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<br /> x'i'A"j'.,",1� t 'Yt� �",�0•C'�f,':g.GTs.t'�i.�`•L��S%r r - �r` s'oE3�Crf�t--rrr-` --- _---�
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<br /> �"� ��M�S
<br /> _ Upwi reodNt o� �.yuoa�e or tLe prlce aa, rn�w�c �4+cu ddtver c� tbe purch�er 7Yuscbc�o deea ca►vRytn� cl� „
<br /> �'ti'�Ix+'�Y. The Yvcital� Ir tr. 'i'wctea'x dwd�li be s�ri�sa tncie wkiaeor d'tLe trutlt ut t6e uaieneWa wwk tberel�.
<br /> Tewtce sM�l!��p(y thr proceedw ot tAe sak tR tk foibMt�ur�de�: (a)W vi co�a�d exp�xsea uf acMrlriu�t�e�wwer ot
<br /> s�te.aad Ws w�.lpd�iiup tl�e iwJ'weat ut tbc T�rte�'y fi���tu�lty[u�usw�ed.aut tu ra►��,ad !'.
<br /> �t Ire p�iaci�w!�awe�e�Ibe uate s�t the time af t�e dreWrrtio�et datu�it��d re�ruaabie stWruey�'tce��per�Wtf�
<br /> by t�w:(b)w�11 su�c sea�bd by tis�Se�ue�ttty Gwrumwt:wid tc)ow;�e�oe�W tMe pirs�ur�rso�s{e�ity Er+riti�d w
<br /> �
<br /> 22. Recoo'veiaace. Upor� paYment of �ll sumc cecurod by thls Sccvriry Inctrunx�u. La�der�all reyucst Truuee to
<br /> «canvey t!� Propeny a�id shall surrender this Sccur'sty In.urume:u and e!1 rwtes c.�ldrncin� 'u'bt saurcd by this Sccurity
<br /> lnstrumn�t tu Trustee.'I'ruswe s1ul1 rocw�vcy the Property witbout warnnty wci without char�e to titc�rstm ar persau k�ally
<br /> eatitled to it.Such porso�ar porsons slWl pay any rocordation�osts.
<br /> 23. S�e�e.L.ender. �t i�s option. may from tlme w Wne rcmove Tnuta and ipEwint a sucotssar trusioe to
<br /> aay T�ustoe�ppointod hueunder by su�iactrumau rocoidod in the county in which clua Serurity instrumratt is rccardad.WitMwt
<br /> oonveyanoe of the�roperty,the cua�essor trusta stWt cucceed w al!the tiifo. pawu aad dutia ooafemd upon T�uuee bercia
<br /> aod by applicable law.
<br /> 24. Req�KSt tur Notka. Borrower requestc that oopies af the natica of defwit aud ute be sent to Burco�r's adci�s
<br /> whicb is the Pro�xrty Addrac.
<br /> 25. RWn�c b ta4r Secudty Ia�trwseot.If one or mo�e rtders u�e exauted by Bomower and recardod Wge�tt,a with thic
<br /> 5ecurit�r Lutnunent,the ooven�nts and s�gt+oements of each such tider ctWl 6e inoorporatod into and siudl am..°nd aad wpQip�t
<br /> the cbveuynts and agmesnents of this Socurity lcutrumau a�if tbe rider(9)were a pa�t o!'this So�vrity iaiuumeot.
<br /> , [Chaic�pplic�aWc box(es)]
<br /> Adjustable Rue Rider Coodomiaium Ridtr 1-4 F�oWy Rider
<br /> wya�ea pay�s A;aa p�o.�a v��n�c�opa�c wae� s;weaay paym«�c wa«
<br /> $rlloon itja« Rate L�ovem«�c R;aa sdooad fioaae Ridu
<br /> V.A.Rider Otl�er(s)[specify�
<br /> � � • � �
<br /> TiY S[GNiNG BELOW,Rorrower x�oeps ana�gras to the temis ud wveaants 000tained ia this Soauity Inwumaot aod ,
<br /> in�ny r;cla{s?ezatwed by Horrower Aad r000rcbd with il. .
<br /> wira�a: � .LJ, � o���.�- .
<br /> • . ; , '. . B � B PROPBRTIBS : ��� �
<br /> P ER Mq I 1VI01J pJAR1WTOR
<br /> __. _ . . . - -— /:���.���►l�' � � ...�:
<br /> , .. - - l�l....
<br /> — — -�-�--- ----- — - ---�-- -g - �� - -- — � � —�-�-'
<br /> ` . ' PARTNER llt� t�lARI�I�tTQI�;�;;
<br /> (Sa!) (Se�i)�
<br /> � -ea�+ara � ,poao.�et
<br /> S�rl`iE riF NBDitAS1CA, IIALL , ':
<br /> • The foreaoi�tg w�e ackaowledgad befo�rrjc t6+s 13TH�,y of AIIGQST� , 19�6 , ::.
<br /> b y 1 i 1 tt1! .��iT l.1�. iLILi� �lt�tt�1l IUI11111L GttllTlt U i 1�T I W�f, �l R t l l t 1 1 i I I I I�I l I i L . �'.,;,.:
<br /> .�11WIIt. w�s my h�d md noqri�.r�ai�t. '� G�ID I SI.A11D, R SICA in s�id Ca�r�ty.tM d�ee�id.
<br /> My Q��taroissiou E��S: '. . �
<br /> :.,� �,. ' � �� _
<br /> ; ,
<br /> �����Q .
<br /> . , . . .
<br /> � : r iw.s.e� fwsiPGt� 11�6
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