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� <br />� <br />201iO4�U1 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of ►and comprising a part oC the Southwest Quarter (SWI/4) of Section Three (3), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall Couaty, Nebraska, more partIcularly <br />described as begianing at a point oQ the South IFne oF sald Section lbree (3) said point betng Three <br />Hundred Eleveaa and Seventy One Hundredths (311.71) feet West af the iutersectian of said South Ilne <br />of Section Three (3) with thc West right of way line o[ the Unlon Pacitic Railroad Ord Branch, thcnce <br />Weaterly along the Soath line af �aid Section 1Lree (�), a di�tance o[ Une Hundred Sevtntetn aad ForEy <br />Nlne Hundredths (117.49) [cet thence detle�ting right S$ d�s 25' ZO" �und cunuing Nqrtherty a <br />di$tanr.c oF Eight Hundred �v�enty Fivc and Ffve Hundredths (S�5A� feet thence dctlecting right 91 <br />dcgrees 34' 40" and running F.asterly a distance ot Four Hundred 'Irvo and Eigl�t Hundredths (402.OS) <br />feet to tbe Westerly rlght o[ way Itne of the Union Paclt�ic Rallroad, thena Southeasterly along said rlght <br />of way Wne a dlstana a[ Three Hnadred 'l�nelve and Nime Hun�redtLs (312A9) fat thence dctlecting <br />right 93 degrees and Thirty (30) Fat and ruuning Westerly a distewoe ot T1vo Handred Ninety FYve and <br />Fotty Qne Hundiredths (Z9SAi) fect thencc deticcting lett 91 degrees 34' q0" and runnIng SontheHy a <br />dtstanae of Five Hnndired 5ixteen (516) [at to the place oF beglnning. <br />