, � . :�: :.,� .�;� Y ., �„ . ,.:.��a .,. �,r.,,aruu~y 1jy.. _., �• : ti ' ti,�r — — --:
<br /> ✓.��. . � .r. i'��. ..�.. � �; .�,-.,�;�-.�.u�ait�rr "i+�� I I� ���!'� 1 ' �... ' .. � �ai.�i .
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<br /> "^.�., n , T , S.T�.����.�/Q��•Trosta sholl pa�r all tox�s,ass�ssnMnts and otMr cho►p�s,includinp,without lirtiitotfon,fin�s ad im-
<br /> � pos(tiont cittri6utabb to thr PropKty,and I�osd�old Pn9nNnts a qround nnts,if aryr,b�fa�th�wn�Mcanw�linqwnf.Trusta sholl promp- ____
<br /> +'�fi n, ;., . ,,,,s.,p ..
<br /> . '� a tly furnish to 8�fkiary all notk�s of onaunts dw untla this parapraph,aed 1n th��vmt Trusta sha�l mok�poym�nf dlnctt�,Trusta sholi
<br /> promptip furnish to 8�ficiary nc�ipts wid�ncinp such po�mmts. Trosta slwli po�r oll taxa ad oss�ssmmis which nwy b�Nvbd upon
<br /> � B�f'Kiory's iMrnst hK�in or upon this DNd of irust without rpord b arqr law thot mny bP wwc��d�i"O p°�af th�whow a a�y
<br /> �---� part M�nof upon th�8�fkiary. --
<br /> 6.AMIMM)IM��d MhctiM d M�fielwy'�f�a�M1.Trostor shnll mak�aH po�rn�nts of irn�rtst and principol and pa�rmmts of an�
<br /> „ `'-W y� ' . " � othK charpls,fNS and�xp�ns�s cartract�d to M paid to an��xislirp liwdwldars or pria beneficluries urder an�p►io►dMd of trust or n►a- �-.�.�,�,_.�__���_
<br /> �• ' ''�`�• �� tqap�b�fa�tM dot�th�y an ddi��qwnt ad p►omptly po�r and dischorq�aqr ad all othK Ibns,cloims ar chorq�s which ma�r i�opordiz�th�
<br /> � sauritY q►ait�d hK�in. If Trosta fails to mok�an�such poym�nt or fails to p�rfam a►�af th�cownonts ond opr�r�s caitoin�d in this
<br />� � ' � OMd of Trust,or in any p�ior matyap�a dNd of trust,of if any atlon or p►aNdinp is comrtwnad whkh matK1A��Y aff�tfs 8mtficiory's in-
<br /> � � tKest in tM Prap�rty,includinp,6ut not Iimit�d to.�mimnt domain praNdinps,or prandinps involvinp o d�cerdmt,or if Trustor foils to pay
<br /> _"� �`" - -- Truttor's d�bts y�aNy as th�y baom�due, thrn Bwieficiary,ot Banafitiory's aption ond without not+se to o►dern�nA upor►Trustor and �-_,---- --_.-_—_-
<br /> ° � without nkosiny Trostor from any oblipotion hereundor,moy moke such appontoncas,disbu►se such sums,and toke sueh afion o:is naessory _
<br /> N to protact 8�neficio►y's interest ineludirp,but not limited to,disburs�ment of rwsonohl�ottorn��'s f�s,poymant,purchast,corKast a com-
<br /> � � promise of any encumbronce,charye w lien, and entry upon the Prop�rt�to moke r�poirs.In the event thot Trostor sholl fall to pra�xo in-
<br /> surance or to p4y toxes,assessnNnts,or ony other choryes or to make anr porments to Qxistirg prior lien holders or bQneficiari�s,Berteficiary
<br /> . moy praure such insuronce and make such paymQnt.Any omounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuont to this Parapraph 6 shall become additionol
<br /> '. .. indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Doad of Trust.Such amouMS shall be payoble upon eolice from Baneficiary to T►ustor r4questiig poY-
<br /> ' • ment thereof,and shall bear interast f�om the date of disbu►somont at the rate payable hom tima to tima on outstandinp principal under the ��
<br /> ., ���~' Note unless payment of interest ot such rota would be coMrary to opplicable law, in whith event such amouMS shall bear interest at the highast r -------
<br /> . ''���;;;r� rote permissibla undor applicablo low.Nothinp containad in this Paaproph 6 sholl rQquire&iwficiory to intur any expens�or toka any uction �--+�+�� .
<br /> .;�.. ; �
<br /> hereunder. '
<br /> ' 7, At��1 of RMt�.Beneficiary sholl hove the riyht,power and authority durinq ttw tontinuonce of this Deed of Trust to tollect the
<br /> rents,issues and profits of the Property and of any personal property located thereon with or without tdcinq possession of the propety affatted i
<br /> ' hereby,ond Trustor hereby absolutely ond unconditionolly assigns all such rents,issues and profits to Benefitiary.8enoficiory,however,hereby j • __
<br /> �� consents to the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents,issues and profits as they accrue ond become poyable so lon�as 1rusTa is not, ' -
<br /> at such time,in default with respect to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performance of any ayreeirwnt twreunde. Upon I :ah�-
<br /> . . " an�such default,Beneficiory snoy at any time,either in person,by ayent,or by reteiver to be appointed by a court,without notica and without ! �
<br /> , • reqard to tha adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured. (a)ento►upon and take possession of the Proporty or any part , :y�,,,:-�,;
<br /> th�tof,and in its own nartw sue for or otherwisQ collact such rents,issues and profits,inc�ud'm9 those Dost due ond unpoid,and opply th�some. `'�':•+'�. ,'��-
<br /> ��''�� ' less costs and expenses of operation and callection, incbding reosonabfe ottorne�s fees, upon uny lndebiedness tetucsd heroby, ond in ssxh '`�'"�-'-°' —
<br /> ro consxve the value of the ''��'�'�"`
<br /> � � orde►as Baneficiay moy determine;(b)perform such acts of repair or protection os moy be necessary or preper - �-
<br /> '• :}"�� � Property; (c)leose the same or anq port thereof for such rental,term,and upon such conditions as its judgment may diciqtR or terminafe or ad- s,�,�.+"�::.:'`�` �'
<br /> �`� �� �' just the tarms and conditions of any existing leose or leases.Unless Trustor and Benefitiary aqrRe otherwise in writing,an�applicotion of rams, , ;,
<br /> issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby sholl not Qxtend or postpone the due dote of the instaltmant pqyments os provided in snid L'
<br /> promissory note or chanpe the amount of such instollments.The entering upon and takin9 possQSSion of the Property, the coUeGt�on of such. ��' ..��
<br /> � ' , rents, issuas and profits, and the application thereof os aforesaid, shall not waive or cure any dQfault or notke of defoult her4under, a in- �
<br /> " validate an�act done pursuant ro such notice. Trustor also ossigns to Beneficiary,as further security for the performonce of the obligations k�• • ` '"" ;��
<br /> P
<br /> . securad he►eby,all prepaid rents and oll monies which moy hovo been or moy hereafter 6e deposited with said Trustor by any lessee of the Pro- � __
<br /> perty, fo secure the payment of any rent or damages, and upon default in the pe�formance of orry of the provisions hereoi, Trustor agrees to ; ���,.�:.
<br /> deliver such rents and deposits to BQneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercise of ihe rights grontQd harain,to on�tanont x- �. . . -_��•
<br /> eupyinp soid premises shall be sufficient to require said tenant to poy said rent to the Beneficiary until furfher notice. � • w��
<br /> g,CMd�lioe,If title to any part of tiw Property shall be token in condemnation prxeedings,by right of eminant domain or similor action, ► • ,"r�'_`
<br /> or shall be sold unde►threot of condemnation,all owards,damages and proceeds arQ hereby assigned and sholl be paid to BQneficia►y who shall
<br /> • opply such awards,damoges and praeeds to the sum setured by this Deed of Trust,with the extess,if any,poid.to Trustor.If Trustw receivea
<br /> ony notke or other information regarding such actions or proceedings, Trostor shall give prompt written not�ce thereof to beneficiay. •-�� •`�'•-•=
<br /> 8eneficiory shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,appeor in and prosecute in its own name any such action or proteedings ond shall ba on- . 'w'''-�`.==;`
<br /> ,,�,:.Y
<br /> , titled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with any such action or proceedings. , •• `''''`'-
<br /> Y� ai
<br /> 9. N���t Not Eadutlw. Beneficiary shall be entitled to enforce poyment ond pQrformonce of any indebtedness or oblipptions secured
<br /> � „ ' hereby and to exercise oll rights and powers under this Oeed of Trust or under any other agreement executed in cannact�on herewith or ony bws , ;--.-�,-.
<br /> . , now or hereofter in face,notwithstanding some or all of the such indebtedness and obligations secured hereby moy,now or hereafter be other-
<br /> wise secured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust, pledye, lien,assignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> ' enforcement whether by court action or pursuont to the power of sale or other powers herein contained, sholl prejudice or in any manner aHect
<br /> 8eneficiary's right to realize upon ar enforce any other security now or hereaher held 6y Beneficiary.it being agreed thot Beneficiary shall be
<br /> entitled to enforte this Deed of Trust and any other security now a hereofter held by Beneficiary in such order and monner as it moy in its ab-
<br /> solute discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Peneficiory is intended to be ezclusive of any other remedy herein
<br /> or by low provided or permitted.but eoch shall be cumulative ond sholl 6e in addition to e�ery other remedy given hereunder or now or hereofter
<br /> eristinp of low or in equily or b�stofute. Every power or remedy prov�ded hereunder th�s Oeed of irust to 6enefinory or to whith it ma�be
<br /> otherwise entitled,moy be exercised.concurrently or independently, from time ro time and as often os moy be deemed expedient Benefitiory
<br /> ' and it moy pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein sholl be construed as p�oh�6iting Benef�ciar�from seeking o deficiency judgment agoinst
<br /> the Trustor to the exfent such oction is permitted by law.
<br /> 10. Teruf�r ol Pro�elpt AauMption. If all or ony part of the property or any mte�esf therein is sold.transferred or conveyed by Trusfor
<br /> withouf&nefitiory's prior written consent,excluding lol the creot�on of a lien or encumbro�ce subord�nate to this Deed of Trus�. (b)the trea-
<br /> tion of o purthase money security interest for household appliances. 1c 1 a transfer by devise,destent or by operation of low upon the death of a
<br />. .. . . ,,.,�:,... •.. .....�h..ea ilsn�firinru mnu nf
<br /> ; joinf tenant or (d) ihe qrant ot any ieaserwia �nreresi oi.nree �ears or �aai �w� 4V���'/':��v � -�••�•• •- �-•-••---. --��-••-•- . -�• -
<br /> • 8eneficiary's option,daclare all the sums secured by this Oeed of irust to be immediote�Y due and payoble,�r couse the Trustee to file a notite
<br /> of dafault. Beneficiory sholl have woived such option�o acce�ernte�f. pnor to the sale, transfer or conve�once,Benefitiary nnd the person�o
<br /> wliWn Ilw y�uperly is tu be sold or tronsferred reoch agrCCment�n writmg thof thp credit oF such person is s�ticf�ctory to Benpficiary ond that
<br /> the interest poyable on the sums secured by this Deed af Trust shall he ot such rote as Benefic�ary shall request.
<br /> 1
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