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20110U��3 <br />451019237 <br />Payments"), be�in��i��� on �'�BF2UARY l, 2011. i will inake the 13iweekly I'ayineilts every 14 <br />days until 1 have paid all of tlie principal arid interest and any other char�cs describcd hclow llaat i <br />may owc under thiti Notc. My biweekly or aiiy inonfhly payrnents will be zpplied to interest bcforc <br />I'riilcipal. <br />1 will make my biweekly or any rnoi��hly paymcntti al 802 N. WABHINGTQN <br />ST1tE�"T, JUN'C'T�ON CTTY, KS 66441 or at a difl'crcnC placc if rcquirca by thc Notc <br />Holder. <br />(B) Amuunt of Bi�vicekly I'ay�nents <br />My Biweekly 1'aymeut will be in the anlouilt of U.S. $754 . 96. <br />(C) Manne�• of Payment <br />My T3iwcekly Payrncnts will bc madc by an a��t��rnatic dcdl�ction frorn an account I will <br />I11�111Cfl117 W1tI1 CI1L NOtG HOIdCI", or with a different ciitity speciticd Uy the Note Holder. 1 will lceep <br />sLifficient funds in tl�e accounl lo pay the Full amount of each BiweelGly Payment on thc �latc it is <br />due. <br />I uriderstand that the Note Holder, or an entity acting tor the Nntc Holder, may dcduct thc <br />ai�iount of my I3iweckly Payment froi�� the account to pay tlie Note Holder Cor each F3iweckly <br />Paymeilt on the datc il is duc ui�til I have paid all �tmaua�Cs owcd undcr this Notc. <br />4. TERM <br />I1' I make all iny 13iweekly Payii7ents on time, and pny �11 other amo�u�ts owed under this <br />Note, 1 will rep tny loai� in fllll on JULY 1, 2036. If, oi� JANUARY 1, 2041, I still owe <br />ainounts uiider lhis NoCC, I will pay tliose ainoLUits in ft.�ll on thal dale, which is called the "Ivlaturity <br />Data" <br />s. (ornirrec(J <br />6. [o,ralrtecl/ <br />7. I30RROWER'S P'AILURE '1'O 1'AY AS 1tEQUIRED <br />(A) Late. Charge for Ovcrdue Payments <br />T1'thc Note Holder has i�ot receivcd tl�c lull arnount of any biweekly oa� ii�onthly p�yrncnt <br />by tlic cnd of 15 calendar days aftcr lltc cJatc it is duc, L will pay a late cl�argc to tl�c Notc Holder. <br />The amount of the charge will be 5. 000% of iny overdue payment of rrincipal aiid iiiterest. 1 will <br />pay this late charge prc�mptly but only once on each late payiiient. <br />(S) Default <br />MULTISTATE 131WLLKC�Y 1'AYMF.NT RII)ER (Tixcd R�te)-Singlc Family-la:►nnie M�e Uniform <br />Instru►ncr�t <br />�' 750.4 Form 3177 1/01 <br />(l'a,��e 2 i�/� 4 ) <br />�� <br />�� <br />� <br />