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� <br />20i1Q0��9 <br />BY SIGIVING BELOW, Snrrnwer accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in thic Securiry <br />Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br />W itnesses: <br />��(,d�/ti. li� ��^a _ (Seal) <br />S BrnokeL.Smith aka Brooke T]°1[ri�1P <br />Borruwer <br />$orrower <br />Boirower <br />�Space Below This Line F'or Aeknowledgmeut] <br />STATE OF Nebraska ) <br />�� 1 I ) ss: <br />COUNTY OF � ) <br />,— �. � s �„ n i � <br />I, <br />certify that <br />(Seal) <br />(Seal) <br />(Seal) <br />� Y4�` �--'7Q 1�QtfIL(J a Nntary Public in and for said county and state, do hereby <br />asin�leperson�8'�'�oke Trimble <br />personally appeared before me and is (are) knawn tn me to 6e the person(s) who, being informed of the contents of the <br />foregoing instrument, have executed same, and acknowledged said instrument to be beC , free and vnluntary act <br />(his, her, their) <br />and deed that Sh� executed said instrument For the purposes and uses therein set forth. <br />(he,sha,thay) <br />W itneas my hand and nfficial seal this 6 tti day of .Tanuary 2011 <br />My Commission Hxpires: � `�I � � <br />� no <br />This instrument was praparad by: GENERAL NpTARY • 5f8t8 pl NCbf85k1 <br />ELIZABETH A GARptJNO <br />My Comm. Exp. March 2, 2013 <br />NEBRA5ICA—Single Family—Fannie MaeYFrcddic Mat UNIFORM IN$TRIIMENT Form 3028 1/Ol U�age X of8 ynges) <br />g754.CV (3/09) 004-308-2G2 C.realive Thinking, Inc. <br />GOTO(nnlnc2lp <br />