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<br /> �NO�tiYESi BFu�����s►� DEED OF TP�UST �o���1
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<br /> ' �IHA NE f8103. �
<br /> :S�IiPLE1'W ILLIAh�
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<br /> �
<br /> . THIS DEED OF TRUST('Socuriry iaucu�')is ss�e on •]�ULY 29, 199fi .Thc tms:�or is
<br /> ("Borrower").T1t�c i:�vstix is NORWEST BANR NEBRASKA, �TIONAI. ASSOCIIITIQDi , .
<br /> ("Trustx').71ie beuefciary� NORWEST B�ANK N�B�tASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATIQN . —
<br /> which is ot�anizod and existiqg uader the laws of � �NITED S,�ATES OP AMBRICA .aad who�e
<br /> ��� 202 iJEST THIBD STAEBT, GRAIr'D �SI�1Ds NEHaASxA 688D1 .
<br /> ("L:eader"). Borrower owes l.a�der tt�t.�:i�e�c.ipd st�m Qi
<br /> P11�-��'THOUSAZiD TBIRTY-TWO AND $0/Ot?------------^---�Oltars(U.S.S 53.032.04 }.
<br /> 7tis�ebc is-o�s�`adeaood by Borrower's note datod the same duc ar uhis 5ecurity InstrumeQi t"Note").V►�S p(OYK�LS fQ4
<br /> �Y WY�s�wich tbe full dd�t.if not p�ud earlier.due aad payabtc on � NOVB[� �. 1996 .
<br /> �� 'itt��Savriry Instn�meac secures w I�ad�,r:(�)the repaY�ot of tbe debi evidenoal!ry t2�e Note,w�iate�rsc,.�i alt renawits.
<br /> ti e:ta�sians sad Q�odificatioot of the Noce: (b) the P�Yaaau of all othcr wms. with intcreu. advanced uader�acagr�d�.7 W
<br /> ---. . ... __.___._ ._ _ .. _
<br /> - protccE ttie--seain'ty of tiiit 5ec,iriEy�Inctcti�aor�t: �d"(e) mt periorunaoe af e'?orrovuQ's covcuau�u;�-���.y-a:�w:.-
<br /> - qupose. Bon+owa irrevocaWy Brmts ud oonveys w Tnutee. ia truss,with power of sale. the followin�ckscribod pra�paty.
<br /> locuoa in HALI. �o�tx,Ivetu�ics:
<br /> _ III1LL CWNTY, DIBBBASLI. . . -
<br /> - which yas tbe�dd�rss af 16 CNl1�1TI7.LY, GAANl7 ISI�IHD [�a�.�rl.
<br /> i: N� 68803 \��AY�+�FUw�� � '
<br /> - � . � (L;p codel . ,.
<br /> 'I'OGETHL'�WIT�i�l!the improvements now or E�ereafter erected ou�tho property,u�d all easar�wts..apQurtasan;a:s.aod
<br /> ; fixWrcs now or ha+r�fter a part of the proputy. A11 teplxemnts wcl�additions shall also be oovered Dy tlfis 5oct�ritY
<br /> ,� Tusuua�eat.All of the foregoing is rcfeitocl to in this Se�wity Itut�urnent as die"Pro�erty.'
<br /> ;� , BORROWER COVENANTS tlsat Borrower is ia�ufulty seised of the esuisa hereJay oom�eyad and hac the si3ht w�nt�nd
<br /> ,;� ta4cttrry tbe Propeaty md th�s tbe Propaty it�neocvnaUered.oxct.'Pt for eoc�mbryoees of reootr�. Borrowu w�ttaats aod wiU
<br /> defead geoaally the tide w the Property agwut aU claims a�dea�ia.wbject tv any eoa�m6cm.�s.of reoord.
<br /> `�� T�IIS SECURTTY INSTRUMF.�VT cambicxs uaiform oova�nts for n�tiaW use aad non�acfi�rm a�veaaats with limitAd
<br /> ! �sri�tio4s!ry j�t�dicteon to oonstitate a unifocro security inctrunoeat oovering rea�praperty. � �,::
<br /> _" i3i:�rvTci.:£�Yc::.i.t'i�.�.:�x��'•3: '-s�:zsr.�ss:�a�as fo41u�•
<br /> ' 1. P�y�tat vf Priacip+l ad 1Ma+at; P�+eP4yre�t aod Late C6v�ea. Horrawer shail P��Y Fv� v�'�a due t}re
<br /> ' princ7pal of aad intaest on tho de6t evideeoed by tbc Note aod aaY P�Ymeat snd Istte clwrges due unda the Aoh:j.
<br /> � 2.�'und�tor Ta�tai�ad Iawraote. Subjax to xpPtirrble law or to a writtcn waivcr by Lezda. Borrowc�sh�ll p�y to
<br /> , Lrnder on the daY��Y P�Yma�ts atr due tu�der the Note,until the Note is pzid in full,a sum('Funds")fot:(a)yeuiy ts�cGc
<br /> and usesscnaus wbich ra�y atts�n priority ova this Securiry Iaswa�eat as a lies►an tho Prope�ty;(b)Yearly tea4e�old PsYmeats
<br /> OP$fY)t10d[�COts OR t11C fiC�rctiy.ii iucji:lGj yiau0y iu�t�iliu'w jrii�[iY iroiiai�w , uu"u`L.'::�Sl;j.�`.�l1�:�.^^a..�...•.""•'i.�uawa.�pi'w�'i3:..:5.
<br /> if�ay: (o)Y�Y�8�8e msur�nce premiutt�s, if any:�d(�anY sw�PaY�t�k 6y Harrower to Lender. ia nroonlance wuh �
<br /> t}�provisioas of psngraph 8.in lieu of tt�e paymait of roortg�ge insurufoe praniwns.�'hese items are cali�"Es�crow Iums."
<br /> L�nd��•may.�t �ny eia�e. collect and hold Funds in an�noount rot to exceed tho muimum �rnount a k�nd�r for a faier�lly
<br /> nlated taoRgag�foan may require for Borrowu's escrow accouot under the fodual Rea! Estate Settlement PSrocalures Act of
<br /> 19T4 as�meaded from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Secti�n 2601 et uq. ('RESPA"}, unkss another law th�t�+lies to the Funds
<br /> secc a lesser�aount.If so. Lender may. at any time. collect�d hold Funds ic� an arrwunt nw to exceod ti�e tesser amount. .
<br /> Lender may atimate the�nwura of Furds due on the buis of current data and�sonabb euin�tes ot cxpcaditures of future •
<br /> Esecow Iteuis or othenr+ise in xcordance with appiieabk law. .
<br /> NEUt/1SKA.Sirpt�FsmilV�ami�MMlF*�ddf�Mac tJ1�lIFORM IMSTR1lM1ENT For�302�9190
<br /> �IW 72T97 M?G v►M uo�c�c,�cowK-u�wa�•a�co•woo�sa�ns� Pp�1 OI4 �r t������t
<br /> La+
<br />