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<br /> a�.�r�e�F F I�QRTCAGE/���`•n OF TRUST �-
<br /> �`TATE OF TEXAS ) � a�1'��
<br /> L�'PY OF �, pASC? �
<br /> k*u.�4F.1�, Sa�ll Businesr Adminfetration ie the owner and holder of certain
<br /> Mortgage�Deed of Truet hereinafter desaribed, recordea� in the officc o�
<br /> County Clerk af Sall County, State of�sbrofkLien Recorded
<br /> Granto Amount Inetrum�nt Q
<br /> fi�rald L. Larwtcs 80 - OOS180
<br /> � �ti �� �xs $55,000 8-1�-80
<br /> which Lien covers the following described real eetate eituated in
<br /> Ssll County, State of �i�bras7as, to-wit:
<br /> �. roreb.�eiy a�cx �.o s..t taz�� o� Lot rr.iw► (19� and thw iouth�rlY
<br /> piaa�� isiditim eo pth� City o!�Oraad talaad. �al Camt�►+ M�bsaslcaitY
<br /> WHEREAS, the Note and indebtedness referred to in said lien inetrument have
<br /> been Eully paid and eatisfied: �
<br /> NOW, THERBFORE. RNOW RL�, IyEN BY THF.SE PRESENTS: That the Sma1Z Bue�iaeea
<br /> Ac�ninietratian, in consideration of payment and eatisfaction of said
<br /> indeb�eduesa, dnea hereby diecharge and release said real property from the
<br /> lien creattd by virtue af said Note and indebtednese in the instrument
<br /> xeferred to abo�-e, as we].l as all euch other right, title, lfen, MhetYxr
<br /> express or implied, or c�.aim in and to said reai property as may have be�?
<br /> created by or arisen fror� the transaction above mentioned.
<br /> This Release is ex�cuted and delivered purauant to the delegati.o� of
<br /> authority publiehed in the Federal Regieter on January 15, 1982 ��47 F.R.
<br /> 2305) , the contents of �r�ich publication is to lx judic�al3y noticed �
<br />_ . __,r..t....�,. ,,,,. �.�.n+a��_�..�ri nn i5�7;_ ,unle�s Othexvrise apecifical� providsr� by .
<br /> �,.a_�.��, _ -- _ -
<br /> 15 USC 6�4 fb� +i;9�F . - .
<br /> IN WITNBSS �`g. tlais instrument is execut�:. �hie Zad c7ay of lt�ustt,
<br /> 1946. ' � '
<br /> . �• .
<br /> By .
<br /> J4HI�T Z
<br /> � SUpgR �pRY LOA�T 5P$ IST .
<br /> STATE OF TSYAS _ �' . � -:�
<br /> COtII�iT7C QT� EL PA50 ) _.
<br /> BF.F'QFcE MB, the undereigaed, a Notary Public in and for eai.d County a�td
<br /> State, on this day personally appeared John Muuaz, knosvu to me tv ��e ',�he
<br /> Sup�rvisory Loan Specialist, �f the El Paso District Office,� Sasal�. B►�.eiaeas
<br /> Administzation and that he executed the �ame ag the free act and deed af
<br /> the Small Beisines� Aaminietrati4n for the purposea aad consideration
<br /> tlstxein expressed, an�d ia tha capacity thsraia atated. . -
<br /> .
<br /> GYVBN pNDgR I�1Y �U1ND and sca office this the �d .of ]►uQust, 1996. .
<br /> � ._ � .. . . . . -. . ..�. .. . . ._ - '�//�` • L' '�__--__-_' "L.
<br /> MARY ROD GqEZ, Not ic in and
<br /> _ � fnr �1 Pa�o CCUAty, StatC Texat;. .
<br /> My coaaaiaeian� expires 6-24-99.
<br /> . �
<br /> DLH 454829-2002 �� .
<br /> NOT�d0.6C
<br /> y�t�t at S� _
<br /> c,...a�air
<br /> _ _ . ::.....-- --
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