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<br /> 92-�o��.�s
<br /> o�a�k,�nd tbe eale,inciudtn(�the pnymenl ot Ihe 7Fustee's tees pcUwlly Incurred.►id to exceed 3.0 ��
<br /> fhe princlp�l amoun!o�!he nots at the qaM of the docUuatfon oP default,and reASOapble attorneys'�ees ar permittsd
<br /> -- ___ -�----,
<br /> by bwi(b)to�11 wms�ecured by Ih�S�cu�ity imtruimeati�ad tc)�ny eicean lo Ihe perroa or persoas Mplly eatUkd
<br /> a
<br /> - - --_� 32. ReconveyAaa. Upon payment of ail sums secured by this Secudty Inatrument.l.ender sItAU request 7tuatee to
<br /> roconvey Ihe Praperty and shall a�urrender Ihi� Security Insw�oul wduru'nt �and withoutncharge lo Ihe�per on ior perwn
<br /> Insuument w 7lvatee. 7tustce shall reconvey tlk Property Y
<br /> - -- -- -- le�ully endtled to it. Such penon or persons Rhall pay any recordation costK.
<br />. � -- � 23. SuMtitate 7lrustee. Lender.at its aptian.may from dme to tfine remove 7tustee and uppoint u successor trustec to `
<br />-- -_- any 1tustee appointed hereunder by nn insm�ment recorded In the caunty in which this Secu�iry Instrument ia recorded.
<br /> �-��-;� Without canveyence of the Propeny. �he successor trustee shall succeed lo All the title, power and duUes conierred upon
<br /> 'Itustee fierein and by applfcable law.
<br /> ,�,�,,��_�_� 1A. Reqsest tor Notlees. Borrower roqiie�4 that co�ies of the notices of default and awle be sent to Barrawe�x address
<br /> -�--°°��--•:��^-.� which is the Property Address.
<br /> '�---�-�'-`-=''' 25. ltiders to tbia Securlty Instrumept. If one ar mare riders are executed by Horrower and recarded logether with
<br /> s.�,�.,�,g--� this Security(nstrument,lhe covcnants and ngreements of esich such dder shall be incorporuted into and shall omend and _
<br /> _-r�"'"�'"''�""-•�. .: supplement Iho covenanG�und ngreements of it�ia Securily Instrument ua if dx ri�lnr(s)wrr�s a purt of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> ���L� �• (Ch�xk applionble box(es)1
<br /> __� �"� �Adjostable Rate Rider �Condominium Ridsr �i-4 Fumily Rider
<br /> `-;a..
<br /> _-==����• �i3raduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Devclopmen[Rider �Biweckly Payment Rider
<br /> .�.�ure�saf�=:,•
<br /> - —°ti:--
<br /> �"r+.r._������• ; �Balloon Rider �Rete Improvement Rider �5econd Home Rider
<br /> - �; -
<br /> _:.�.*�a;.�,�;:�., _
<br /> � "`'' �X Olhens)(sPecifYl 1°�alv�►led�nt
<br /> �� •
<br /> .w,:.:�:� •,.,: .'-.
<br /> - ;�.w., �q',
<br /> ��:�t.,�,���;1��,�. " BY SIGNING BBLOW,Barrower accepts und agrees to ihe terms und covenants conlained in this Securiry Insuument
<br /> � •��;,;.•�,�i'�;.�;x� .. _ and in any rider(s►executed by Borrower nnd recorded wilh it.
<br /> ..y___.-��� ,��_�
<br /> . �'�O�[�dtili Ri' W���..�i ♦ _..
<br /> '.�i'�„''�:` ($18�)
<br /> _ — c . . •Aartower
<br /> ;'�;<4�,t31� �—� �l22'S/ D.
<br /> �...,•�. Social Securit�Number_ -
<br /> - �,,,:.,.�s.:..:�_ �
<br />- _,,..> (Se�q
<br />---_°.� •" � � •` Jacqu . Hahn •aonower
<br /> ., ,:,,.. ,. .. an� �_aAn�
<br /> --- --!tru�-+.x,��r;..;.�. Social Securny Number Ts*S
<br /> '.�` .`°�'?�'''�?"r'"'c.�tti:�;:'�.
<br />:��.;�: g"'� �"• ., STATE OF NEBRASKA, �l County ss: _
<br /> ..,..:�.��....,k..:
<br />�.i� n �!
<br />"- „:,;�,.��•, .,. ., ' On Ihis gth duy of �y� �g92 .before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> --=� . ; ,a� "` duly commissianed und quulified for said county,personully came �ny D. Hahn and Jac:que M. Hahn�
<br />. _;,�� � Husba�l ar�d Wife ,to me known to be the �_
<br /> identical persons(s)whose namelsl are�ubscrii+ed to the Poregoing inslrument and ucknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> b� their voluntury act nnd dced.
<br /> :��� ' � `1 � Witnexs my h�nd und noturial seul at IslarLd� Nebra in aiaid caunty.the
<br /> -r� j�;: °' ,;':';�?� dute oforesaid. ���,��
<br /> __ � :.f,'«��. . My Commission expires: �OMML
<br /> '�, �:� b���� NanryPublic
<br /> +�"!� . ��.:� ` TO'fRUSTEE:
<br />:��` �" ' '� The undersigned is the haldcr of thc nutc ur notex+ccured by this I�ced of 7tust. Suid notc er notes,tagcther with all
<br />- "���'�� •° • � - other indebtedness securcd by this Deed of 7�us�,have been paid in full. You un:hereby directed to cancel xaid note ur notes
<br /> � ' � und this Deed of 7tust,which ure delivered hercby,und to rcconvey,without wurmnty.nll Ihe eswte now held by you under
<br /> ' this Dccd of 7ivst to the person or person�kgally entidcd thercto.
<br /> ,� �U . , �x , Date:
<br /> � � .. FormJ028 9l9Y lpukrnnje�wXes► -
<br /> .. '_,;;
<br /> � • i � • � =
<br /> � •�, • .
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