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. _ ' � �.L,�:lra. ,f 1 _ ._.. {,. " V �.�ti- �i'Yi7��Swi�t+'� ti� / ��5 . s.f2�. __. '__ <br /> .. � ��� ti+ �+.4�a ,.win�n .:•._' .'• � l;.wAsi�) T'u�'t ?�.!u..eK. . . ' . .__- _ <br /> � .., r� � iA,�r.�, 'fw'. xr .cG•i :�'k� �iE�T� r.�;i.' • ,.. .... "5 ' –. � — – <br /> . �M� `.�' y'r �/��a�'+C. IIIR.7.'�eb1Y:"�MtMr.lYw�c N� !'*"�•• ' n <br /> � ''�'rin"�''p"x''t`. !..'e.''`-�-ti --, .-,T.__ �..__. ---- . <br /> 'M' - _ "- _.. . -,�-. _. <br /> . <br /> � • __. <br /> � <br /> � Mt . ...I. . .. <br /> � � ' . X•�._• . ��r�-� <br /> . ' — . . . _.. . Ji ' '��:.�. _ .. <br /> �__-._ _._ _ -._--' <br /> - <br /> :. . � �ho�1W --..-�_-T- --- -- ---- <br /> -- r: ,"�" �r.' • ��'_ �O�N�73 <br /> � V e� <br /> �O . � <br /> •'��t_�t����_.�.:� <br /> ,,,�.�°;� payments, which iu+e rcfenrd�u in Pamgruph 2,o�chnnge thc umoum af�uch paymeniK. Any cxrasc pmceedx aver An <br /> �►�•••u•, J_� ��. unount rcyulred to pay ell�wtw��ndin�f�debcdncr�under thc Nde wiJ ihis Securily Inswment shwll be paid tu�ho entity <br /> _�'- t.e+�.:.�• la�wlly entlded ti►crcto. <br /> � 8. Feer� l.emier may cullect feex and chiu�es amh�d�.ed by�he Serretury. <br /> V�^'�.•y'.' ."�:M:� 9. lir�wnd�tar AccekntioN a�DeM. <br /> . ° <br /> (p) Ul'�f1YI1. Lender mA y.exce p t as 16mAed hy regulntions i�sued hy�he Secrctary M�he cwe ot p�yment defwul�s. <br /> ...,�il�_'�,�^�►� .a..• .�. C... . <br /> .�r.4..•,,, :�.;�,..,.r� requi�immedi��e�+uyn��u in full uf all num+�wcurc.l by t h i�.Securily lneuumen t i i: -- <br /> . � "• ►.,, , • ��+� li)Borrower ckfauUc by iailing lo pay in full uny manthiy ps�Ymenl requin.�d by thix Security Inatrument p�iar <br /> '�°�a�1�c.,� io c►ton thc duo d��c�i the nexl monihfY poYmenl,or <br /> �'''� � :t lii)Borrowe�dofauUr by faiUng, for u pcnal of thiAy dsry�,to perfumn uny othcr obliga�iunY conlained in thiY _� <br /> _ ",. �- .:,s�''.. Secudty In�tn�menl. <br /> .;,.:� � •,. <br /> - • _ Ib)91de Withaut C�edit AppravAl. L.cnder shull,if pertnitted by appliruble IAw und wl�h the p�ior appmv�l af thc <br /> aecrctary,r�quire immediato payment in fuii of eif the sum�kcurrd hy ihts Strurity�ln�tr:emrnt if� - <br />_ « li1 All or putt of the Properiy,ar u bencficiul intere�t in u tn�st owning ull ar{wrt of the Prapeny,is sold or <br /> _ ' �.�...•.; .,:_: .� othenvise tran+ferrcd lothcr than by devi�e or descenll by�he Bormwer,and <br />.:;:�-`�� '� - , lii)The Ptopeny is not acrupir�l by Ihe purchuser ar grnntee us his or her principul resiAence,�r the purchaser <br /> � ar gmntce daes xo occupy Ihe Nroperty but hia or her credit hus Mn been approved in [1CCOt�B[tCC <br />���••�,� ` with the rcyuirementR of the Secretary. <br /> . ,y�,t .�,�,'•. Ic)No Woivel: If circumslunces acur thut would petmit Lrnder�o reyuirc immcdiate payment In full,but Lc�xfer <br /> ��, •,,;,Y;*,',...Ti,,. :.?;;'•'•.,• doeR nat requirc such payments,Lender docs not wAive its rfghts with respext ta r�ubsequent even��. �__ .. <br /> Id)Be�d�tiaas of HUD Secretw�y. ln many cireumstances regululians issued by Ihe Secrewry wil�limit Lender§ _ <br /> -�'�� -��j'��'•'�;�1��:�- � � dghts, in ttic case of payrrtent defaults, to rc4uire immediute payment in full und forecbsx ii nat paid Th�s ` - <br />' :��� '" , , Security Inauument does not uuthorize accelemtwn or fa�eclosure�f not permitted by�rgulation�of the Sec�etarY. __ <br />_�i � • (e)Mort�age Not Insured. Barrower Ag�+ees th�t�huuld this Security Insaument and the iwte xecured thereby not `-°'" <br /> from�i�e ��~`•.- <br />- ',, , � ,r . .• �' �'" , be eligible for insurance under the Na�ional Housing Act within �^':`::== <br /> ' '�' ��;f•�y���"�r �'� dute hercof.l.ender its option und notwithst�nding cmything in Parug�uph 9,reyuire immed'wte payment in -• <br /> �^�,� ' `.';�.°'t:� full of all sums secured by this Security Insuument. A written statement of uny Authorized ugent of the Secretury ��,;�-� <br /> - `_ •�'%r ' duted subsequent ta irom�he dute hereof.declining to insure Ihis Securiry �. <br /> '��� �:c�, .': <br /> .. � Insuument und the nae secumd thereby,shall be deemed conclusive nrouf of such ineligibility. Nwwilhswnding � . <br /> .. the foregoing,this option mAy not be exercised by Lender when 1he unuvailubility of insurance +s salely due to <br />- �' '• lrnder's failure ta remit a mortgpge insurunce premium to the Secretury. <br /> • � ' 10. Relnslatement. Borrower has a right to be reintituted if Lender has required immediate pa}-ment in full becAUSC � <br /> _s;,,, of Borrowerti faflure to pay an aznaunt due under�he•Note or this Security Instrument. This nght applies even after �,,. <br /> - - � toreciosure proceedings are matituic�i. 'fu rzinstaie thc;::ucir�' lr�strua`.�`». S�sr�4'"'s sha!! ten�r in a lump sum all _ _ <br /> • �..�V � amounts required to bnng Barow•er's iucount current tNe extent they are obliga�iuns of Borrawer u�ckr this _°" <br /> ;'.�� •�. . • Security lnstrumen�forectoxure costs and rez+sonuble and cu�tamary•attomey,'Pces und r.xpenses properly ascociated w•i�h R_,:�:- <br /> •. .�,�� �;;;'�; � the foreclosure proc�eeding. Upon reinstntement by Bortower,thi� Securlty Ins�rument i+nd the obligations �hat it secums �}�_, <br />'`� • � shall remain in effcct ac if Lender had nat rec�uireJ immediate puymen� in full. However.Lender is not required to permi� �„��_'. <br /> _ � �,;,�+!��;��,,. reinstaumenl if: (il Lender Aas accepted re�nslatement ufter the rommencemenl of for�eclo�ure proceeding�s within twu _ <br /> � � yeurs immediately preceding the commencement of u current foreclosure proceeding, (ii) refnstutement will preclude �i;�__ <br /> ' �.���'��'•.� � foreclosure on dlfferent grounds in the future,or(if{►reinstu�ement will udvenely affect the prio�ity of the lien created by �y�_ <br /> e�2� <br />` Ihis Security Instrument. �:,.,.r;: <br /> . 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Extemion of the time of paymcnt ar <br /> " r madification of amonir.nlion of the sums securcd by Ihis Seruri�X Inslrument granted by Lender to any zucce+sor in mterest �;,�-_ <br /> : •.i�„'•� <br /> , :+•:�,, of Borrower shull no�uperute to releau the liubiliry of the origmal BnROwer or Borruwerk�uccessor m interest. Lender :;_,_ <br /> ',.,�„:�;:-. shull not be re4uircd ta commerne proceedingx ugaimt ony wcce.sor in intcres� c�r rcfu�e to extend time for payment or <br /> „!;,. �; otherwise modify umortizution of the sums .ecurcd by�hiti Security In��rument by rca�.on of any demund made by the <br /> �'�`�� original Bortower or Born►wer'z+uccesson in intere+t. Any ibrbeurunce by Lender in exercieing uny right or rcmedy�hatl �•: <br /> . ':,'.,�`.rlt,5 �'r <br /> �` �.�i,. not be a waiver of ar preclude�he exercisc of uny ritiht ur rcmcJy. f•- ' <br /> < ' ��ll`t�!-'�:'.:�„ Ab,. <br /> ,�;,,: 12. Successors und Asvl�ng Bouml;Jolnt and tieve�al l.iabllily;�o•Slgners. Thc covenunt�+und agreement�of �;;;:� <br /> �''�}"'�%''�� +� this Securit I�strument�hall bind:ind benelit Ihr,uccc�sur+und aszigns of Lcncier und Borri�wer,rub}ecl to Ihe provisiom <br /> ';:at,�,.:_;-.., Y �.�. <br /> � ,�;,, of ParagrAph 9.b. Borrowerti covenan�c and uEreements shadl hc joint und �cveral. Any Bortower who ro-zigns this <br /> � �,•;�i;��:;-�5:i::';: Security Inurument but docs nM cxecu�e�he Nate: lu) i+co-signing this Security In,trument only to monguge,gnmt:uid , <br /> '"�`tf'�Q"�,t convey that Bortower's interesl in thc 1'rop�:rty undcr the�erm+uf thi�Se�:unry Im�rumcnt;(hl is not personally ob6gnted to <br />_, ;:'.�;s�, ' pay the sums secured by thi�Security In+trumem; +mJ Icl a�rces�hat LcnJer and�ny uther Qorrowrr may agrec�o extend. � <br /> .�,�'t::, . 1':.._ _. <br />- :;j.,�;.,,��� �; .. madify,forbeur or make any accommcxiutionz wilh rcgurJ tu�he�rnn.of ihis Serurity Insirument or the Note wi�hout thut _=N_ <br /> • c•„ .,rr:••. Borrower'sconsent. ,� <br /> ' '." ri`'`^�:,�5,� 13. Notiees. Any nc�tice to Bunower provided fix in this Security In.trument shull Ix given by deliverinK it or by <br /> ,,,,, ,,;;,;, , <br /> •• ;._,.,,;�: muiling it by first class mnil unless upplicahle law reyuirrs use of':uiother mrth�xi. The notirc .hull be Jirected to the � ��,' <br /> °•<<' �� Propeny Addrcxs or iiny othcr uddrrst H�xruwer de�ignatcti hy nrnicc to LrnJrr. An��noticc tu Lrndrr.hall lx given by � <br /> ; 1'irst clasti mail to Lcndcrti aJJm.ti +tatr.d hrrcin ar sur i�ddrew+ Lcndrr dc.iFnalc� hy nuticc tu Borrowrr. Any noticc <br /> ! QrovideJ fur in this Security In�trumen��h•rll ix Jremcd w havc Ikcn gi�•rn ta Horru�tirr ur LrnJer when given n�pmvided ti <br /> , m Ihis parugruph. � <br /> � , 1/. (ioverning; tieverobilit�•. Thi.Srrurit� Imtrument.hall Ix �:u�crncd hy 1'cdcral la�v anJ Ihr law uf Ihr <br /> ' jurixdicti.�n in which the F'ro�ny is I�xaled. In the r�•cnt �hai+my pruvitiion��r clau,e uf ihi<Scruri[y In,trumenl or �he <br /> Nate conflicts with up�lirufile laa. �unc�antlirt �hall nw liflicl othcr prnvi,i�,n�uf Ihi, Srcurih• Inti�nimcnt ur 1he Nole � . <br /> „ which can be givcn�ft�cl wilhuut thr ri,nlli��ing pravi,i�,n. 1��ihi.end thr pr„ci.i�,n.ul�hic Srcuriry Inxtrumenl und the <br /> • Note c�rc dcclarcd tu tx�l'4l'fLllll'. � <br /> 15. Hurrower's Cop�•. Rurti�«rr+hall Ix gi�en unc a�nt�,nnrd c�,py ul�hi�tirrurit�•In��rumrnt. . <br /> � 16. AxciRnmenl of Rents. Ni,n„��er unrun�iu�mulh a,tii�;n,and tran�tir,tu Lrndrr:dl�hr rcni+;md Ihr <br /> Piroprrly. florrowcr authariie,Lcndcr or Lrnd�r'.a�rnt.ln c„Ikr� thr rcm.und rcvrnue,�mJ hrrrhv dircct.carh lenanl��f <br /> the ProFx hy to pay th� rrnl,lo LrnJcr ur L�ix1�r'�agrni.. Ilo��c�cr. pnur t�i l.rnd�r'ti n��lic�lu I�i�rcourr��f Barrowrr: <br /> � breuchof any rnvenant or ugrcemrn�in�he ticrunt��Intitrumrnt.Burrm�rr�h.dl cullect and recrivc:�U rent+anJ rrvenur�of �� <br /> Ihe Prnp�rty a,�ru:tcc for thr txnct it�,f Lcn�lrr:�nJ li�n•rm�rr. Thi�a�,ignmrnt ot�rrn�.run.titutr,:�n++htiolutc a�.ignmcnt <br /> . ..�. <br /> . '—. :u�d ncn an a�si�;nmcm i�n+��i�iiii.�uai.c����i: .����.. <br /> n <br /> . . I(I.ciNlrr givr+nutice af hrcach I��H�irrrn�rr: i:u:dl rcnt.rtcri+rd h� liurro��rr�hall Ix hrld by Hurcu�rrr c�,tru.�rr <br /> titt tknefit��I'I.rnJrr unl��. In Fx:ipplirJ a� thc timn, +crw�ed h� th� tirrurit� In.lrument: �hi Lrndrr.hall tx�ntillyd t�� <br /> euUcci anJ rereivr ull��t Ihr rrni..�t thr IR���wrl��:;md Iri r.irh tenun���f thr I'rupem +hull p:�� :ill rcnt,dur:inJ wipai�l li� <br /> Lrndcrur Lrndcr',a�:cm un I.rnJe�',�.�iu.n .I.m:uid t�t ihr lrn:int. <br /> fi�,rru�vrr ha.not rxrru�rd am ��nur a,.i�:nmrm ��f Ihr rcn�. ;�nJ h:�. n�,i anJ ��ill nw prrt�mn an�• :�.t �hat a��uld <br /> . rn•�•rru 1..•nd�•r fn�m� n.�ichh un�lrr thi�N:iraEr:���h Ih. <br /> IxnJcr .hall not Ik rryuircd Iu riurr u�Hm. I.itii iuntrul ol rn m:nnlam iiir i'in�K•i�� ikiuir ui aiici Hi.inE nuu.c��i <br /> hnuch It► Narruwcr. 11���«<.r.I.�nd�r ut a IuJi�'�all) up��uint�d ��ce��c� nt:�) Ja.i�:d :ut) I�ntr Ih�•re�� :i hrr:��'h. :1��� <br /> applicau�w of nnt..hall nul riuc��r��:u�r am�Ir1au11 ar m�.ihJa�r am uih�•r n�ht i�r r.•mrd� uf Lrnd�r. fhi.a.•iFnm�iu <br /> nl'rcnbc�l lhc I'm�xnr,hall leiminalc��hcn Uic deht.rcurr�l h� Ihr ti��c�um In,lrun►rut i,��ai�l�n full. <br /> � ��trc� +��i���,,.�,� <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> .• .. . � _ . -� - - - -- - -- --..._ . _ , - <br />