<br /> ___-_.--°- _°.:_ ._._^ �
<br /> --- . -':: .. _._.. . . . _.. _c::r.._ r.�_---— -- _--..
<br /> ��— . . _ . . . .- .. .rt�_-. -- -- --- .
<br /> � ���.. ., i� `` _ '- ----.
<br /> _.-.-.,-... w- � . .�. .�_ . - °----- _.__._._.------- "` _-
<br /> -�:{�L -- - - � —
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<br /> ' tMiFORd�.1CUVI:NAT17'�.tiom,wu�uui t.enJcr cavanant�nd a�roe r�failaw;: �t7" � �_
<br /> !. Wy�at af PriMei�►�a�d I�tuwe. eortcwet�11 Dmn►M�Y MY wtwu�u�:ttu;{�rinclp�U�nd lnicrat ind�Med++ew��ld�acod bY z._
<br /> �he Nalo�uxi I�W t,lwQcs u pmvldai in the Note.
<br /> � �.,ua.�T....�...r i.wwr.•.�usiat to�pplkaD{o(+tiw ac a wrltkn w�l�u sy i.cader�[l�rrow•u xhall�Y w I.en+kt oa tl�c _
<br /> dry nwathly pt�°�sa.at�of ptincipal w�d inktat�rt payablo under ibe Noie.w�tl!tl+w NuW�a p�kS in fLll,a wm lhetcin"FUUOS'1 aquai iu w«.- ___
<br /> 1weltld of the ya��cwx::�•�d asussauats iinctude»�cw�domioiwa,�pl:a��unit de�el�xnant�ssesm�aiw, 1� WIY�.wAll'Z1 GItY�T�q `! _
<br /> priorid ova U�ir.I]aai:�'Trust,aad 4raund r�ts on ihe�S,if�ny,plus wk•iwclfth oP yuriy�vanlum inatYllmuu�fur hazard ia�w�ko, °-
<br /> plus oao-tweltth c>iyc:t�1Y i'�iutn iast�llmr�t�Cue mortR�e iiuunuce.if aa},t1!t+rca�orssb�Y�i�iwi�.'i iaitlntty�d itun+�laaf�usuL+ —°-
<br /> Lenda on tho Uw+c+s oP wscewaeaw and bilb�od reason+�Wo atice�tn L1rnoL Rcnawu slull aot De oDtl��tod ta aui.0 wch P�Y �.
<br /> w Lcadcr w tlu r�ueat tliu�iorcowa aukes wch WYa�+w ciyu Aot�cr of a t����%ica ar�L�c3 af un:u if wch lwldot is�►WtitWlaa+l =
<br /> kc�det.
<br /> i f Bomowa pT,y9 Fuads w Leada.tbe Fuads ctwll be bekf ia�n instiwtioo�de�osia=:+rx;uw►is of which arc inzured ar iuwntoa! _
<br /> by a Federaf ot sta�ta u�er�"Y(inc�ud�Luukr if l.sadc�is suc0 w iruxiwtla�l.ltnder sA�U�pply tbe Fwula W pay said taxw.a�s�esicawq� __
<br /> u t!u Fw�ds,wlyxia�said�ccount or vuifj�fa�t�ad
<br /> � iawnace prca�iurns�nd�raand ra►c�I.a�der nN9��Y�foc so bald+nQ+wd aPP�Y� --
<br /> coa�pilio�s�W a��••M••�x�i biLLv,uoless l.a�der P�Ys l3oerowa iistatist on thc Fw�d��nd appticsbk law pa�nita 4e�da W auke wcb a
<br /> charQa Bortow�c ard f�..�ncint cnay aerce ir.writic��t tht t3rs�e of exexutioa af this Dood of Tnut ttut iataat on tbe Fw�ds sba!! �`v�
<br /> Bcxrowa.�ad unieq sucfi t�reanent i�m�de a applicaDk law roquL+e9 wcl►intcrest w bc psid.l.eodet sluiU ttot bo re4utrod t°WY
<br /> ay iatecest ar casniogs on tho Fuads.l.axler shal!Qise W Bormwa.withouc char�e.�n waw!�counUnY of tt�e Fwsds sbwwio�aodit��nd
<br /> dtbits W the Funda�t►d�lu:purposa for which cach dcbit W 1ht Funds was�sde.The Fuads ace p{al,�d as additiot►ol secwibr for tbe sums
<br /> sociued by thla DaE of Ttus�. of Fuads piyAbse Priar w the d+�d+�of
<br /> if tAo a:iwunt�f'tbu Funds hcld Dy La�dtr,cct�c�v�itA the futurc awnthly installmaus
<br /> taxes,auenasmts.iaswan�a pnaoiums�nd Qraud reats.sNaaq�cxod t!u�t roquired w p�y said wca,as�maus.insuraace P�an+uau
<br /> wd gtouc�d rents at ib�.y Csit due,sucA pccess sl�11 be. at Bo�sowa's oplion,eitAer prwnWly nePaid to Bortower ar creditod to Bortowes ou
<br /> n�oathty iasWl+ne�p af Fundn if Me amouot of tAe Elu�is Aotd�y l.ader sba11 aot be suffi�W�ta��yass��0°���tl
<br /> aod gra�od raus a�tbe.y falt due.Bai+owa s6dl pay ta La�a�►Y unounl ce�ssuY �P
<br /> ��y rccn:n.
<br /> uao�p+►r�u�r�u�au��oa�y m�n�a orr�u.u�:a.ii a�y��,a w eoRO�.�y Fw�txw ey�.
<br /> If uoder par�g�IT Rxreof Ibc PevQerb is sold or the PmpeRY is ott�awise aoquircd by La�der,L.a�det sbatl�ppiY.ao Wer Waa imaieai�eelY
<br /> pia w We s�le of dw Ra�Y�+��9�+���5'Len�iv.ac►y Fuads bdd by La�der u tho a�of�pplkatwo as a crod�t�ainst t�e wm�
<br /> sec�i►Y this Dad af.Ttust. reoeivod by t.ender under tAe Note aod
<br /> 3. AppYct�dqst �f,Yh�y�ab.Udcss spplicaDle law provides oNawise, a�1 WYma�ts 2 haroof,thw
<br /> p�apbs 1�aa 1 beteof s.twrt�I�o appuoa by La�a«rWSC m psrueat of.monats wYtblo w I.wda br Bocr°wer undu P.r.�raph
<br /> to io0�+est pyable oa T�e Isota,ps�d tEea to the principa�oitse Note.
<br /> 1. rriar IrLa�taa�es�ai D�s�f Tr�4'Ysrtea:l.M�s.Bort�ower sh�il pertorm�11 of Baro�we�'s obli;aiion�uod���►Y�
<br /> deed oi truR ar ct4or aacuti�+ a�r�eot witb a liw wAicb has p'iaity ova this Dood of 7'�ust, iacltdini Bon�w�da oovenfnw W tmfce
<br /> Wr�w�a aue.sort+awcr sRwl�p.y a�u�e m bc P�d�suces.as�n�a�,aa ana�•ru�s ana���to ae
<br /> propaty w6kh swy tsWL�a�ivtitY ova thi�Dood oE'Itust.aad ka+ebold piya�c�or�round�u�.if�ay. �
<br /> S. Na�ri Lad't+taR.Bo�s�11�ce�P tba imD�oYa�t�aow existin�an c�tatta'era�fed oa We Propaty itt�u+od�piast
<br /> bY fir�G�aards iacludcd withid�ibc u�ut.'ex�ed cuver�e".aud scu�s o�Ler Eazat�ds s�Leadec m�pr raquit�e aod in wch�mo�w�ts md fa'wch
<br /> petio�s a�l,end�er�otY mqpitc• ��slull be d�omm�y Honou►er subjoct W appoval by l.endrr,p'ovid�d.tmt sud��pp�ov�l
<br /> 'R+e insna�crsrier pmvid+aa to lw�nder aad sbfp iocluda a
<br /> - - ----�u sAi oo��.w�•'+wr •�'•�33:.!!�.�'t rt:e;±..wd�w�ts tbe+ea�'s�t+i b�ia a fona aaept+bb
<br /> �aod�rd moct�,t�ge cl�wsc in fivor of�ad io a fam�oc�b�t ta 1,cs�Ccs.1.�x n!`sli!i►vo d�e ri�bt w bold 8�e po�iciCS�oo���...._.._
<br /> subjcct W the ter�mof any mort(ir,�c,dad of trast ar otber socuiit��wit6 a Ikn whkh Aas p�ority orc this Doed of TtuW.
<br /> ta tbe eveot of toss�Buraower sl�aU�ive prornpt ootico ta t�iativnna arricr�od Leader.Lmdri mai'��P�f of loss if oot m�de
<br /> P�'�P�Y d!'��-
<br /> tf tbe Fropclty is�bw�Autrod by Barowex ar if BortowC faits W respood to l.enda wiWin 30 d�prs from tLe d�te ootioa is m�i.ied by
<br /> l.ender w 8omow�r tlw t�c ia�:anox wtier offas oo settlo s cls+im for insu�'�ace beaefiis. Lendei is wtLaixed W colkct aod�Jy the
<br /> io�raoce procerd►K Lmdds apti�m ad�a w rcstaation or rs.p�it roi'li'se PropatY ar W tLe sums seaued bY ti�is Deal of Ttust.
<br /> 6. Prw��lio��utd Mti�M�s�a ot Ynpe�t7;�••••ia`.r,L Cordo�i�i��s:Pb��d U�k Dev�MPaMSft Baro�e Sti1�
<br /> We prppaty in �aOd np�ir and :sbail not ooaimit wask or pam�li:Fm�irme�t°�d�+�'0°°f��'°�y aod shaU ooa¢�witD�e
<br /> p�+ovi�lam of any k�e if tbls Dead'of 7'nnt is aa a imas�o�►3'-�f t�is 1)eed of Trust ix oa a tmit ia a coadommi�m or�«� ,
<br /> Bazowv�ll pafoxm alt of Born:.wa's obliyatioos tArsrJkr tfre cSalt�ation ar covatmrts a�e�tis�a�OYanio�
<br /> d�vdopmeot�thoDy-�nwr aad u�stlatioos of tse coad�xm�aiuot or pla�oed uait derdapcomt.�od�doa�means.
<br /> T. Pr�Metiu of�m�+r's SeeWiq.lf Bc�owc fajh oc.�dK caveoaots aod a�oou�md in t!�Deed of Tnn�or it
<br /> ,�mct;,00 or p�o�dit�:a corr,m�oea which a�tai.11y.ffe�s i.e�scrs ines►at in the rro�etty,men t,wder.at t.ca�fai'a optioo.►ipoa ao�co eo
<br /> Bo¢�war.maY mYco suc��QP�disbutae wc�t wmt.iacG�rea�k�Y���ad Lk�e w�]f attiat ss is��P�'�a
<br /> I.a�de�s iotaest.iFL.�rodar requic�od mort8�6e insues�re as a coodition of makin�tLe laa x�e�bY this Deed of Tn�st.Boenw�r�b�ti�xy t6e
<br /> pi+em�mt roqtti�ed w mniat�in�euc6�u�oe in effeR uat's1 wch time as tbe requirtmetu fot sKh idSwaoce tetminates in accocd�oce widA
<br /> Barowe��rK1 Lm�a's wrinua a�a�t ar�linbie isw.
<br /> = p„-y �,;.,�w••+-• �y l.endc�'ir�!t to this�nqr+wraoh 7,wit6 interat thaea�. al We Note ntG���
<br /> indebtodoess of Ban'+owcr r,�arai Gy tt�is Dad d.s Tnut Unkss 9avrower and l.ender aQree W otlxr terms of ptymeot
<br /> pry�ble upoa nodoe finm L�aa to Bamwer re4uadn�wY��N°tbi°�c°°tai°ed m thia�ptt'T shail roquire l.mdv to ioan'
<br /> �5'�P�x a'Wrs smy astidn hereuoder.
<br /> R �.Lendrr mry�aks or atiroe to be tuade�oo�Dk wuies�on aad in�ons of tLe PtnpertY�p'�vidod t�t i.eadet
<br /> s1uU�ive Barcowa�wtiw p�iot w�ny sucb i�speMlon spocit'Y�8�DO�ause dxrefor tclated w l.a�det's iot�a+eat ia We Pcope+tY.
<br /> m cannectiaa with aay caodeams�tim ar
<br /> 9. Cadaa�t,3ua The proceeds of any award or cWm for d�aiages.dircct a conse9�ti�. and shaU be paid w Leade�.srobJect
<br /> _ oit:;r-tal�g af tA�PY'opsatY:or p�rt thawf.or ior oonveyaoce io lieu of ooadannadon.�rc berebY�+8�
<br /> to s�u.�ms of�y mort�sy�:dond uf��a u:iter s�srig•«e:".,aami:rith a li�n Which hae pcio�itP over U�is Deed of Tr�st.
<br /> 1�. Bv�ww' N�t Rdwai+ R�6ara�S'J' Is�de�Net• Wa[ver. Extcosioo ot't8e time for payma�t or m�od'Jicstion of
<br /> amwaaodon oftlo sve�s�bi'tbis Ueed of Tnut 9raooed bY I.e�dei to aoy wooes�i�inearat of B«mwa siWl not oQe�ate to relwe.in
<br /> any nuutrr.ttse lirbiliry aCthe ori�iad Barower aod BaroweYs�ooa�s�
<br /> NES�iASKA-SFAUND MQRTGA(lE-1l�0 FNMAlf'�1I.MC UNIFORM 1NSTRU Paoe 2 of 4 For�3828
<br />�
<br /> �,':3
<br /> --- --_ __
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<br />