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<br /> irrrr�� . � _: -= ---
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<br /> _ =���::��81�?:'= -- ,:_,_•.��+,c�-- --........s .—�,.,,. _ _ -- -�- ..�.�,.K..,.�. ..,n,r,� _
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<br /> PeY�ts�y no ba�a be requlrad.at tbc qNbn of I.ax)er.ii mortgago inwran9oe�ooverage(in�he�nuunt and for tRc per'sod
<br /> ttu�t L,cnckr roquires)provi�od by�n iasurer approvod by i�aj;ain bocc►�es aveilablr.and is obtainod. Bonraw•a sdal!p�y tiie
<br /> W�CII1+uAL9 r+09uitOd ��++�•^���� G1ott�,QC iAS¢T�uCC io CffCCi.Oi W provide�loc9 reawa untU tbe roquu��t fa n�ort�a�e
<br /> iactv�nco wds ia�ecad�uuae with aay wriueu aQroeman�betwaa&xrower w�d Lau3er or applicab3e IAw.
<br /> 4.Ie�sctioa. L�sQat or '� �goai msy a�ct rtss�s�►blo�tr�icz ttpoa aad iucpociioun of the Pcoperi,y. Lrnder shall gi�vt -
<br /> Boimwa natioe t�t ttsa dme d ar prior o�w io�poaion sA�Y�B��'►lo caus�e for 1ba iaspoction. -
<br /> li?.�oa�a'.�. 7Uee pr�ac°Qay �wo�aY CL�1+'II fG' (�aatt7�da'. dL"�i Ot Ca'1tiSCaZL'ii1�1. L�CO:.iSCC�OA Y.'�!A itly
<br /> oondeau�sitiaa or alw Wcin�ot any part of Wo Prope�ty.or for ca►voyance in lieu of coadeaan�tion,am da+eby ass�nod and
<br /> sA�U be pid�o la�drr.
<br /> Ya tho eveat of a toW Wcio�of tbe Pbperty.tbe procoeds cA�U be�pliod w tlso tums socurod by thi�Socu�ty Iasorumast.
<br /> whttber or uot tba�due,witA aAy e.�oesu psid t�o Borrewer.In tbe eveat of��wtiil ulcia�of tbo Propapr ia whicA tbe fair m�r�et
<br /> v�tue of iAe Propecry iauoedLndy befa+e tbe Wcia� i�eqwil a or Qoe�toc tt�n the�a�omu of tbe suau socueod by thi�Securicy
<br /> Iasaun�at i�d1�1e1y aeca+e �be Wcia�. anlw s«mw�a�na t.eoaer oeaa�wbe �n,o in wr��th�o wQas �ecuroa by tlu�
<br /> Socudty Iastruaneat s!W!be roduced by tAe�n�ouat of tla proceedt saukipllod by tbe[olbwia�[ractboa: W tAe lota!�aount d'
<br /> the tuoa��ecunad imme�ialdy beforo 1he pldaR. diWded bY (E)Ibe Gir a�rkot vWuo of tbo Prapary imaaedi�eety be[ot4 the
<br /> nk3n�.AAy d{�oce thW be p�iE b BonOwat.L1 tlle Eveot of�p�etial ukLyR of We PrOpeJxy�rl wb1Cb die Glr alarket v�Ot t�A
<br /> �Y �Y befote tbe t�tc� i� k� th�a tbe �owunt of tbo wm� �oeurod taaotodlYely befaro tbo WcInQ� wtlaa
<br /> Barrawet wd La�dar al5erwl�e�s+ee ia wtitLy�or uaiers�pplicablo law otberwi�o ptovidet,tbe p�ooeods aWl 60�ppiiod to tLo
<br /> wn��ecured by ILi�Socuriry tawument whe�hor ar aot tIw wau are thea Que.
<br /> It tbe Pro�+erty ia�Dndaoad by Barewa.ar if.Jter aotioo by l�aiclei to Bocmwu t6�t tbe condenaaor ofters to m�ke aa
<br /> awae+d a�eq1e a c}�im far�lm�es.Baroarcr fWs W cespoad w l�ax�a witWa 30 days atler�he da�e t�e nodce i�givan�I.eeder
<br /> i��oCi�ed q coiloct ind IQply tbE pfvcCOd�.�t itt Opti0tl�C3tbEt OD t+alOntlon Of t+epit Of fh0 AaQaty Or 1�tb0 sums�OCU�+Cd
<br /> by thi�Seaxrlty L�oa��,�hdber or aot tba�d�e.
<br /> Uok�l�da�od&xro+ra othenwise agree ia wtlting�aoy anQljc�oa of poceed�to pciocipl strLl not eskad at poetpoua
<br /> tbe due due of tbe moad�Y P�Y�ret'esred m in pr�raphs 1 aad 2 ar cLaa�e tbe aawunt of wch paymeat�.
<br /> Il.Baero�w�er Nat Rekred;Forbairaaoe By l.eader Not�Watvar. Bxtes�cioa of tbe time for paymoot ar wodific�tioo
<br /> oE amornratim of�he wm�s bcurod by tbis Socurity Iastruapast�antod by I.ader`o any axoe�or ia lo�aest of Barmwa d�all
<br /> �opaale b rekafo d�e li�ity of tLe aii�hhW Barorvcr a Bamower's auooes�ors ia iofrreft.l.ea�kr stull not be raquired b
<br /> � �P'�8:��nY suoxs�or ip ia�arst a irfwe w eactead time far pymeat ar oth�vi�t modi+'y�wo�tiration of
<br />;., t�e�m�a socu�od by thi�Seavity Iastrummc D�y reasoa of any demaesd m�3e by tbe ari�ioal Barrourcroe Baan�ua's wcoessoct
<br /> � iA ioiarst Aay farbarwoe by I.a�der in ezcasisiag pay r�ght or remedy s1�aU aot be a waiver of ar procL�de tbe e�ereise af any
<br /> si�lt ar mnedy.
<br /> ` l2.S�teu�on a�d Aari�as Bwud;Joi�t a�d Se+ra�h I.iabili�;Co�. Zlie ooeeamtt aoa ��retmaan d' tbis
<br /> _ Soczccity 1�mt �11 biod aod beaefit the suoassors aad ass�as of I.tatkr aotl Bottowat. subjetx io d�e puvltion4 of
<br /> por�n� 17. Bamowa's ooveanoa �ad sgroema� ttu�ll be jant aad uvesal. Any Barm�rer wAo co-sigat Wis Security
<br /> .� b..r..�. .� .1�..�.�..e.w!#�,i�TMM• !.l:..�.«.w„',i�e.1�c�„n.sw r.W..�w�wwf LM,w t�e .wer.s..n .�ws f�A e�ww.i..r -.----
<br /> - �rr�— r—�-- i —•-�►�--. �.�. .
<br /> BOefb'�fR'f IOIQC�t 1A dIC P[Optl1y 011dly d10�QiZL4 Of fAi6 SOCO[lty III�11�l�(�1) tiE DO�PQ�OOi�Y O�i�b p�Y 1�C Ai�
<br /> . m�e.�eyu,r�od by t� Sea�riry Ia�mmm�md(c)agc�ees tWt lxader�od*�a�ny��otl�w�Ba�my�oww, w—a`yy a—g--r-eye l�u pa�ct�md�,�mwod�Y.fa�bear a
<br /> E �IYf��������7���»J Liifi WYGAL�WO 1�.MlY�L WiL DUt1V7�0 tN�aiMw
<br /> � 13.Lo..eiv�a. Tf a�e Io�eean+ed by aus security Ias�uma�c b aubjea�o a hw Mhich sds m�c;m�a 1o.a c�rges,
<br /> 4, aod dwt Lrv h fm�lly ioteipreted�a tb�t t�e aaerre�a otba bw c6a�a colbcted or 10 be odbcbd m a�om�r.�oa witb d�o 1o�a
<br /> :j eaceeed t6e p�d Hmits.d�w:(s��y s�lo�n cbuge sh�1i be reduoed by d�e amouat neoe�y w:sdux abe c�a�o die
<br /> �.
<br /> � pamiaed ii�aod(b)any wms a�s�y co�ecied fmm F�xtoaar a+bicb eacc�eeded pamit�od linsits w�l be tefiaoutbd w Botrow�dr.
<br /> I�eadec mq►ctioae o�anate t�is =d�md!y red�cio�t3�priacip�l owed under tl�rs No�e a by aLidn�a� p+yromt to
<br /> � Barcewer.I�� refuod teduces pmnci�pal.tIra redncoion rv�i be treat�d at a P�P�Y����Y P�Y��
<br /> �ndec diC I�de.
<br /> � U.No�ioes. Aay notice oc�Botm�ver provided far in this Sec�city Iosu�meot ahill ba givm Dy ddiverL�se ar by n�ilin�it
<br /> by fari clm mail nokse appl'rc�bie Lw req�ira u�e of cnwtber met�od.�e notiot s�:�11 ba dlroc0ed b We Fto�aty Adderu ar
<br /> � r►y otbar,ddr�u Barower d�si�te�by nodce w i�c}i�.My aaice w Leadc s�l tx givea by fi�t c�ss m�i b L�oder':
<br /> addrcas wled Ladn or my otber addcet�Leod�r des�n�ia by uotice 10 Bacm�ver.My aotjce pcavidcd Sae m ihis Secunity
<br /> . 1as�u�t shdl bE dOdnOd q t�avC bOea giw�ID B�Onrtr Or LRtldet wr4a1�ivtA tf prOVidOd�1 ttax�Sq'�t.
<br /> �. lS.GoMa�Law;Sevanbiii�. 7��as' Sauricy 3nsaument sLa11 be govett�ed by federal � �8 tbe la�v of t�e
<br /> �� - . . m��t, t�,�,,vn,�,sY �W,r�.�.Ir�}rr r,r�dsac say nrovi:im ar clau9e of tbia Sac�riry r��•�,�•ar tbe Note
<br /> `•� sooEtie�Mt6�pQlicabie�.Quch eont�s�stl t►ot affect odxr pcovision�of this Secu�ity In�wmeot or the 3'i�oe which can be
<br /> � �vea�act w�hout tLe 000fliaio�piavds�aa.To tlils ead t6o pcovisiont of d�ia Soan�ity Inurummt aod t�e No�e�a+e decLcod 10
<br /> ' bo aavaabio. -
<br /> 4
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