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� <br />� r <br />�oioo�9�� �oiioo2�9 <br />EXH[BCT "A" <br />J � �.- <br />Part of the NorWeast Quarter (NE1/4) of• the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of Section Thirty-Six (3�, <br />Township 'I�velve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th �'.M., Iiall County, Nebx'aska nnorc <br />particutarly descrihed as Collaws: <br />Beginniug "at a point on the east line oC said Section TLixty»Siur (3�, said paint be�ng Three Hundred <br />Ninety-Nine and Forty-Eight Hundredths (399.48) feet North af the Southeast corner of said Northeas# <br />Quarter af the Southeast Quacter (NEl/45�1./4); thence nortUerly alo�g the ea�st line of said Sectiot� <br />Thicty-Six (3�, a distaaee of �ne Hundred Thirty (13U.0) Feet; thence deflecting left 89°Sb�O" and <br />runniag westerly, a distanee of �vo I�andred Seventy-Eight (278.0) Feet; thence southerly parallel to <br />the East line of said Section Thirty Six (3�, a distanee of One Hundred Thlrty (130.0) Feet; thence <br />detlecting left 89°SG'30" and running easterly, a clistaace of T�vo Fiundred Seventy-Eight (278.�) �'eet to <br />the place oC begiuning. <br />