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201104204 <br />LATE CHARGE: At I,ender's option, Borrower will pay a"late charge" not ex�.��ding four per centum <br />(4%) of the overdue paymenl whcn paid more than fifteen (15) days after the du�: dat� thereof to cover the <br />extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments, but such "late charge" shall not be payable out of <br />the proceeds of any sale madt; tp satisfy the indebtedness secured hereby, urale�s such proceeds are <br />sufficient to discharge the entire indebtedness and all proper costs and expens�s 5ecured hereby. <br />GUARAN 1 Y: Should ihs Departrnent of Veterans Affairs f"ail or refuse to issue its guaranty in full amount <br />within 60 days from the date thak this loan would normally become eligible f��r such guaranty committed <br />upon by the Department of Veterans Affairs under the provisions of Title 38 af the U.S. Code "Veterans <br />Benefits," the Martgagee may declare the indebtedness herek�y s�cured at once due and payable and may <br />forcclose immediately or inay exercise any othe:r righls hc:reunder or take any other proper actic�n as hy law <br />providud. <br />TRANSFER OF TH� PTtOPERTY: 'I'his loan rnay be declared immediately due and payable upvn transfer <br />c�f Ihc property securing such loan to any transferee, unless the acceptability of the assumptian of khe; laan <br />is established pursuant to Section 3714 af Chapter 37, Title 38, United States Code. <br />An authorized transfer ("assumption") of iha prup�rty shall also be subject to additional covenants and <br />agreernents as set forth below: <br />(a) ASSUMPTTON FC7NDING I'�E: A fee equal to one-half of one percenl ( 0.5 °k) <br />of the balance of this loan as of khe date of transfer of the property shall be payabl� at the time af transfer <br />to the loan holder or its authorized agent, as trustee for the Department of VeCcrans Affairs. If the assurner <br />fails to pay this fee at thc kime of kransfer, the fee shall constitute an additional debl to that alrcady sccured <br />by this instrument, shall bear interest at the rate herein provided, and, at thc option of the payee of the <br />indebtedness hereby secured or any transf�ree thereof, shall be irnmediately due and payable. This fee is <br />automatically waived if the assumer is exempt under the provisions of 3�3 U.S.C. 3729 (�). <br />(b) ASSUMPTTON PRC)CFSSING CI3ARGE: Upon application for approval to allow assum�tion c�f <br />this loan, a processing fee may be charged by the loan holder or its authorized agent for determining the <br />creditworthiness of lhe assumer and subsequently revising the holder's owncrship records when dn <br />approved transfer is cornpleted. The amount of this charge shall not exceed itac maximurn established by <br />ihc Dcpartment of Veterans Affairs for a loan to which Sectian 3714 of Chapter 37, Title 38, United States <br />C�de applies. <br />(c) ASSUMP"rION IND�MTTITY LIABIIIITY: If this obligation is assumed, then the assumer hereby <br />agrees to assume all of the obligations of the veteran under the terrns of the instruments creating and <br />sec�xring the loan. The assumer further agrees fo indemnify the Department of Veterans Affairs to the <br />extent of any claim payment arising fr�m lhc guaranty c�r insurance of the indebtedness created by this <br />in.5trurnent. <br />Initials:rn� <br />�-538R (0310) Page 2 of 3 <br />� <br />