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�:��:,��:� � ,. <br /> � ,:�;.�,�+y,;r�;�, .T f .; <br /> .' . t:. .4:• •��1��f.Jt_ _- <br /> _ � ,•:,w���t:�.�, ,I �_�r'. <br /> -- ..� . .. _.. � "''"'y';`"�`,�`""��:: -- - � - -- <br /> _" .::A'n: <br /> �:, _ _--- <br /> ��� �� 92-- �o�,2s3 <br /> �i�►�';��:�,�r x <br /> -���',�.. �s,s Y�� ___ <br /> -_=�'-`'"�'_�'i`�;''� TOOETHER WITH nll tha impr�vcmen��now ur hercafler�rccicxt i�n�hc propeny.and ull cax�mcm+.i�ppurtcaunccw. �_, <br /> e end fixturcs�ow on c�rcAfter u part nf thc prnperly. All replaremenls und additinny shull also bc covercd by lhis Security <br /> '�����„�;� Inslromtnl. AO of Ihe forc�oing Ix refcrrcd lo in this Sccurity Inwrument ux�he"Propcny." <br /> _�'�iE�' RnRRf1WF.R CAVF.NANTS that Rorrower f�luwfully heiced uf�hc cs��le hereby canvcyed und hus thc right�o grunt <br /> �������r and convey the Propeny and th��tha Pru�rty i+unencumt�red.except for encumbrunce,uf rerord. Hortawer wumints and �- --_.__ <br /> will defend generally the titk la Ihe Prupeny s�gainst ull clwims und demunds,�ubj�t ta uny encumbruncc�uf record. <br /> ,,��',•..`--�'I••'•~ .�.�_•_,:- THIS SECURITY INSTRUMF.NT rombinc� uniform cuvcncmlh for nu�iunul uur w�J nun-uuifurm covenenls with _ _ <br /> y�� •� limited variations by jurisdiclion ia con�tilute u uniform security inxtrument cavering real property. � � <br /> +'�+'-�. . <br /> ,.,... UNIFORM COVBNAN7'S, Borrower nnd I..�nder covenant und ag�ee as followti: <br /> J.�ri��,",':�_ � l. Payment of Principal ond Interest;Prepaymemt And LAIe CharqeR. Borrowcr yhull promptly pay when due thc <br /> � . -,�- prineipal of und interest on the debt evidenced by�he Nute uM any prepayment pnd late churgea due under the Note. <br /> � ' ' � 2. Fanda tor 71euces smd Insuronce. Subject to applicable law ar to u written waiver by Lender.Borrower shall pay to <br /> �'���'�=�-'���'�= Lendcr un the day monthly paymcnt,ure duc under the Nwe, unlil thc Note iY p�id in full.A sum l"Funds")for:(u)yeurly <br /> -'� :�„��•,..� . . � �axes unJ urjsesxments wbicli muy vuuin priariry rner this Sccurity Instrumcnt as a lien on the Property;lb) yearly leasehold — <br /> -- ::+,: .��_�;.�a_.�.' . prymenta or ground rents an the Property, if stny: (c) yeuly hazard ar propeny insurwtce premwmn; (dl yearly flood <br /> -:`::.-�`� �..°���.,,���:°�,,.. insursuice premiumy, if nny;(c)ycarly mortguge inaurance premium�, if uny; +nd ID any sums paynbk by Borrowe� to <br /> r.;� :y,,,w _.' >... •• accardqncc wfth the provisions of purngrc�ph 8,in lieu of�he payment of mortgage insurance premiums. 1'hese <br /> .=Y� - • •ti• ^' � items.sur enlled"��ow Items." Lender may,ut any time,collect und hold Funds i�an amaunt not to exceed Ihe maximum <br /> '';�� ^-�'"^""" " �' amoun�..p lendcr for q federally rela�ed munguge Inan may reyuirc for Borrower c escrow uccount under the icderad Real <br /> �,_i�� •� . ��`x�"••�• Estaie Senlemeql Prracedure�Ac�ot'197�3 Ax amended from lime to timc. 12 U.S.C.§2G01 et seq.C'RESPA"),unless another _^ <br /> - ` '_:. .t.4`��.� . Inw that opplieti to the Flmds�ets a lecser amount. If sa.Lender muy.ut uny time.collect und hold Funds in an amount not to <br /> ''�::� � � exceed the les•.ser amount. Lender may extimate �he wnount of F�unds due on the busis of current daw and reawnabk <br /> _ „� ,.�.�' - .• estimntes af eapenditw�es of fu�um E,craw Ite�ns or otherwise in accordance with applicnble luw. <br /> �. The Funds shall he held in an insthudan whosc deposits ure insured by a federul ugcncy, instruments►lity,or entity <br /> . (including LcnJcr,if I,cnder i.such an inxlitutionl�r in any Federal Homc Loan Bunk. Lender shall apply the Funds lo pay <br /> ;;�� ��- ' thc Escrow Items. I.xnder muy not chargc Barrawer for holding and upplying the FLnds, annu�lly analyxing the escrow <br /> uccount,or verifying.the Escrow Itemti, ur+lrw�+ Lender pay+ Borrower interest an the Funds and applicoble luw permits <br /> • �� u Lender to make such a tharge. Howa4cf,�-�nder muy require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real <br /> .' , , . estate tsix reporting�crvi�e u��d ty�.e�uk;r in cannection wi�h this loun,unlesti applicuble luw pmvidec otherwise. Unless an __ <br /> • t agreement is made or uyp�icqblt I,nw�ui�i.s imeretit to be paiJ.Lender ahull not be required to pay Borrower any inoerett oc <br /> earnings an the Funds. .BoRnWSr�nd,l.endcr muy ugree in writing,however,thAt intcrest shall bc puid on U�e Funds. l.ender <br /> shall give to Botrower,wi[tK�Ltt Gha�gw.un annuul ucciwnting of�he Funds,showing crcdits und debits to Ihe Funds and the <br /> purpose for which each debn,►«Ihq,flumts was madc. The Funds are pledged us additional security fur all sums secured by <br /> -- _-- _ — thia S�'curity In�tn�msm. <br /> ' . ' .�" � If thc Funds tield by Lcnde� cxceed Ihc umount, pem�iacd 10 bc held by upplicablc luw, Lender shall account to <br /> Borrower for Ihe excehs Funds in uccordunce with the n�uirement+uf lipplicuble luw. If the umount of Ihe Funds held by <br /> � , Lender nt siny time is not�ufficient to pay�he Escrow I�ems when due, Lender mAy so notify Sorrower in writing, and, in <br /> ' such cutie BoROwer tiholl pay to Lender the umount n��essury lo mul:e up the deficierr:y. Borrower shall make up the <br />, . , ' deficicncy in no more than �wclve monthly payments,at Lcndcr�wlc Jisrrelion. <br /> � �. Upon payment in full of s►II tiums�ccur�J by �hi,S�curiry Instrument.LenJcr shull promplly nfund ta BoROwer uny �,�__.___ <br /> � ", Fundti held by Lender. If, under paruFruph'_'1,Lcnder+hall uryuirr nr sell the Propeny. Lender,priur ta the acyuisitiun ur <br /> � utle of 1he Property, shull upply any Fund, held by Lender ut the timr uf ucyuisition or wle us u credit uguinst the sumx � '.� ' <br /> , ' secured by this Security Intitrument. __—_ <br /> . ' 3. AppUeallon of Paymenls. Unle.� upplicabk luw provide. otlx:rwi�e, ull puyment� received by Lender under ^�" •--=`- <br /> • parugruu�+hs I and 2 shull bc upplicd:first,tu uny prepaymcM rhur�!c.dur under the Note;sccond,to amounts puyable under �,~ <br /> ' . ' :, , paragr�ph 2;third,to intcrest duc:fourth,to prinripal duc: :md lust,to uny lutc chargc+Jur undcr�hc Notc. �"T"�;,- <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr shull pay aU tazc.,as,e,ymems, rlwrgcs,tines und impositiom attributublc �o the � '----- -' <br /> .`�.:� .�� Pro n which mu uttain riorit over this Securit In�trumcnt,und Ica�chold a ment.or round rent�,if un . Borrower `�'`"� <br /> P� Y Y P Y Y P Y S Y wr��., <br /> �'�t�;ti;y.;�;.:;�,,; shall pay Ihese oblig�tions in the mnnncr pn�vided in p•rrugraph 2,or if not paid in that munner,BoR�iwer shall pny them on ry`_ <br /> �`�;_ - <br /> `� lirne direcUy�o the person owed paymrnt. Borrowe�.hall promp�ly fumish�o Lrnder all nntices uf amounlz ta be p•rid under <br /> ' �'��•�: Ihis parugrnph. If Barrower mukes thexe paymern�directly.BoROwer shall prornptly furnixh io Lrnder recripts eviJ�ncing •� ,��' <br /> ',* ��_;: <br /> • the payments. � ,,,..�._ <br /> ,;�.•",° �� Burrower shnll prompQy discharge uny licn which has prionry over thic 3eruriry In.trumcnt unlcss Borrowcr:(al ugree+ _r^, .� <br /> ��?���-•.:'.. in writing to thc puyment af lhc ubligatiun.rrurcd by the 1 ien in a mnnnrr acccptablr to LcnJcr,(b)rontcsts in goad faith thr e�:�_-= '� <br /> `"t'•,, lien by,or defends ug:�inxl enfcxcement of the licn in,legul proccedingti whirh in thr l.endcr;opinion operatc to prevent the �•�_ <br /> „ � •� enfarcement of the lien;or (c)xecures from thc holder of Ihc licn un ugrecmcnt,�tirt'actury tu Lendcr subordinating the lien =�`�.`i�� <br /> • ' d to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender determinrs tha�uny part uf the Prup�rty is subject w u lirn which may attain priority � <br /> '`" over this Security Instrumcnt.Lcndrr muy give Borrower s�notire identifying the licn. B.nrower shall satisfy the lien or take <br /> one or marc of thc uctions tiei fonh abovr wilhin 10 days of Ihe giving uf nutic�. <br /> S. Hazard or Property Insurunce. Borrower,hull kcrp thc improvcmrn�. nuw cxi.ting on c�reaftcr erected on thc �,, <br /> ��.�;'�� Property insured again�t loss by fire,haiurdx includcd within thc trrni"cxtrndrJ cc►vcra�c°and:my other haxurds,inrluding <br /> p <br /> floods ar flooding, for which Lender reyuires in.urutxe. This in+uruncr.hull Mc maintaineJ in thr amounts And for the � <br /> Form302fi 9�9i �po¢r=��/n�wae�� � <br /> i •. <br /> r . , <br /> i , <br /> ., .f <br /> � <br /> . �1r' - - --- .�._ . --- - <br />