<br />(C") "Lcndcr"is WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.
<br />Lenclet is a �TIONAL ASSOCIATION
<br />nr�ani�ed and cxiGting uncler lhe laws of THE UNITED STATES
<br />Lender's address is �. p. $OX 11701, NEWARK, NJ 071014701
<br />Lender is the beneficiary under this Security Instrument.
<br />(D) "Trustcc"is ���5 FAR,GO FINANCIAL NATL BNK
<br />C/Q SPEC. SERV., PQ BOX 31557, BILLINGS, MT 59107
<br />(E) "Note"mcatas the promissory notc signed by Borrower and daled JANUARY 13, 2011 .
<br />The Note states thai Botrower owcs Lender Q� HLINDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND AND
<br />00/100 Dollarti
<br />(U_5_ $****175, 000. 00 ) plus intetest. Borrower has promiscd to pay this debt in regular Perivdic
<br />Payments and to pay the debt in �itll nat later than FE$RUARY O1, 2041 .
<br />(T) "Prnperty"means the property ihat is described below undcr the headi.ng "Transfer of Rights in the
<br />Pr�perty. ��
<br />(G) "I,oan" means the debt evic�enced by the Note, pluG intcrest, any prepaymeni chatges and late chatges
<br />due undet lhe Note, and a11 sums due undcr thiG Sccurity In�trument, plus interesl.
<br />(H) "Riders" mcans all Aider� lo this Security InGtrurnent that are executed by Bvrrower. The following
<br />Ridets ate to be executed by Borrower [check hox a� applicablef :
<br />0 Adjustable Ratc Rider 0 C'ondominii�m Rider � Second I�ome Rider
<br />❑$alloon Ridcr ❑ Planned tJnit Development Ridet 0 1-4 Family Rider
<br />❑ VA Rider �$iweekly Paymcnt Kider 0 Other(5) [specify]
<br />(I) "Applieable Law" means ull controlling aprlicable fedetal, slute and local statutes, regulations,
<br />ordinances and admini�trative rules and orders (that have the effecl of law) as well as all applicable final,
<br />ztan-appealable judicial orinic�ns.
<br />(,�) "Community Assuciation Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and othcr
<br />charges that arc impose�] on $orrowcr or the Prpperty by a condoininium association, homcowners
<br />assocration or similar organization_
<br />(K) "Elcetrunic Funds '1'ransfer" mcan� any transfer of luncis, other than a transaction originatcd by
<br />check, draft, or similat paper instrument which is initiated through an elcctronic terminal, teleph��nic
<br />instrument, computer, ar magnetic tapc so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to debit
<br />or credit an accr>uni. Such tenn includes, but is not liinited to, point-of-salc transfers, automated teller
<br />machine transactions, trunslers initiated by telephone, wire tran�fera, and automated cicaringhouse
<br />transfcrs_
<br />(L) "Escrow Itcros" uieans thotic items thut are desctibed in Section 3.
<br />(M) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlemcnt, award c�f damages, or proceeds paid
<br />by any third patty (other than insurance proceeds paid under thc covcrages deticribed in Section 5) li�r: (i)
<br />darnage to, or desltuclion of, thu Propetty; (ii) condemnation or other talcing of all ot any part of lhe
<br />Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu ol� condemnation; or (iv) misrepxesentation5 of, or omitinions as to, the
<br />value ana/or condition of the Pruperiy.
<br />(N) "Mortga�e Insurance" means insurance rrotecting Lender against lhe nonpayment of, or default on,
<br />the Loan.
<br />e
<br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/�reddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT
<br />�-6(NE)�osii� Page2of15 inisiais: Form3028 1I01
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