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<br />'1"HIS DEEL) OF TR[1S'T ("Security Instruirient") iti x��ade on J�uua�•y 3, 2011, 'I'he grantors are I{AT1I1,f:H',.N A
<br />BAIt'1'LF:Y ancl JAMES L 13AR'1'I.F,Y .I.R, wife flr�d liusba��d, wl�ose �dda is 251(i W KOF,NIG S'I',
<br />C:RAND ISLAND, Neb��aska 68803 ("I3c�rrc�wer"). }3orrower is not necetisarily the ��riae as ll�e I'erson or Per�ons
<br />who sign the Note. T'he obli�ations of.' Borrowers who did n�t sigri tlae Note are expl�iiicd fi�rther in tl�e seclio»
<br />titled Successors and Assigns Buund; Joi��t a�ad Several Liability; Accomnnodatio�x Signers: 'I'he truGtee is
<br />Arend R. Raack, Attorney whoGe address iG P.�. Box 790, ( :rand I51and, NebrTSk� 68802 (""I'ru5tee"). The
<br />beneticiary is �Iome 1?ecleral Saviugs & Luan Associatio�� of C:rand [slf�nd, which is or��t�i�ed �i�ad exi�ting
<br />under the laws of the UiiiCed Statcs of America ax�d whose addreas iti 22l Soutl� l,oc��st Street, Grand Islfind,
<br />Nebr�ska (8801. ("Lender"). KATHLFEN A BAIt'I'LEY and .IAMGS I. BARTiaF,X Jlt owe Lender thc
<br />principal sum of Fnur Thousaiad Tl�irty-tl�ree �nd 50/100 N)allars (U.S. $4,U33.SU), which is evidenced by the
<br />note, co��su��ier loan agreeiiieiit or similar writing d�tte�l llte same datc as this Sccurity liistruar�er�t (tl�e "Nole"),
<br />whicli provides for monthly payments ("Pe;riodic Pay�nents"), with the full debt, if not p�iid eaa�lier, due and
<br />payable on Uecc�nUer 2S, 2U.16. This Security lnstrument 5ecures to C.et�der: (a) fl�e repayment of thc debt
<br />evidericed by the Note, with interest, and all renewlls, extensions and moditication;; of the Note; (b) the paymcnt
<br />of all other sums, with iz�terest, advanced la protect the security of tlais Seciirity Instr�uiieiit under the provision5 of
<br />the sectioz� titled Protection of Lei►der's Rights in the P� and (c) llie perl�>rmance c�f 13orr•ower's
<br />covenanls and agrcemcnts imder this Security Instr��.nienl and tlie Note. Por this ��ur��ose, F3orrower, in
<br />con5ideration of tk�e debt �z�d the trust herein created, irrevocably gr�tnts aT�d conveys to Truslee, in trust, with
<br />power c>i' Gale, thc following de�cribed propez�ty located in tt►e Counly oF IIall, Statc of Nebratika:
<br />Address: 2516 W KOENIC: S'I', (:RAND ISI,AND, Nebrask:� 68803
<br />I.,egal llescripciorz: Lot I'ifteen (IS), I31ock Eleven (11), Ashtun 1'Iace A�Iclition, City of (;rand Islaud,
<br />Hall Cnunty, Nebrftska
<br />'1'C)C;I�,I'HF:R WI'I'f1 all ttae in�prove�7ients iiow ar liereafter ercctcd on th� property, a�ad alI ea�eniei�ts,
<br />ap�urtenances, a��d fixtures r�ow or hereafter � p�rt of tlie property. nll replacements and additions ahall altio bc.
<br />cc>vered by this Sccurity ]nstniment. All of the fore�oing is referred to in tliis Security lnslrurtient as the
<br />"I'roperty."
<br />T30RROWFR C(_)VF�N�N`1'S that 13orrower is lawfi.�lly seised of the estate l�erel�y conveyed ar�d l�as the riglit to
<br />grant and convey thc Property and that the Property i5 uaae��cun�bered except for encumhranceG of record.
<br />Borrower warraiats and wi.11 defend gener�lly the Citle to tlie Properey ag�jinst all cl�ims eu�l demauds, s�ibject to
<br />any cncuml�ranceti of record.
<br />Secr�rrd L�debtedness. `I he debt evidenced by the Note and wlaicl� is secured by this Security Intitru�nent is
<br />subject to the provisions ol� l2 CFR 22C.32. Borrower acknowledges that Barrawer has received tlie ciisclosures
<br />prescribed by 12 Ck'IZ 226.3Z at least three business days prior to the execution of� the Nc�te and thiti Security
<br />Instrinnent, or as otherwisc requircd hy 12 C:I�K 22F.31. L3orrowcr and l.,cndcr {iirthcr acl<nowledge �jnd �igree ll�at
<br />Chis Security InsU will secure additiortal devt subject tc� l2 CF[Z 2Z6.32 o��ly if f..ender s�titifies the necessary
<br />requirexa�ents i�ii��o5ed on such deht impo5ed by 12 Cf�It 22fi.32 and Applicablc Law.
<br />13orrower and Lender cove��arit arad agree as foJlows:
<br />Payment of Principal and .la�terest; Prepaymcnt tind I.flte Char�;es. L3orrowcr shall promptly pay when due the
<br />principal of �nd interest on tl�e debt evideticed by thc Note and any prepayi�ient �nd late chaiges due under the
<br />Note.
<br />Applicable I..aw. A� u5ed in thiti Security Iiitilrunienl, llte le�'rr� "llpplicable I.aw" 5hall mean all controlling
<br />a}�plicable federal, state �nd local statutes, re�ulations, ordinances and admiilistrative n►les aa�d orderti (that havc
<br />lhe el'1'ect of law) as well a� all a��plicable final non judicial opitlioa�s.
<br />Tunds for 7'axes aa�d Insurftnce. At Lender's request and subject to A�plicahlc l.,aw, I3orrower sliall p�y to
<br />l...e��der o�� the day peric�dic payrnei�ts �re due under the Note, until the Note is paid i�i fiill, a 51�in ("t�w�dti") for; (a)
<br />ycarly t�ixes �nd assess»>ents which may aCtain priority over lltis Seairity Instr�unent ati a li�n on lhe Property; (b)
<br />yearly leasehold payments ar ground rezits ox� the Pro��erty, if ��ny; (c) ye�rly l�azard or pro��erty insurcjnce
<br />premiums; (d) yearly llood insurat�ce ��remium�, if any (e) ye�rly mortgage insurance prc►»iums, if any; �nd (�
<br />�ny �un�� payable by Borrower to I_,ezider, in accordancc with the provisions c�f the paragrapli titled Mort#;a#;c.
<br />Insura�ice, iii lieu of the payment c�f martgage i.r�suz�la�ce pre�niumti. 'I'hese iterxzs �r•e called "I;scro�v Ilen�s."
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<br />�r'> 2!)D4-Z(IIU ('ompli�nce Syslnnc. Inc F.EOR-30F.3 _ 201D.p!.?7X �
<br />('nnsumer Iteal Cstatc �� Sccw�ity Instrmnent !)I20�6 Pa�e I uf6 �� �����.compli�nccsvstcins.co�n
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