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<br /> �- :.�.�- - ....___� _._..__.___---_ — -_ =- _ =-
<br /> .��, r..�.. - - =�s-=a-r����'�'iF'moca"�.._:,:c�c�_:-�-��.'.'�.t� - _ _:;�r�- -
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<br /> 13onowcr �f) prom�+tly givr I.endri v,•ritten notic�of any investigatiaa. clai►n, cien�a�J, lax�suit or othrr �ctia�bv airy
<br /> Qo�erca�xhiw!ar reQ�lzwry cnrny�ar pr�v�►ttp�ty inv�lviuQ thz Pr.�xfty atrd any H�zarcious 5ut�stat►c�ar Environmcntx� Law
<br /> n�+�h�:h Hc��rc*wer hay t�-tn�k+x►wln➢��. IF H,�rr.�wr� teu�u,or ic i�t:t"iod by a+�v Ko��e��uueiuu:�l ac rc�ulutory�►uthority, thst
<br /> �uiy rrnwval ar uthtr�nrcdistia�uf any I��tari�w�Subswxc�fl�tiu�ttk Pr�rty iz t�t,sszty.liorn��r:.r�JI pnui�yxly take
<br /> ali ra�rssary renxalW�ctic�ns in ycc�nlw�oe w�th Envir.�au�►��►ial L.4w.
<br /> A�usoc! in this para.qr�cph 20, "I:sr�rdaw 5ub�t�nc�u:" zrv t�wse subst�i►ues defiraai t►s u�xic ar iuusnlauu aubs�i+ux:�r byf01
<br /> Envirnnm�nt�l l.�w und ehe following wbuuurs: gasalinc, L•erc�senc. Mtier flammable or tazir pctrr�leum pn�tti, toxic�
<br /> pes�ticicSea�kl hert�icides. vol�tiie so1�•tiu,�. nu�terixls cantalnln�acbestoc or fi�rmaldehycle.a�xi radioacs�ve nwteri�lt. A�ur.�cl in
<br /> this pa,:�+;y�.k 20, "E'.m::cs:un:.�::! L::w" r.uanx taius!laws zad law� of•the jurisdlction where the Qrooerty i� locatod th3t �
<br /> �clate t�tuailh,saf�t�or environmtntal pn�tectioa.
<br /> NON•UNIFURM GOVEi�1ANTS. &►rro�er and I.end�r iluthcr covs.�ant nnd agree as folf���s:
<br /> .'t.Accderatioa;Remediao.l.ender shrll gke iwt{ee to Ifor�uwer prior ta soceleratiaa fdlow�Sorrowe�•'s bce�cA
<br /> ot �ssy caYSasa! � s;s�ea! !n tlLL9 Sict:rtty QnslrunKnt (b�t iwt prior to aooder�t{on under pw'�t�'aPh 17 udcsc
<br /> applic�►a�aw p�^C►�wec aamvlu�. rbe�wtk�s shail spxtry: ca�ux au�ule; ro�ux�ct+on r�ilrea to cum ehe aef'.�u:
<br /> (C)A jG►tC�IfOt l�thiA 3O d�ys I'Mtri t6!d=te tht AotkC 19$IVM t0 BWZ�Owet.by w6{cb the detault n�utt be cured;w�d
<br /> td) t4�►i tallure to cun: thc dets►utt o0 or betore tbe dote spa:ttkd in thr natla�uay rewlt in s�a.tessNon of tbe gua�s
<br /> secw+ed by thk Security Inctrumcoi aud sak aiF the Avparty. The�otke shs�ll t1u�tLer iaforn� Bw��oµ•er of tbe H�,ht w
<br /> reiocwW aiter accdentioa aed t6e �bR to brio� a court actbn w�i tbe ooircxistwoe of's�ciet�ult or any other
<br /> de�wse ot Bc�rm.w�er W acoder�tioa s�nd wie. If t6e de[auG4 ts aot tr►red oa or betot+e tbe d�te speettlod it� tbe oatice,
<br /> f,enckr• wt its optbn,cnay ro9u[re tmnet7(u�te Pv7a�t �n�idl ot d!s�ac socured by this Sectt�ity Iasuvmmt without
<br /> hrtier 8ew�i aw��i�w1�e tAe p+wesr r�i a�ie�od sqy ot1KU�re�ac pa'�itted by appUcaWe law. I.eada sho11 be
<br /> a�Wled to aauecc all apeou.iec�rr+ea i� tbe rea�aaks pro.i�1 rix e1�i�o.�ap+�Zl,i�di�,buc nne I�..it�a
<br /> �ps IY�00�!i�tW'�t1'9�tCl9�O{�COiti O:�lt•�LiY
<br /> Q tbe p�w�a�oi c�ie is 4rrv�ed, Tru�ee s�ll raad a ootke at dc�6k in►ewd eauety in w6k6 aoy p�rt d tre
<br /> property i�located ta�!s6a11 r�i!eopies ot soeh noticc i�tLe manoer pre�crlt�c�l�w applksbk law to Aorrow�a�aad b
<br /> we af�r�e�pre�r�oa Q,���eie��..�ttes ue c�e��ea ny s�ua�a�ww,�e�.0 d�e�c ooaoe
<br /> ut wie to tLe pessoms aad in l�he r�aa�ec pr�e*ised by sppikabk law.Trt�steG witiout demand oa Borro�rar,sM�Y sdl
<br /> the Propaty at pMbik�wctjo��t�e 6i�st Ai�3da��ut tbe tiaie anel pi�ce a�d ueder the te ma da�gasted W t6e iooties ot
<br /> ssk m one or moro p��adl 4 w�a�da`T�ta ddami.a.Trtid«m.y postpoa�e s�ie or au or any pNrcd ot tl�
<br /> p�,�perty by PW�1ic a�ooraceer�,�t at t6e time sed pl�oe ot aqy pr�vb+nlY acreiiuied s�le.I.eader or its da�i�see m�,y
<br /> purcr.e we rr+opeesy se aoy iaie.
<br /> (Jpori recdpl o[paytneat ot tbe prioe bid. 'Tnnt,te sbW ddiver to tl�e puwc�ar Trwtee'i daed coaveyi� tie —
<br /> Yroperty.Tbe recita4 ia t1�e Trust�e's deed sbrll b�e pGiuow f�cie evideaa of tLe tront� ot tbe itsteemts m�tk t�e�+eio.
<br /> Tewten si�ll app�y tbe proceeds ot tLe c�le in t�e foUow't�ot+der.(a)to all aods aa8 ezpe�es ot e:�We po�ree oi .
<br /> s�,�uewl tbt sa1�ineludia�tL�P�yment ot tLe Tn�tee'9 f��aily jacnr�+e�D.oot W esoeed T8��OF �50.�0 OR��
<br /> ot tie prt�tipN�uno�at ol tl�aote at tLe time ot tLe doclYratio�ot ddault, aad�+eNO�b1e attm'�eYs'feta ae permitted
<br /> br Mw;N)tn aY w�s��on+�d by tl�sc Seerrity ia�a�ut�#tl(�1 aaY eseps to tLe pet�oe oe'pei'�ie�IfY e�fif�d to.
<br /> . �' u. �- �� wr
<br /> mau of�EE sums sxur+td by this Sa�►tity I�trumen�t. I.eiYkr�allreq►�est 'ftustee w
<br /> [econvcy tht Pra�+c�.'sy and shall sur�r.Mer this Socurity Jnstrua�eat a�rd'�tl notes evideacing de�SC sr�rei by this Secu�iry
<br /> ' laatrumaot ta Trusi�Trusta sh�ll reooavey tbe Pn�perty withqut warrauc��ad witLout dsarge W tite person or persan k�t1�Y
<br /> mtitlod W it.Snd�pecson or pasoni shall p�y aay rococd�tioa cosis.
<br /> 23. Srbrtkate Tr�ee.L�der. at its option.may frcxn ci�e w tirae ranove Tiv�stoe ud appoint a woc�wor uustee w
<br /> auy Ttu�tee appaakd beraioder by aa i�ruma�t rcoucded in tbo-r.�HUUy itt�wbid�this S�vtic�instn�nent is recarded.Witl�out
<br /> oo�treyaaa of tht Ptopetty,the sucaessor tivsiee sball saoc�oed to;all the.r�e�.Puwa aod du4es oonE'c�'[ad upoa Ttustue haeia
<br /> - ----=-='ia�.l- � �"'----�-� --- :_ . ..
<br /> _ .
<br /> . ... ... . _
<br /> Z�i. iar l�aiicec. Bormx�. • t�ut eogiei ot�tls nos'sces�o��ault�a�slcTie�xac to H�oRio+weT:a�r�i_
<br /> wbich is the.Property Address.
<br /> 2S.Riiees to t�i�Senrit��tr�ut.If aue or mo►r ciders are executod by Bonov�v aad reoordo�to�etl`s�with this
<br /> Savrity Imtrumeat.the oavaiants and agree�ments of each such rider shall be inow'porr►tod iato and s�iW amend�nd s�tppko�ent
<br /> the cavamits and�gC+oemears of this Soau'ity L�ument as.i�ttw ridn'(s)were a Fait of this Secut'iry Insuuioeat.
<br /> [Check sppiic,abie box(ec)I
<br /> Adju�tabk Race Ridet Caadominictm Rider 1�F�mly itidtr
<br /> Ocad�wted PaYmeat ilir3es Pianned�Tnit lltvelop�eot Rxkr &weekly Payma�t Ridac
<br /> �llooa Rncirr Rate lmprovaawt Rider S0000d Home Rideir
<br /> v.ti.�aa o�t�)[��rl �
<br /> ,
<br /> BY SIGNIN6r 6F3..UW,Borrowa aooe�s and agnes to tbe tetmc�od covea�ots eootoimd in this Soairity ine�umme aod
<br /> us�;sid,..-^�s)t��;�on+owcr aod_.�eoordc�d w;th iG
<br /> Wit�ss�eo: •� .
<br /> ; (Sa1)
<br /> FRED D WBITESLDES, JR �O"°""� .
<br /> ; � � `����,��� � n
<br /> L • Ar�c1� �� (Sal)
<br /> . . �uc�os.z s�c��FS_ � .�°'�'�""
<br /> . . _ . . . . � :
<br /> : csa�} t�a17+�
<br /> -�„� •e«*o�«�..
<br /> �i
<br /> - STA'i'E OF NFBitA.SYA, HALL �Y� �'rF
<br /> TBe foae�oiog incttumeat w�xknowlodgod btfore me this 2g day of ,�,Y • 1996 �
<br /> Wit�CiS�f hiOd�i1d 1f0�JiW iql St G��ID ISLADID. t�7F.AitARYA i%��'//I�I/�LZI'/�L��
<br /> �l�}/�.- s�,.�
<br /> My Comrnission Expires: � '
<br /> _ �_. tvo�,ry ww+c
<br /> �4' '" ''� ]tiSii
<br /> :�d�i( ��j�,�10�1q1h
<br /> .:„�l0.1999 (��p�E�K Form 3p2� 919p
<br /> M/t9n�.E�SMt?�1!!9
<br />