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<br /> 17. Transfes af the Property ar w Hene�ic(al li�tere4t iii Ba�•►r�wer. If all ar any part ot'th�NnWeny�r any intercst in it
<br /> is so1J or trensferral(or if a bcneGcial intcr�si in Bomau•cr is sald or traa�ferred and Bc�rrau�er i�nnt A iutural{�ercon)witluwt
<br /> Lendcr's prior writtem m�sent. l.ender may, at its aption, ru�uire iminecliate �ay►nent in full nf all sunw ►ccural hy Ihlr
<br /> Socurity Iiuirun�ent. However. this option shall not be exercised by Leuder ii exen�se is prohibiteci hy fcxleatl!uw us u��lu�at�:
<br /> af this 5ccunty Irutrument.
<br /> If Lender e�er�ises this ogtion. Letxier sha�l give Borrawer ix�tice af'seeeleration.Tt►e iu�ticc stwl! Provide u�erkxl af�uu
<br /> less than 30 clays Prom tt►e datc the �xuicz is deliveresl or mziluc! within which l�rrowcr must pay ail wnu �aurccl hy li�ix
<br /> Sccurity Instrt�nxnt. If Borrou�er fails to pay these sums prior ta the expir��ion oP this perial, Leixler n�ay inwke Any rcmediiw
<br /> permitto3 by this Sc�urity insirument withaut furii�er iwtice or dea�a�d nn Bor.ower.
<br /> 18. Bortrow�er's Right to Relasts►te. If Borrower meets certain condilions, Borrower stwll Itavt the ri�lit to h�ve
<br /> enforcemenl af this Socuriry Instn�ment discontinued at uny time prior tu tl�e e:u•lier of: (a) 5 days (�r.ruch othor peri�ul »r
<br /> applicable !aw may specify far rcinuatement) before salc of the Property pursuant to any pawcr af sale cantuiiucl in this
<br /> Sec�rity Instrun�eni;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Security Instrument.Those cunditions are thut Borrower: (ul pays
<br />. Lender all suiru wh{ch then woukt be due wKier this Security Instr�ment and the Notc as if no acceleration hud occurrod; (b>
<br /> cures any dcfat�lt of any other covenants or agraemenu; (c) pays all expenses incurred in rnforcing this Security Lutrument,
<br /> including. bui n�i limited to,reasonabte attomeys' f�.s;And (d)takes such action as Lender n�ay reasonubly require tu assure
<br /> tha¢ the lien of this Securiry Instn►ment, I.ender'c ri�h��in the Property and Borrowor's abligation to pay the sumc r�curai by
<br />: this 5ecurity Instrument shal! wntiiuse unchan�ed. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instnuneni and the
<br /> obtigctianz s�.-�ural hemby shall rcmain fupi effective as if ua acceleration ha�i occurred. Howcver, tlus ri�ht to reirut�to s1u►ll
<br /> not apply in tt�e�.�se of acceleration undx.r paragruph 1�.
<br /> 19. Sple ai Nate; Chan�e of I.os�a Secvicer. 'Zl•x Note or a partial interrst in the Note (together with this Security
<br />. Insuument)may be�aid ona or more times without p�ior notice to Borrowcr. A sale may re.wlt in a change i�the etuity(known
<br /> �ns the'Loan Senieer")that�ollects monthly paym�ts due urxkr the Note and this Secu�ry Instrument. There also may be t►t�e
<br /> or more changes of the Lc�an Servicer unrelated tc�a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the I.oAn Servictr,Burrower wiU be
<br /> given writtca ncuia of the clwnga in�ccr,�e w�iih paragraph t4 above and applicablc law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> �ddcess of the new Lou� Servicer and t�address to wtuch paym�u�stwuld be m�de. The notice will alsa cauain any ather
<br /> infora�ation reguired by a�►plicablo law. '
<br />: 20. Nustrdo�LS Su6aiances.��rower shall not cause or p�:rmit the presence. use. disposal, statnge. or release of any
<br /> H�rdous Substances orl or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to cb. anything nffecting the
<br /> Praperty that is in violatuon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall noi appiy to th�prcsence, use. o�
<br /> storage on thc Propem of small qwvitities of Hazdrdous Substances thu are generally recogni•r.od to be appropriate to nomul
<br /> residential us�s and to maintenana of the Property.
<br /> Bon�w•er shall prouzptly give Lecuier written notice of any invesiigation,claim. demu�d,lawsuit or othet s►etion by w�y
<br /> �;overm�ental or regulaWry agenry or private party involving thc Prop.•.rry and�uy Hazardous Substatice or Envita�unental i.aw
<br /> uf which Borrower h�.c actual kmwledge. if Borrower learns. or is notafiod by any governmental or regulatory attthority. that
<br /> nny nroov�l oc other remadiation of�ny Hazardous Subsiance affecting the Property is nxescary. Boreower shall prou�tly take
<br /> • a11 neoessan remedial aetions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As nsezl ln this pu�graph 20. 'Hazardous Substances' are ehu�substances definod ac toxic or hazarclaw subuxnxs by
<br /> Enviro�unental Ls►w and tLc following subswnas: gasolinc, kcroszne, other flammuble or toxic petrolwm products, toxic
<br /> - gxstic'uies arid herbicides, vas�tile solvents,materials wntaining astxstac or fom�aldehyde,and radioactive matcrials.As used in
<br /> � Yhis puagraph 20. 'Fl►viranmenul law" nxatts federal laws Aati lawc of the jurisdiction where the Pcoporty is locatod thrt
<br />_ n]ate to health saftty or�nvironment�l prota�tion.
<br />:f —rivmvr�rvtim Cv�icirrui"iS.avuowci�uiu'icuuci fi�,u.�ra,vv�:,:�-�:��3:g;.N:s t'o!!��&: - _
<br />�,� ... 21. A�ooela�tiou;Remedia.I.ender shal!give notke ta Sorrovver prior to aoodaxtion fdbwio�Horrower's bcac6
<br />�1: of aay aoveaaat or a�op�t in thts Security Iastru�mcnt (but not i�rior W aoaleration nooier par��ph 17 unlec�
<br /> 1g appii��abk!aw pravides otLcrwke>.The�wtke sh�U specify: {a)t6e dd'ault;(b)the s�ctioa required to c�re tbe ddauft;
<br /> (c) a date,not kss tban 30 days fcow the dstte tbe notice is given to Boerower,by wbich the deGwit must be cured; and
<br />�� (d) t6�t failure W care the dctwit on or beEort the date s�ecified in tbe notke may rc�suit ta s�ooda�tloo o(the suo�
<br /> t'� secured by Wia Securlty L�ttvm��nt and sale o[the Peoperty. Tbe aotice si�ll further intorm Barrower of the rlp,�tt ta
<br /> ;�: re:n�ate atrer aa�daai,Son�the rig�t ca briug s�conrt�ciaon w acsert ttK oon-exlsema or a detautt or any otLer
<br /> defenoe ot&�rower to �tioo and sAte. It the det�wlt i�c nat cured on or before tbe date spedtkd tn t6e notice,
<br /> ],ender, at ikd option,may require toaa�ediate payment in tull ot aU au�secutrd by tl�Sea�rity Imtrumeot vritbo�tt
<br /> `!, rnrtbv desaad pnd ms�+iovoke tLe power o!sate ar�d aay other nmedtes pennitted by appiicsbk law.I.ea&r�a11 be
<br /> ��: eatitkd tQ collect W expea9es ia�urred in pursuiug tlx rmudies prorided'w thi�paragrap6 21.tocludia�.but not limlted
<br /> �. W. m�ombie sttoroeys' toes send costs ot title evidence.
<br /> :; If tbe purrer of sak ic iavok,ed. Trustee shall record a owWx oC ddwlt lo eacb oounty in wWc6 any part of tbe
<br />:;. Pro�aty fis k�cated smd s6�ll mail copies ot snch aotke in t�e ma�aa�p�eribed by applkabit law to Bonnwer aad to
<br /> :,, the at6er pe�soas p�er�"3�ed by applicable law.After the time required Dy appiicabk law,Ttustet sMall glve puWic notke
<br /> -. of ssk to the peisons aYad in tbe m�oner prescritx�d Dy applicabk law.Tnutee,witbout demnod oc Borrower,s6s11�df
<br /> ;�. tLe Property at pabiic saution W tme higlx�t bicides At-tik time aad place and under tbe terms desigasted io the notice ot
<br /> , s�le in one or nare p�rcels and ia aqy erder 7'rustee tktenn�oa,s.'ltustee�aY P�P�sdt of aU oc nuy pat+cd ot tLe
<br /> � • Propatiy bv annoue�ement at t�e tuae� ptaoe of aimy pm�iouslY schedukd sale. I.ender or its desi�na may
<br /> ' p�chice the�mp ty at pny sak.
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