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<br /> �'•�'""�""""°•°'i`^ M=CHJ1L"L LBE KRECKLOW and RIMBERLY P►NN RRECKLOW, Huaband anQ ��
<br /> �;s,.. �,t%, .
<br /> � j ��..�;fl,-.a��� ' W1fe� herein aalled the "Mortgagor" whether one or more in �_---
<br /> ,Y-�,. �. ... ;=;�.
<br /> --- -- �• �: �_�. wa.. c o n s i d eration of Thi rt y-Three Thousand Dollare ($33,000.00) at the
<br /> '� � , ;,• rate of 8 1/2 percent per annum received from mortgagee, does
<br /> � -.:� .. . ; � �
<br /> • • ���F� ,.. mortgage to DONALD I,. RRECRLOW an8 DOROTHY ANN� KRECRLOW, Husband _.
<br /> __�_
<br /> s���_z.,
<br /> and Wife� LELAND J. RRECKL4W and JANICE ANN KRECKLQW, 8usband and �'�==-
<br /> , �°"' ' Wife= RUSSBLL C. RRECRLOW and BARBARA ANN KRECKLOW, 8uaband an8 -__
<br /> ,;;• Wife= and DUANE M. RRECKLOW an8 MARY JANL KRECKLOW, Au�band and -
<br /> , r�.:_:��:.
<br /> � - • Wife, Grantoc, "Mcc tgagee", whether one or more, the fO11AW�4g ����_'=
<br /> +.�� , ---
<br /> . ;:':�,. ,. :,�-: .,- desaribe� real eetates a,=_-,_
<br /> �<+;:�'� � � � ` � Lot One (1) elock Ten (10) Parkhill Third -�r����
<br /> ��` ;;��;���.� �.�., �.r;--
<br /> '�`''``���'- "�: Subdiviaion, Grand Island, Hall County, ���r`��-m
<br /> -,i±e���`«;��;,,;`;�J�`�{�};i Ne bc aska. -__---.
<br />; `.�:f,Fk�.:;�f�,����(���.:
<br /> ��•
<br /> . •. '� � And the mortgaqoc 8oes hereby covenant with the mortgagee an8
<br /> , with moctgegee's heirs and assigns that mortgagor is lawfully
<br /> , � seise8 of sai8 premises, that they are free fca�a encumbrance, that
<br /> � mortgagor has good eight and lawful authority to convey the same
<br /> ; � an8 that mortgegor warrants and will de£end the titie to seid
<br /> — — premisss agalnst the las�f�.�l �lai�ne oF �!1_I QRraqna whomsoevec.
<br /> This mortgage i s given to sQCUre the payment of the Promissory
<br /> ;, , Note of thia date made by mortgagor for Thirty-Three Thousand
<br /> Dollars ($33,000.00 ) at the rate of 8 1/2 percent pec annum =
<br /> amartixed over a period of twenty-five (2S) years payable in _ -
<br /> �� monthly payments aE $265.72 commencinq on the ist 8ay of March,
<br /> " 1992, and continu ing on the f irst day of each manth thereafter
<br /> � until paid. -
<br /> Mortgagor sha11 pay all taxes ahd assessments leviec] upon said
<br /> ' .j'" `� � real property ana a 11 othec taxes levied on this mortgage or the
<br /> . � note which this mactgage is given to secure before the same become --
<br /> " .��:��:t'�� delinquent and ahall maintain fire, windstorm and extended covecage �'�� �
<br /> . insurance with a mortqage clause on the builaings on said premises =
<br /> . �� � ' ,...; in the sum oE $33,000.00. if mortgagor fails to pay such taxea and
<br /> - � �•'�" assessments or procure auch insurance, mortgagee may pay such taxes =�::
<br /> � ��.,�: and purchase such insurance ana the amount so advance8 with ��"��-
<br /> . interest at 8 1/2 percent per annum ahall be seaured by this '��s��'
<br /> �Y=r�T
<br />* ,,, mortgage. a��l=�...
<br /> � ��� " In case of default in the principal sum or an ��±��J�±T
<br /> paym�nt of the y �
<br /> � installment thereof or o£ any int�rest thereon when the same shall � '�'�
<br /> ' become due or in case of the non-payment of any taxes or
<br /> assessments or o� the £ailure to m�aintain insurance as herein
<br /> provided, mertgagee may at the optivn of mortgagee, without notice,
<br /> . :� ;
<br /> . ,.
<br /> �
<br /> . i
<br /> • . � . �.1 ,
<br />