distanr.e of One Hundred Twenty Fpur and <br />Nir�ety Six Nundr�:dths (124.96) feet; thence running N 86° 55" 46" W, a distance af Thirty Nine and Eighty <br /> HiindrPdths (39.84) fe�t; thence running N 6$° 22' 49" VV, a distance of Thirty Three and �ighty Five <br />Hundredths (33.85) f�et; thence runnin� N 87° 46' 3•1" W, a distance af Three Hundred Twenty Fo�Rr and <br />T�nienty 54vFn Hundredths (324.27) feet; ttience running S 3D° 32" 58" W, a disEance of Fifty Fpur and Fifty <br />Iiiindredttis (5=L.50} feet; tf7ence runr S �D° 26' 56" W, a distance of Thre� Hu��drecl Three and Twenty Six <br />H�inclredths (303.'�F) feet; thence running N 89° 33' 53" W, a distance of Two Flundred �arty Seven and �iyhty <br />- f�.vo Hi�ndredths (2a7.82) feet; thence r�uiniri� 5 G4° 49' 10'" W, a distance of Fifty Nine and 5eventy bne <br />Hundredths (59.7'1) fe�t; thence running S Cl'1° 4h' 27" E, a distance af l'wo Hunc�red Sevenfeen (217.Qp) feet, <br />to a point oii the south line of said Soi.ith f•ialf of the Northwesfi Gluarfer (51/2NW1l4),' (fience runr�iny N&9° <br />53' 47" W, on the south lirie of s��id Soi.rtfi Haif of #he Northwest Quarter (S1/2NW1/4), a distance af 5ever� <br />I-li.�ndred Sevenfy One and Twenty Hur�dredlhs (77�1.20) feet, tc� th� AC:TUAL point of peginr�ing <br />� <br />Jere �der <br />�7 <br />Todd Mader <br />Zachery acler <br />�... .� � .L <br />;` La �a M Made <br />