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<br /> Untcc�Wh:.nbEse ARrcrd in v►�riting,uU insuranc�c proceccl�shal!t+e s�pplicd ta the resto�Atian ar re{�ir ot thc Pr�erty _
<br /> or tu thc Secured Dcbt,whettu:�ur nM thcn due.�t[.cixkr'�c�tia�.Any��+licaticu�af prnccecls tu princi�l s.hxU not
<br /> exte�x!or Q�xipe�the Jue date c►F the scheduleel pay�nent n�u chanRe thc ortwurst�if any paya�rnt.Any exct.sc will Ge
<br /> �►ici t«ihr Gra�tar. if ti�E'nyxrty i�c rcyuirtu by Q.rrxi�r,Grsni�w�righi tu�uty inwr�{x►iiriez a�xl �ni�x�t:cd+ -
<br /> rzault3n�fr�rt�ds►au+Re ta the H�c��e►t}�+ef�rr the u�yuiaitlew►ha!! �xu�c to L,�nder w�hr raet�iu ui tl�e Swurrd O�bt
<br /> immrd�ateiy before the�uisitiot�-
<br /> �9. �SCROW F1�k'�'AXF�S ANG INSURANCE.�.►nkss c�therwise provided iu A sepus�te a�,u;en�ei►t,GrwsWs wiU aot
<br /> be required�ta pAy to[xn�ic,r funds for taxes and insursnce in cscrow. '
<br /> 2L FIlVANCIAl.AE6'l'�RTS Al�in ADD!'itQ[VAL OOCUMENCS.C,rantu�witl provide to l.ecidcr upaa request,any
<br /> fioancial stxtemflnt as inf�ra►ation I.ender may cleem rcasor�bly necessary. GraAtor agct:e.9 ta sign.deli�er.and fde
<br /> any additian2l dc�:ume+nta or ceriifications that I.ender roay cor�ider necessary to perfect.contiaue.uid preserve
<br /> Grantor'c abligaticx�s unde��hiF Secwity Instrument and Lender's lien siatus oa the Prnperty.
<br /> under thir.Security�Insitumnnt Are joint and individ�wl.If Grantar sigos tbis Security instnuaent bui does nat sigs an
<br /> evidena af dabt, Gr.antc�r dc�es so oaly to mortgage Gruntor's iaterest in the Property to sccure payment of 1t�e
<br /> Secured Deht and Gmntur does not s►gree to be penonally liabk oa the Secure<1 Dtbt. If thi9 Socurity lnstrument
<br /> secures a gus►rnntg t�et+��^..ea Lender u�d Grantor,Grantor agrees to wuive any rights that may prtvent Leader from
<br /> tuin�ng any actic►n az claim against GranWr or any pArty indebted ut�der the obligAtiot�.'I'hese righu may iaclu.ie,twt
<br /> are aot lunite.d to.any anti-0efxsenry or one-action laws.Grantor agr�es that I.ender and aay party to this Soexiriry
<br /> iastcua�ent may eutand madify or malce any chaage in the tern�s of this Security instrument or any evidenoe of debt
<br /> without Gr:tintur's ooasent.Such a change will not release Grantor&om the temLC of t6is Security Iastrument.Tlu
<br /> duties and�eaafits of U�it S�curity Instn�ment shali biad and benefii the suooessors a�ad assigns of Gnawr aad Lender.
<br /> ?3� A.PPI,ICABLE LAW;SFV61FtA80.!'IY;L�TI'ERPRETA'L70N.11tis Seauity Iast�umeat is�ovemed by t6e iaws of
<br /> tha jurisdicHon in whic'�•L,ender is located,ezcept to the extent othe�wise roQuired by the laws�f tbe jurisciietion
<br /> where the Pr�em�is�ocated.Zhis Security Instrument is complete aud tully integrated.'Ilu�Security Insttutrjeat may
<br /> not be amondtsd ar modiGed� by oral �greement. Any sectan i�this Security Instrument.attachments,ot aay
<br /> ap,neemeat rolr,?ed to tlse 5aaued Debt that coaflicts with applicable iaw will not be effecrive.uo6ess Wat taw expressly
<br /> or impliedty permits the wrriations by writtea agreement.If any seciion of this Sccurity Inswment caaaot be eaforood
<br /> according to its te�ms,that secticn will be severed and wiU not affect the enforceability of the nmainder of this
<br /> Sec�uiry Insinuaent.Whenever tised,tbie sirigular sball Include tise plural and the plural the siAgular.7Le captioas aad
<br /> heacliugs of t6e sectioas of this Socurity Iastrumeat are fa oonvenienoe only aad arc aot to be asod w iaW�prei or
<br /> dc�uc the temLS of this Security IaStn�snea�.T'ime is of the essena i�t3is Stcvrity r,.�h,�,++..^*
<br /> 21. SUCCFSSOR TRUSTEE.Lender,at Lc�uder's option,may fram time to time remove Trvstee and appoint a
<br /> successor mutce without any other foimaiity thaa t�e designation in writiag. 'Ihe suecessor uustee. with�nut
<br /> c�a.�ueyauoe of the Property:s�aall wxeed to all the titl+e,Power aad duties 000,fesr+ed upon Triut�e by this 5aurity ,
<br /> irtsteuu�ent aud appiicable l�w:
<br /> 2S NC)�TN.'B Un�ess.otbetwice required by Iaw,aay aotioe shall be gtvea by deliv�ring it or by mailiag it by 6rs2 c,1�se
<br /> maii to tlscc appropsiate partys addras oa w�Re 1 of Wis Socurity Inswmeat,ot to aav etl�er acidras dai�m�rod in - -
<br />__.—... --- ----�— - - —
<br /> �ri�ing:Not'xe�o one gianta v�+ill be deemed to be notioe to al!gaat�:s.
<br /> � W�IYER.S.Except to t}u eztent prdu'bited by law,Gnator waives all appraisemeat and bomatead exem�tian tig�sts
<br /> telam�g w we prq�ercy.
<br /> 27. OTHERTF'.RI�LS�.If CLeeked,tl�e f011OVViclg ue appliCable to this Secwity t��.*���++ant;
<br /> ❑ L5e ot��eiit.'dhe Secured Debt iacludes a revolving line vE credit provisioa.Although t�e Secured Debt
<br /> msy be reduced to a uro balaace,•J"�s Security Instrument wiii ctns�ia ia effeci until rc�^�
<br /> ❑ C.o�etiw I.oas.'Etis Securitp i�astrumeus secwes aa abli,�atioa i�cusred for the consiructioa of an
<br /> . � : improvement on the I"r�vperty. . .
<br /> '�: �fidw�e Fili�.Grantor gr�nts tc tc.�zader a se�rity intcres,4 ist all goods that Graator owos now oz ia the
<br /> . futur�amd that are or will beco�C�tures relaCxd to the H�,�rty.T6is Secwity Instrumcut suffioes as a .
<br /> fins�ncak�sWtemeat and any carUon.Photographic or ottied.z�pcodt�ctioa msy be 53ed of noord fo:putposes �
<br /> of�'�ck 9 of the Uniform C,ommercial Code. �
<br /> �] RYen.The covenants and agreements of ea�k of the rideis checked below aze inco:ponted into and
<br /> supplemeni aad amend the terms of Wis Securitg�I�sirumeat jQteck all appticable bo:es]
<br /> �Coadominium Rider ❑Pfaaned Unit Development Itid�'c ❑Otlier
<br /> ' � ❑ AiiiKo�l Te,ea�. �
<br /> SIGrF�1►'NRESe By signing bela+v.Graator agrees to t�e temrs.aad covenants ooutaiaed in this Security I�trume�2�d fu
<br /> any�ilat�meats.Grantoc a�so ar�c.aawledges receip of a no¢.y of Wis Security lastrument oo the date stated on page 1.
<br /> as r.
<br /> . u
<br /> ' n
<br /> - ..1...�...... 08/08/96
<br /> .:�........»..... ......................... .................................................»..»......»........................................
<br /> '>�«""!� TODD R RUSSELL �� «�� (�)
<br /> , S'I'ATE OF............................................................. COUN'��1F......................».ltVGG3'T.»............."I'��s'
<br /> crr�� 'ILis'°��5�,°�$��i�iis�fore me this................»»....day of................M....._.............w...._.._..._.....
<br /> - �Qy commission espires:........»»............._...........�i����..........._.............��....................
<br /> �en .._...............�.....�.....�..:»..e.�.«.a.+ir...-.....:...................
<br /> �iEMEIE�I M0IAAYS�iIt d Mlit� (�w+�Y PuO�c) . ,
<br /> �lr Gwa Esy.ltry�D1.199t �` `-,_, .
<br /> o+w rr.�A.r..,re.sa ao�r�w�+aoo���i�vo.�ra�wa (p�1 of I)
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