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<br /> S. 1lns�� or 1'iroperty Wt�ut�pa.�c. Kcxr�:w�rr wt�ll t,t�� ti►a iiti�r.��•er�ieruc �w�w e�i�ti�ti�h�►�w�ft�r��dJ i� ihe -
<br /> Prapctty incun� n��ii►at losa�liy fiiL,twlnrds ic�I.►.fa.3��:�hin ts�c term"cxtencl�xl c��•cr.�e" �r�l�rny dher hazarJs. incfudiag
<br /> Ilcxxfr ur(Axxli�u,fur Khlcii I,.uiutur rc;yulres icuurzn;�. 'j't►i►inwr;u�x stiti:ill br n�i�uylr�rct in the w��xuu.wxl fi�r the{x�
<br /> t!w L�xkr ra�uiru. Ttw i��ian�.wu�carricr p[.►vidinF it►� inwranc;:s.�=!! '.�e chuaq� by Ei�xr��wcr wbj�r•t fu l.etxkt'��rava)
<br /> whieh�twll nW t�um�r;uc►�tuhly withhcld, 1�'�3,►rn�w�•r 1'oits tk�mrilnt,�in ����er�ye�tracribe.! ,�M�vr. LrxYkr m�y. at l.eacler's
<br /> aptic�a,c�bt�1��a►va�►y�w�riid�:t l.r�xkr's►�iLhtx in tlrc Fro}►eny in;xYYxtii�r�oe wilh par�raph i.
<br /> All i�uur�uice puticia :uui roi�cwxis shul! hc a;�.�lahk It� I.ca�der vnd shall ir►sludc n stuxtarJ nznn;are ctausc. �.Snder
<br /> xi�Ji hare tise rignt to hal�uia policirs and r�w�ats. Ff i.en3er r�uires.B�artowzt ctull pron�ptty�i►��t�i E�ritr�ll ra�eipt,:ui'
<br /> I�aid�ueuuums�nd rcx�ew•r,l �uuia:cs. In dyc evsnt of ta��.F�curow•cr sSwl!�ivt pcornpt aoticY w t4r iuiunu�cx urrier and l.u�cSer.
<br /> L�ender miy mal:o proof af I�us iF nat nwrdc Euvn�+tty b�IZnrtawtr.
<br /> Untcss l.a�dcr wxi lk►rrowcr othcrv�•ise�,rce in�r•ritin,g,insuranct pr�ot,nals shalf be oppliod to restoruion ar rcp�ir of'the
<br /> ProputY dznut�od,if ttto rcuoratiat or rcpaIr is oomx►rnir.�lly feasiWG aad i.ender'9 tecurily is not le�urai.If the rcstocatan ar
<br /> reQair is rwt econonu�zlly fi:asibl�o�l.er�dcr's socurity Would bc k.c;�enod. tbe insuranot p�ncoods shall t�e applied to the sucns
<br /> socun�d by this Socu�ty Q�strumcnt. wl�tether cx c�t ttrsn due. v►iti�,say exass pud to Boroowtr. If Bomowu abandons the
<br /> Property.or does nW•+�aswer vritbin 30 alays a noti.ro from Lutider Ih�►the incurance cArri�r h�s offercd to seute�cwim. then
<br /> Lxtder nuy collect tha insurnnce procccds. Lender rn�• usc the piy�ctod.s to r�ir w rcstorc the Propeny or to pay sunu
<br /> socurod by this Se�,�urity l�utrument,whether ot iwt tT►�n duc.The 30-s9ay p�rial will begin when the noticc is given.
<br /> Unl�cc l.u�doa s�nd Barcower othcrwise �gr�e in uriting, any �pplicuion of prooeeds to principal shall rot extaid ar
<br /> poscpoae thc due d�te of the nuxuhly pvyn�us rcfcm+d to in par�e��phs 1 wtid 2 or chan�e the mnxwnt of the paynYnts. If
<br /> uix3u p�ar�,graph 21 Qia Pto�etty is xquired by l.end^.x.lbrrawer's right to any insuruttt policies attid ptooeeds rcsultiag fmm
<br /> dunage to the ProP�ty priar ta ttk acquisition shall pass ta L.�ndc�to 11�exceot of�Se wms socurod by�lfis Socutity Inutumeot
<br /> iiamediattly prion ta tho acqui�ition.
<br /> 6.Oaup�ncv,Ar+ascrvatiaa,Matatm�ce nnd Protoetbn oi Ubt:Ywpaty;Bwrower's law Applkatior.;l.eauiwid�.
<br /> Burrower sha11 occ.�upy, cstak�tisi�e,and use tbe Property�s 13ormwcr's prixi�l nesidwce witlun siuty days aRu the cxxutioa of
<br /> this Socurity Inumment and sEaII contintu ta occupy tT►�Froperty u�3orrowa's principal resida�e for at Icast oao yar after
<br /> tbe date of ooa►p�;ncy. unlass Lendcr otlxnvise�gras in w-riting.whit3t conceat shsiS nat be unreasocmWy withbdd.or t�akss
<br /> extuwaticag circuanuances exiu which ane beyond F�arower's coottaE, Bortowet shali not �y. dam�gs or icnpair t6¢
<br /> Property, allow tha Pmpcny w dcteriocate. or oonsmit wa�te on t1�e t't�qxtty. Forrower sts�ll be in defaul! if any fafuUue
<br /> acmoo ur pro�ceodi��g, wbether civil ot erimiaa2.is begun ttwt in Lcndc�'s good fai�h judgraeat oou{d t+esult ia forfawre of tl�e
<br /> Pru�ecty or othervise m�►tterially im�wir the lien crattd by this Sccurily IostYUmrnt or l.ender's savrity interest. Boriower m�y
<br /> cu�+e sueh a ckfwtlUnnd reinstate. as providai i�p�agrr�l8,by cau�u�ihe xtioa or pr0000cW�g to be dismissed with i zulia�
<br /> that. in La�clet's good fnith dctermination„ p�ecl�dcs fotf'eiuuc of ttx-a liorrowes'c intarest in d?�I2ropc,rty or other nnaterirtl!
<br />�� imptirmari af tt�aicn crtated by this Sa.-v�uir,y Iiasitun►rnt ot L,cadt.s.'s.socuiity interest. Bosrcw�r..shaU also be in defwlt i�'
<br /> � Bixrower.duri�t�1R losn�pplics�tion prooass.Save mit�;s�ia�Uy false o��.in�ociuue ia[vrmstion or ststeroaua to Lender(or failad
<br /> _ w p�vide Lu�der with,aay ie�cerial information)in c�utut�ian with t�io loaa evic�COC�it t�y the Note.iocludin8.bW not lirai�ed
<br /> . w.re�tatio�ox cGnoeming Bonowa's oaupaac.�}of tb�!'�o�xaiy��W'f�ci'P�al rsidenx. If tl�is
<br /> u . � . < < ._ .<.. �Y lnstntmeat is oa a
<br /> , ---� �""i -�'.'.r':'r7�•�u� .�v.�ji�w'i� «� �awr}ri��ai3i+ia�'vi iuc�ici+�c.-arauarvwG�-7Ki�YULS t►)C iiYC�D {aG�Ti�CRY-�n1C-� - ---• ._-.
<br /> # k�old md t!�fi+e titla sha11 not merge tuiless I.end�:agroes to the�erger iu wriw�g, �
<br />-- �,Prolecllo�eT I.epder'a R;ghts f e�ttie Ptw�+erty.Jf Bcssotti::l�iL t:s paform tbe oove�nts and apt�oea�eats caotaiaed in
<br />_ tbis Saw9ry It�stttxmcnt.or tha�c is a leg�l prooeati�tbat may signifiantly�ffoa Leoder's rights in th Prog�cg (such as a
<br /> p�uoeeding in b�iktupuy,prob�te,for condurnuio�s or forE'ature or�to eaforce lawr or regWatieos).tha�Laid'ec tmy do a�W
<br /> — pay for wlutevarr is nec�sc�ry to p[ottct the vatue of ttu Property a�td l.a�der's righu in the Propecsy. Leader's�muy�
<br /> incluck PsY�B �Y surr�s securod by a lien wUicis t�u priority ovu tnis Secuiity Iastttutxat. �{�eariug in ooiut, P�Yj��
<br />_ r+ata�oabb attotooys'fees qnd et�teriug oca the Property w malce repai�s.Alibough I,endec m�y talce We�on w�drs tbis p�t�ap8
<br /> �.Lwdot does uot hava to dct so. • . .
<br />_ � My amoanis disiwrced by Leadrr under this µttugraph 7 shulI boeocie additia�al debt ot Bocrowa sr�.v[ed by this
<br />_ Sed�riry it�trumemt:tJntess Borrowar�nd Lender stgroe ta otber teryi�s of paymer�t,t�kse�mounts�!i bear interast fran tbe
<br />- date ot'disb�t�eat ar the Note rate aod s�dall be Wyabk. witL i��laest. upon notice from.Lp�c3er W Barowu reqnes��
<br />= pa�'nteat. .
<br />- � i.Mart�j;�ti Liwtaaee.If I.et�der'nquired noo�t�tgs:iasu�anoc�a�a cooditioo of mticin�tLe ia�n secu�d by t1�is Soauity
<br /> { iasuummt, Aa�r+ower stwll p�y the preauumc requuai ui nsaintain the a�o:t�ge iasuraact ia effect. If. for any �s�sou. the
<br /> ; mortxa�e i�u�ui�n oave�ga requirod by l.cctider lapsts or oe�sa W•i�e.in oftat. Borcower sball P�Y�P������.
<br /> _-- obqie oova�o�subttanti�lly equivala�tu We�mortgag�inwraoce pmriuusly iu effoct,At a cat substaotially equivaleat to i8��
<br /> ; ooat to Borrow�of tha mortgage inwraocr pczwiously ia effoct, fi�odn an �lwnate mortg�e inwrer app�cnved by I.eader. If
<br /> �y sub�ntiallY oqufvalau�Age ins�uan«covuage i�•r,nt availabk.Borrowra sTosll pay to I.ender e�ch mooth a wm ap�al w
<br /> �` a�twdith of tMe ycarly mortg�ge insuraace praniurn tx�A�g psid Gy Borrowa whea t2tie inwraoce ooverage laps�ed or aased co
<br /> � be in et�ect.I.eacScr will aoo�x,use and reuiu tIuse pa�yru�rs at �.lnss rrsesve in liai of mortg�ge iawranoe. Loss c�esave
<br /> �� ' fa.302s 8lDR�':. -
<br /> ���wy.aca•
<br /> . . �- � ; �'.; -
<br />