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<br /> L 96- �t��i��
<br /> P+S�-ants sra�tu�icmgec be rryu(rcxi,�. d�:u�tk►a.�i Lct�s. if rr.urt;c;e er.4l:tnnoe c�verage tin the a�ucw�u�nd Fa'cbe reriod --
<br /> tlwt Ld►w:cr wyai.,:s)pra�•?ci:,9 bp an inavrcr r�+r.�vrd by i.endcr ytan baat►�:t+availt�bLe�xl i�ubwlnod. &�rn�v�cr�tw111�+�Y
<br /> the prciedunu roquirod w nuti�uain n�ort�st�c iiuuraKC i��e(t'a�t,ur t+��+rn�ide a loss mrcrve.until the�uitcment tw nto:t�,�t
<br /> in+uran�a r,�xl�In src�arJ�uxo witfi�ury w�ciuu�a�rceanent Oetween Bc�rruwer r�x1 Lerxkr uc appticsbk law.
<br /> 9. taipc�ci{oa. Le�xier ar iu a�e�u nLy mal�reyswubin eturirs u�xx�axl ir�s�+ecd�uu af the Praperty. l.eikkr �t►r11 Qive
<br /> Burrower�wtke rt�timc af nr prior ca u�iu�cciiai r.E,�i:y;��:..:uxubl�cyuse fur thr i�u{�Q�u�. _
<br /> I�. E'u�ri�uwtbr+• 'ftse Pcu�'eaJ.�af anX �w�rd c�r ci,rinti f.u�d�cn:�tc�, clita.x or���entirl. 1�� ciwu�ctbn with w�y
<br /> uwnk;yuwtbn or ath:r tnkia�of nny ps►rt of the woQertY,or fiu�w+���'�fu llc�af�:�ndcrtuvtiw�.u+Y l��7 ��1��
<br /> �ha!!!�e;s�tu l..ttKkr.
<br /> !a thc event of�tawl takinr o�the PrupertY. she Ptvcbocis disll be eppliod to ehc wnu�ce�ura�i b��chu Sc►�vriiy Gutiwix.�,
<br /> w�the�r a�noc tttien due. witt��►y eacess paid ta Bormua. In the event oi r+(urti�l w�ling uf'ttw Prope�Y in which lhe fir
<br /> n�srkd v�lue of the Pmperty imniediatcly before the taking is equal a ar gre�ccr ehan the anwunt of tlu u,�w securod by chis
<br /> 5cewity lasirumeru irm�odiately before ehc taking. unkss 8°n°w�e�'�nd�dcr otticrwise agrcc in wvitinr.tho sums securod by —
<br /> tbis Sa�utity Instnunent shill be roduced by the anx�unt of tho prnceods muldpliod by �hc fa�llowing frection: (a)the toW
<br /> amount oE the su�cceurod imn�odiuoly befon the talcing. divided by (b)the fair maricet value of the Propezty irneuedi�tely
<br /> �o����. Any b�u�C,r zi�ll be pnid co Borrowu. Ya ttse evu►t of u putial teLing of the Pmperty in which the fa:r
<br /> nnricet v�lue of tl�e ProQeny immediuelY before the talrang is!as th�w the amount of tt�e sums secarod ima�odiatel9 beforc tbe
<br /> t��.��g���.�d t�der otherwise agrrs in writi�ar unless apQlic,�bie l�w ottKrwise providss.tbe proctecls sha11
<br /> be appliod W tbe suaLS sccural by this Socurity Iatt�uar�t wtkther or�wt the sums are then due.
<br /> IP t�e Property is abandonod by Bcxrowet,or if.after iwtioe by Lender to Borrow•er tlmt the o�ndemnor offers to nznke an
<br /> AVY�OI SCU�C A CI1im fOl'dYI111$CS, Sorrow�r fxils to rcspond to L,ender within 30 dayc after the dAte tde notice is givrn.
<br /> [,ender is authorized to colloct and apply the procoeds.at iu optian.either to restoration or tepair of the Property or w tho wms
<br /> secuc�od by this So�wzty Iaununeac•whdher or aot then due. liauion of rooads c�o principal sh�11 not extend or
<br /> Un1as La�der and Borrower othcrwise agree in writin8• �Y aPP� p
<br /> postpone tbe due date of the monthiY R�Ynxnts rcferred W in pua�raphs 1 and 2 os clvnge the amour�t of wch pa�mrnts.
<br /> 11.Bonruwer Not Rekssed:FosUeararoe By I�der Not a Waivar.Lxcansion af t��e time for paymmt or modif�cation
<br /> of aaartization of dx s+ims secura3 by this Sxunty Inuiumeat grantad by L+erxi�er to u�y sucor.ssor in interest of Borro�ver sf�all
<br /> aot operue to rekase the liability of the ori�it�l Bocrowu or Borrower s suc�.^�;,on in intercst. Lu�der s1v11 aot be roquirod to
<br /> coc�uoa�oc Proceod►n8s aBaiau any suaoessor ia intirat or refuse to exuad cime for payma�t or otherwise aadifY amorti�tion
<br /> of the suuns socured by tris Sa.uricy Instrumeat by re�oa of sny demand made by the original Borrower w axmwar's
<br /> wooes.wrs in intenst. My fo�ixaranoe by Ltindes in exacisia�aay right or reQredy st�U not be a waiver of or preclude tbe .
<br /> euseite of�ny ri�6t cr cc�edy. 'i1�e a,va►�nts and a�reemtats of tLis
<br /> 12. Suooe�o�s ��ss�u�Bo�od;]aiot aod Several I.iabi�tY�Co�d��-
<br /> Sa.ycity la�ument sMt.l biad xYi i"�mefit the suooessors smd assignc of I�eader �ad Bocrower, subjoct w the pe+ovisiont of
<br /> p�rasr�lm t7. Borrowei s oov�eaaurs wad a�reaaa�ts sh�tl be joint aod sevaal. Aay Borrowa wbo oo-signs tbis Savriey
<br /> �bot does not eucute di:l�k�te: (t)is oo-sigtdn,g this Socwity Iatinma►t onlp W mottgage, gtant aod cmvey th�t
<br /> Bo�rmwer's�ntet+est ia t6e�y unda�tbe teasns of thii Savrity ic��nxat;(ts)�s not Persoa�UY�8��P�Y�swns
<br /> _ �nHed bv�s Sea�ritv Inrtn�aoeot;aad(c)agrea that i.end�r�od any other Honower�y Agree to exu+d.mod+fY.farbe�r a
<br /> -..,. _.�---- -- -----�-- -�-- --
<br /> .,_...
<br /> �,�ji�a�L's r:gsr.!tn the ttr.ns of tTiF�s�odidfyr lnsiiumm[uf u�ria�ewia.w�u���•,�,:�:-. .
<br /> 13.I.�u G'har�w.If the loan sea�rod by this S�eauiey Instn�meut is su6,joct w:larr whicL sds muimum 10�n c�. � .
<br /> aod tl�t lRVr u fu�llv intetpceted so thit tbe intertst or otba loan char�es coUa.�ed or to bz co�lecud ia connoction with Il�e
<br /> ioan exceed tl�e pem�ined Waiu.tLar (a)anY su�loan charBe sball be rods,uzd by tho at�un�neoasa�Y w reduoe the charge
<br /> to tbe pe�mittad Iiaait;�a�d(b)any sua�s already cx�llecttd from Bo�rowa wisicii exotie�da��iu�Is�its will be r�funded w
<br /> Bornnrer_ I�eada u�y choose ta.ra�ke this refund by rodu�cin� the M'incipai 4v�od r�a�cr the'.V�a.c ar by mt�iciqg a dirax
<br /> pay►nemt s� Borrowes. If a nRuxi:r�eduas princip�l. the �rxio�► will be t:rated �+ �a �utiai .p�aYmau witha+� �uY
<br /> �CUp�Fw�t dsar�e unc4er tbe PJotr. .
<br /> 14.ZV�tfoes.AnY notix to Hotrnwa provided for in[l�is Socurity Imttu�aast s6�li be givea by ddiveria�it oe b5��i
<br /> it by first dass mW unless apQlicabk taw requircs use of atwther mdhod.'�e ootice c�ll be dinectod w tbe P�+npaty l�dciras .
<br /> or any etber address Borrowu daigmtes by aotice w L.uda�. Any aarccr°to Lardcr sh�ll be givcn iry fust cLss mail ta
<br /> I,end�a�`s address statad barin or�oy otba addness l.eader desagnxcs b'Y notioe W Boem+vsr. Aay noticx pcanrided foa in tLis
<br /> SocursRx�Stnimeat shall be��to hsve bean givcn a Borcn+r�er or Leader when giva�ss provided in tLi�p�r�gr�u.
<br /> 1S.Goa� I.tw; Sere�t�Liik9• 'R�is Sea�'�ry Iastri�meat si�! be governed by federal law aad tbe law of tLe �
<br /> , juriadictiou in wbicl��e Piopatv is lacatod. ta�tlS�evwt th�t aoy provisiasia or ciwse oi this Savrity Iasttmoait or the Nofe `• .
<br /> 000flicts witb applicsble law,suc�o�tlict shali not�ffat odia�iCU�nsiooi of thi�Seauity Iostrummt a�tiie Note wLic]�can be .
<br /> givea ef6ect witbout tBe oonflicti�A�'ovision.To tLis ad t1r��cCai.sians of tfiis Sxvrity insuum�c and tbe Nde are deda�+od
<br /> to be xvetaWe.
<br /> lf.B�rrower's Copy.Borrower sha11 be Qivw ooe coafotmed capy of tbe Note ard of this Socurity I�ummc.
<br /> �� ieaw'J02t !f!o
<br /> ` ►q.s.r s
<br />