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<br /> � � Subatitution Of Trustee
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<br /> VVhereas,a certain Deed Of Trust was executed on JUNE 01,1894, wherein ROGER L.RIGGERT ��
<br /> At,lp�i1qRpN A, RIGGERT.HU38ANQ AND WIFE therein called Trustor,�JLD REPUBt.IC �o
<br /> Na�`1t�NAL TITLE INSURANGE C�MPANY thereirt called Tn�stea, N�RWEST��RTGAGE,INC..
<br /> tt�erek�cailed ger�eficiary,y�rhich said peed of Trust was recoa�ded an.ti1NE Oi�19�4. Document 94
<br /> 1p4�63�IHOOic �Page ), of official c�nty reoords� HALL.CouMy�Nebraska. and Whereas,tha
<br /> geneficisry has elected to�and does hereby elec;t to substitute: Norwest BaNc N�braska. N.A.to
<br /> serve as 7rustee for in the plaoe and stead of ariginal OLD REPUBL.l�NAYI�JNAL 7711E
<br /> INSURANCE C�IIPANY,�'n�stee rta�r�ed in said Deed a�Tnist;The said Noiwest Bsrtk Nabr+isicay
<br /> N,A, is herc�by authorized to and shatl suxeed to al!pawers.duties. autl'tioritY and title af the Tn�stee
<br /> na�rt6d iri the said Deed af Ti n�st; as tttough ori�inalfy narned therein as trusiee.OLD REPUBLiC
<br /> NATIOI�iAL T1TLE INSt1R�t�10E COMPANY has been notified that said Substitution a�Trus�ee is
<br /> bein�e�cecuted.
<br /> July Z4. 1�6 _ �
<br /> NQRYMEST MC'�RTG�AiGE.INC* -- �-- -
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<br /> ' bg►rrM+per and ns�trK ct�srpe. TNe doaimeM evidenc�g the merper artd name ct�a�ge has besn filed in�W.L oountY
<br /> ' ss docu��t nu b27 e •
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<br /> Cou�s,�y of He�x�epir� } `
<br /> The forepoing insb�t was acicnowleci��ed before r►�this da�e of Juty?Ay 1�6 by Kathryi'►L.
<br /> R�v�ad,Assist�nt Secxetar�f,:of Nonwest Mott$aye. �nc-',a corporatia'i ur�d�r the lanvs of Cal'rfomia. .
<br /> on be�wlf af the s�orpcx�itc�rt. .
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<br /> PuDiiC
<br /> _�_ _ . ABSTRA�T.E�f If t,'�t'��GG. ���"�3E.�t _
<br /> 1t3 WEST 2ND STREET,P.O.BOX 62�- � ,������,� = .;
<br /> GRAN�ISLAMO,NE68S02 �'�+���,r�,,,�,.�
<br /> 16T2378dDX .
<br />