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b <br />, . .:. i �, p _ <br />2oiioa2s3 <br />Borrower and Lender olherwise a�ree in writing or unless Applicat�le Law otherwise provides, t�ie proceeds shall <br />be applied lo the sums secured by this Security Instrument wi�ett�er or zzot tlze sucxis are then due. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or it', after notice by Lender to Borrower that the conde��azior offers to <br />make an aw�rd or settle a claiza� for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lcnder within the mini►num number of <br />days esCablished by Applicahle Law after the date the z�otice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the <br />proceeds, at its oplion, either la restoration or repair of the 1'roperty or to the sums secured by this Security <br />Instru►nent, whether or not tt�ez� due. <br />Unless Lender and I3orrower otherwise agree in wz�iting, any application of proceeds ta principal sh�;ll ►iot extend <br />or postpone the due date of t}ie payments due under tl�e ContracC or cliange the amount of such p ayments. <br />Bnrrower Nnt Iteleascd; Farbearance Sy I..,ea�de�• Not a Waiver. ExteiYSion of thc time for payment or <br />modi�catio.i� of amortization of the sums secured by this 5ecuriCy Instrument �ranted by I,ender to any successor izi <br />interest c�f' Borrower shall not qperate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Bpn succctitiors in <br />interest. Lender shall nol be required to cc7nnnence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to <br />extend time for payme�it or otherwise modify amortizatiott c�f the sums secured by this Security Instrument liy <br />reason of any deznand naade by the original Borrower or Borrower's succes�ors in interetit. Any focbearaz�ce by <br />Leuder in exercising any riglYt or remedy shall not be a w�iver of or preclude t�ie exercise of any right or remedy. <br />Successors and Assigns Sound; Joint and Several Li�rhility; Accnmmudatinn Si�;ners. "['he covez�ants a�ad <br />agreements of tliis Securily Instrument shall bind and bene�t the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of section titled 'I'ransfer of the Property or a Bene�cial Interest in I3orrpwer. <br />I3orrower's covenanCs and agreements shall be joint and several. Any person who co-signs this Security lnstrument <br />Uut has no person��l li�jbility under the C onlract ("Accomn�odation 5igner"): (a) is co this Security <br />Instrument only to inortgage, �rant and convey that Accorruno�lation Signer's interest in tlie Properly under the <br />ter�ns of the Security lnstrument; (b) is not personally abligated Co pay the sums sccured by thiti Sccurity <br />Instrument; and (c) agrces that Lender and any other Borrowet' may agree to extend, n�odify, forbear or tnake any <br />accommodations with regard to the ternls of thie Security Instrumenl or the ContracC without that Acec�mmc�dation <br />Si�ner's consent. <br />Loan CI►arges. If tlie loati secured by tliis Security Inscrurnent is subject to a law which sets maximum loan <br />charges, and that law is linally inlerpreted so that the interest or othcr loan charges collectcd c�r to be collected in <br />connection with the loaz� exceed the penx�itted li�nits, tlien: (a) any such loaz� ckiarge s11a11 be reduced 6y the <br />amount necessary to reduce the charge to thG permitted lin�its and (b) any sums already collected from F3orrower <br />which exceeded pern�itted limits will be refunded to Borrower. [,.ender may choose to make this ��efi�zad by <br />reducing the principal owed under the Cc>ntract or by making a direct payment ta Borrower. If �� refund reduces <br />principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prep�ynnent wider the Cozitract. <br />Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Inslrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br />mailii�g it by first class mail unless Applicable Law requires use of another metliod. The i�otice sl�all be directed to <br />the }'roperty Address or any other address I3orrower desi�nates by notice to Lender..11ny natice to Lender shall be <br />�ivcn by tirst class mail to Lender's address stated lierein or any other address Lender clesignates by notice to <br />i3orrower. Any notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or <br />Lender wlien given as provided in this paragraph. <br />Governing Law; Severability. This Security Instnxment shall be goyerned by federal law and the lawa c�f'the state <br />of Nebraska. in the event that any prc>vision or clause of this Security Instrumei�t or the Contract conflicts with <br />Applicable Law, such cc�nflict shall not affect otlier provisious of this Security ixastn�zT�.exat or the Contract which <br />can be given effect without t�ie conflictin� provision. 'I'o tk�:is eaad the provisions oF this 5ecurity Instrument �nd tl�e <br />CotitracC are declared to be severable. <br />Sorrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given oa�e confonned copy of this Securiry Instrument. <br />Transfer of the Property ar a 8ene�cial Interest in Borrpwer. If all or any part of the Property or any intere5t <br />in it is sold or trans[erred (or if a bene�cial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower i� not a <br />natural pecsoa�) without Lcnde► pricir written couseut, Leuder i1�ay, at its option, require inunediate paymexzt iz� <br />full ol all sums secured by this Security Instrument. IIowever, this option shall not be exercised Uy Leii�lei if <br />exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this Security Instru►nenC. <br />lf Lender exercises this option, Leuder shall give .E3orrower x�otice of acceleration. The �aotice shall pr<�vide a <br />period of not lc�ss than the minimuiti number c�f days establislred by Applicable l,aw from the date the iiotice is <br />delivered or mailed withi�� which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securicy Instnunent. If liorrower <br />fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration of this period, I,endcr may invoke any reinedies purn►itted by tliie <br />Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />Borrvwer's Right Co Rei��state. lf l-3orrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall h�ve fl�e right tc> I►ave <br />enforceinei�t of this Security Instrunient discontinuc�d at any time prior to the earlier o£: (a) 5 days (or such other <br />peric�d as Applicable Law may 5pecify for reinst�ternent) before sale af the Proper•ty pursuant to any power of s11e <br />contaixled iz� tl�is Security Instrument; or (b) eiitry of a judgmex�t enforcing tliis Securiky lzastniment. TI►ose <br />conditions are thctt B�>rrower: (a) pays Lender all sums whicli tlaen wpuld Ue due undec tl�is Security Iristrumerit <br />and the Contract as if no acceleration h�d accurred; (b) cures any defaull af any other covenants or agreeiiaez�ts; (c) <br />pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Se�urity InsLrument, includia�g, but not limited to, reasonable attonleys' <br />fees ta the extetat permitted by law; znd (d) takes such action as I.ender may reaso�zably rec�uire to assure tt�at the <br />lien of this Security Instrument, T�e��der's rights in tl�e Property and Borrower's obligalion to pay tl�e sumti secured <br />G°i 2004-2010 Complitmct tiyatnms. Inc EEOB-8467 - 2UIU.U1378 � <br />Consumcr Real Rslnte - tiecurity �nstrumcr�l PI2p36 Page 3 0l'S ��� <br />