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<. � <br />�' <br />2011001'73 <br />said county road, a distance af Five Tl�ousand Two Hundred Eighty Three and Sixty One Hundredths <br />(5,283.( I) feet to a point on the south line of the Southwest Quarter (SW'/a) af said Section Fourteen (14); <br />thence deflecting left 90°21'26" and running easterly, along and upon the south line of said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW'/a), a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Four and Sixteen (364.1 G) feet to the southwest <br />co�'ner of the Southeast Quarter (SE'/a) �f said Sectian Fourteen (14); thence deflecting left 00°08'S8° and <br />running easterly along and upon the snuth line nf the Southeast Quarter (SE'/4 of said Section Fourteen <br />(14), a distaiice of Two Thousai�d Six Hundred Fifty Two and Seventy Four Hundredths (2,652.74) feet to <br />the point of beginning, and containing 496.514 acres, more or less, of which, 19.327 acres, more or less, is <br />presently occupied by public road right of way. <br />And does hereby release and discharge sn much of said Trust Deed as pertains to the above descr'rbed <br />lands. Remaining land remains in full force and effect. <br />'" 2011. <br />Witn�ss, d�is S day of G , <br />WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL <br />ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE <br />By: _ ��(.�.�, 7 �� <br />Name: � �y T � l l <br />__ <br />Title: � U �� �re s� d.v.,�_ ____ <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HAL,I, <br />ss <br />1, n «� �� ��� �`, , a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby certify that <br />�L ,C. - _ personally came before me this day and acknawledged that he/she is <br />(,�r c�-�. �'-�.-a.�a���- for WELLS FARGO BANK, N,A., and acknowledged, on behalf af WELL5 <br />FARGO BANK, N.A., the due execution of the foregoing instrument. <br />Witness i�iy hand and afficial seal, this ��� day of �-tiu�-�� , 201 l. <br />(seal) .�J'GU�y C(" .�u c�c�t c�,�.J <br />_._ . <br />, — _ _ - <br />GENEHAL NDTARY - 5iate nf Nebr;:� Notary Public: <br />II� TRUbY A. t�UCH5ING�R <br />_ My Comm. Exp. Oct.17 2a12 My Commission Expires: ���� ��� � <br />-2- <br />