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<br /> T �A �lCtly�Q�
<br /> IT.'i'r�►wi'u'I►P QI{d I'YJ�ii3'ly ur a �cn�iitta!Iaterest iu Bmrrawe�•.lf Atl��r any p:+rt a�`ific Prapcn4 ur any �nlrRSl in it
<br /> r�,�oW ur tr�uCerr�l lur if r t+eneticial in:erest in Bom�w�er ia suld or transf:rrcd usd&�rrower is r►c>t a nxiur�l per::�n)without
<br /> I�ixler's p�iur wrilk�t cc�nseM, l.ender nuy, at its option, rc:quire intn�fiatc payn�lt in f'ull af all sums .ccurai hv thic
<br /> 4i::urity Inuruu�ent.NoK•cvcr,this cptiw�shalt not be cxcnixd by�.e�xier if excrcisc is prohib�tat hy federal law as oi ti�dute
<br /> c�t thi•tircurity Gu�nin�ent.
<br /> If L.e�x�r exee:i�es this�►tian. Lender shal!give Borrowe�•notice of�ucelera�ion.1'he notice shall pn�vide a peri�xl��f�xu
<br /> I�:,, rtu�, w �y� ftam ttt� d«t� the nniise is deii�ercY1 c�r n�ile�J within whieh kiarn�wei nwst pa�� ull wms.eeurcvl by thi�
<br /> Ssruril}�l�G�aun�ent. if Ror�aw•cr f�ils ta pay ti�ece swns prior to the expirnti�n of�tus peiial. ,t.uxler n�ay invai:c uny ttinwdi�s
<br /> �;trmitted b}�thic Cecwrity lnurumrr►s without futiher notice or dtu�and on Barrower.
<br /> 18. Bertuwer's Ri�[ht to Retuctste. lf Borrower meets certain cwxtiUons. Barrau•zr sitiziE ha�•c d� righf tu havc
<br /> cnfaccenxnt of this Security Instn�nxnt discont:nued at any time prior to the�1i tr p��� 5�er oi sale c n aincd n��tl�i+
<br /> applicablF law ma�� specify for reinuatenxnt) before sale of the Property pu Y po '
<br /> 'f'.�erucity Inurun�enr,or(b)entry af a Judgmeae enforcing this 5ecurity Instrument.Ttx►se conditions are that Borroa'.r:(al paYs
<br /> I,ender all wm.c which thrn would be due under this Security ir�strument smd the Note ac if no aceeleration had oecurred; (b)
<br /> curcs any default oP any ott►ar covenants or agr�etnenis; (c)pays ull expences incurnd in emforcing this Security instrument,
<br /> including,but nat limita!to.�ason�bte oitorr�ys' fecs: und(d)ta�:es such��tion as Ixnder rmy reasonably require to�ssure
<br /> titat the�ien oi this Socurity tnst�ument. l.e�der's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation tv pay the sums securcd by
<br /> tl�is Security Insttument shall ewuinue unchangod. Upon nzinstatement by Benower, this Secunty inurument :uxi the
<br /> tsbligations�ecvtsxl hercby shall rcmtin fully effective ac if no aoaltratioo ha�d occurrod•Howe��er, this nght to reicwstte shall
<br /> rwt apply in tFu case of xreleraiion tu�der pai~igraph 17.
<br /> 19. Snle ot Nate; Ciwa�e ot Loaa Servkv. 71�e Note or a partial iaterest in the h�otc (together with this Security
<br /> rrucnunentl may(�e sold w�e or more times without priur notice to Borrower. A s�le may resu{t in a ct�e in the eniity(known
<br /> us the'Loan Servicer')that mlfects monthlY paYmencs due under the Note and this Secwity Iruuument.There also may be ono
<br /> r,r uwre char+g;s of the l.oan Servicer unrclaterl to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Lo�n Servicer.Borrower will bc
<br /> �,tiven written notice of the chu�ge in accordance with pardgra�h t4 above and zpplicable law.T1u notia will state the nante and
<br /> uddrrss of the new L.o� Servicer and the addras to which payments should be m�e. Tbe norice will also cauain any other
<br /> � ini'ormation required by applicsble law.
<br /> 2Q. }is��ranlous Subetaoees,Borrower sludl not cause or permit the presence,use.di-�1o�.vF!. storase, or release of any
<br /> Ha�rdous Subst.v�ces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone rS:.�c:� do, anything zffecting the
<br /> }�roperty that is in viol�tion of any Environmental Law. The pr.�oding two sa►tences shall i�apj�ly to the presenoe. use, or
<br /> �torage on the Property of small quantities of Ha�arclous Sut•sta�nces that ace 8enerallY m�to be appropriate ta namial
<br /> r�esitkntial uses and to rttainte»na of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written na:ice of any investigation,claim,demand,t�wsuit or other action by any
<br /> };ovr.nunntal or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property u�d�nY Nuudous Substance or Environmental I.aw
<br /> nf which Borrower ha9 actu�l knowlodge.If Borrower leams. or is not�fied by any govemrt�ental or regulatory authority,that
<br /> t�ny removal or cKher nmodiation of at�y Ha�ardous Substanee affeeting tF�e Propetty is cxceuary.Bc�rrower shall Pron�tly take
<br /> ,s11 uecessary remedial xtions in acco�+d�res with Environmental Law.
<br /> As usal in this pu�agnph 20. 'T-�sr�cdous �.,ubstances'ue those substanoes defined zc u*xc�: or huardous substatu�s by
<br /> lEnvironmental Lsw and the followia�, vsbst�nces: gasoline. kerosene. other flarrunable or ta�ic petraleum products. coaic
<br /> �esticicks and hetbicides.volatile solvents,materials oontaining asbestos or f�m�lckhyde,and ra�iaactive materis�s.As used in
<br /> ; .shis puagn►ph 20, 'Envir�+:�ental l.aw'means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Prapercy is locatod t1u�t
<br /> relate to health,safety or�r�ronmental protection.
<br /> t�iON-IIMF�OItId CQ�ENANTS. Bortower acYf L.endu'furth�c oovenant u�d agroe ac follows:
<br /> 21.A�laat�CC:Resiedirs.I.ender siwil gtve aotice to�rsi-cvivlr p'iur ta������**�' --- _
<br /> r�t 9ny covemnt o� �gra�oent in this SecuritY I�vment 115ut �wt prioi�to soe�deratioa ua�ke p�ragispb 17 unlesc
<br /> sWpiics�We l�w provides d6erwise). The aotice sbali spedfy: (�?t�detauk;(b)the actioe require�!tn cvtY tLe ddault;
<br /> �c)a date,ae:icss t6aa 30 days from t6e date tbe notk�e is given to Bonnwer,by w6ich t6e defwtt m�st be cand;aa�
<br /> •4d)th�t failurc W ivre tbe dd'�Wt aa or before ti�e dste specified iu tlre notice may result Lu aocclesstioo ot tLe sums
<br /> ' secwed by this Se�wlty inctrument and sxk ot tLe Yroperty.T6e ootk�,e sh�0 fiutba� inform BoR�ower ot tbe ri�Lt to
<br /> reiwta►.e s�lter s�ccekr�tioa and tlie sigdt to briag p court actiOn to asse�t tbe poa�acictence ot a delault or any ott�er
<br /> � detease o�Bomower to accde�xtioa aad ssle. dt tLe delaalt is not cuced on or be(ore t6e dste specitied in tbe ootlee,
<br /> - I.eeder.at its opioo,may requice immediate p�yment in full o�f s�U soms seeured by tWs Security Lcvumn�t witbout
<br /> tw�thcr demaed and ms�iovolce tlK porver ot sale sud aay otLer remedies pRmitted b�► applicabk ia�s_I.eede�'shW be
<br /> eatiiied to oolleet sll aqpamsec incurred in pttrsutag t�e c+�ies provided is tlfofs p4r�apspb 21.iodu�di+e�.but not limited
<br /> �,p,:;:���WroeYs'fees aad oosis of litle eviBeOCt.
<br /> : V the pov►d'o[�ale ie taro�.7Yucta shaU raoord a ootke ot ddaait W dd�a�a�t!' ia wbicL 9ny p�ut oti tae
<br /> , prupprty ic located aad shtll m�l e�pks ot such ootjee ia the msnuer prescribed by ap�ptica�bie law to Bocrower amt�to
<br /> � t�e ot6a pe�so�p�ac�b�a by appi:c.we law.�ten�we ume reyuirea by.ppliawe VW.Tn�e sh�u give puWiC.e�iee
<br /> � ot cak to tLe penom aod fo tbe maauer pnscrtbod by s�pplicabk lax.Trw�te�e,�r:tlart dnaaod aa&xmwer.sbW odl
<br /> tbe Pnoperty at paWic anctwo to the biYhest bidder at tbe tiroe aod plaoe aod oader the 4ermc d�ated in tLe t�otke ot
<br /> - s�ie m ooe or mone p�[�cels�aa ia say w�aer Tn�tee aetermi�s.T�,�st«may postpooe s.se ot au or aoy paroa ot!i�
<br /> � pro�erty by puWic asoouaoaaeot-�tiK time and plaee ot su} �viously sebedakd�1c: L�der or its de�aoe m�Y
<br /> purchase tF�e Property s�t any sale. . .
<br /> � iarm 3028 9l90
<br /> -} ' . . . . Pap�6 ef 8 �
<br /> '! j �1 �I��.
<br /> �;
<br />