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<br /> P�Y��1v na lo�a ba roqulrod.u tbe o�xion nf lxadar,if mort��a�nauanco cavrr�a(w the�a�wunt Ya6 for the pa�lad
<br /> d�st I.end�r requirw){xavicfod by�a icuuzu�xova�by t.axkr�gaia bocomrs avaliaD�rnd i�obu►inal.Borcowu s�sS]pay tSc
<br /> prwai�uns roquirod tn ro�iutaia raaitAiaYa �w�tancc in cEiect.uc eo prorido• lota re�oerve.uaril t2�e ra�uircu�cnt fot enoct�e
<br /> iasurAaco mds in AoDOrd�no wlcd my writtca�tgrceauau betwor�t�or,�w�u and I,endtr or��lic�3e[aw.
<br /> 9.L�aciioa. i�e,�der a it�t�e�t msy m�te�r�toaabt�e�uaes ugon aad iaspoetio�s of 1!�Pr�ty.L,ea�3r�r c3�it aiv�
<br /> Bamv�rec aaticc�t Ihe time oi'or ptior In ao iospoctios+apoc�'piaa�+e�s�a�ble cause for the ittcpa�roa.
<br /> 11.C�iru3iooa, '�e p��xx�u�o.`r.�y G�:r�a�c�i�;.€:�r�s�s;,:�. dl.�er c�sxr�uearis;in conaoction Wi� wy
<br /> ooa3emn�dm or aha ukiq�of wy port of the Pi+cipecqr.a for ca►my�aco ia liw af ooadanwaio�o�sre berebY assi�nod aacl
<br /> �11 be p�t�id io I��dar.
<br /> W tbe oveW of a Wtal takiit6 ot'the Pmpe�tY.tb�s peracaods chall be applied W tbe wai.9 cxurod by this Sec�ritY Iacauoxat,
<br /> wbelbcr or aat then du0.witb�ay e�caess p�id u Batawer.In tl�e cveat of a porti�l t+itinB oE tbe Pro�xrtY in wAicb tbe fait m�ticat
<br /> value ot tba Prop�aty icncnodi�tely befoc�o Il�t�king is eqwl xa a Qreatcr t3�the a�nou�t of t6e sums sxured by this SecuritY
<br /> Iason�a►tni immadi�ely betaro tue talciag. unlats Barowar aad I�cnda otbawi�e�groe iw writi�.d�e sums�eca�.�ed by tbis
<br /> Se�xVity In�tnvttknt shW ba tndi�ood by t�e�mouac oi t�proc�od�mul�bY tLe folbwia,R fiactio�n: (�?tbe Iotal�aou�nt oi
<br /> tbe sua� secured ioamodiat�ly befaro tbe t�kiag.dividod bY(b)d�e fair as�cket vsLie of tbe Proper[y immedi�tdY before tbe
<br /> pikir�,Anp bal�oee sh�ll bo p�id to Barmwa.In the eveat oS a p�ctul p�cio,�af tLe PYaQatY ia w6ich die fair ma�icet value of tUe
<br /> �Y �Y btt'c�ra tho tnidng is ksn tI� tLe am�unt of t1�e sums se�urod immedi�dY bef'are tLe tai�. unjes�
<br /> Borto�es and Leac�ts otddcwi�e a�ree ia a+ritim�ar uakss q�;lis;abie 1iw otba�vi�e peovides.Me prooeods sh�ll be s�pptiod W tLe
<br /> s�ms�ocurod by dsis Seauiry Znswmene w�et&�rsC awt the�ar�thea d►ee.
<br /> If tAC FroQart9 it�bt�sdo�t►od by Bo�raw�cc,.vr ifi.atkr aa�ux by I.ea�lcr Oc,Bm+aw�et ebat We 000dwuwr offars!o m�Tco�n
<br /> a�vard ar eestlo a c1�im far d�m�Baa�.ra fac�eo ra�pcmt oo Irada wit�in 30 dsya aft�ac�e�e dre noiice i��ivea.I.mder
<br /> i�aothat;xed tu oalk+c��od�pp�ly d�e p�aooal:s,ae ia aE+tion,eitha b crata�radon ar ne�ir�f tbe P�opesty a p tha wms�ecuca!
<br /> py tLis Searity lnsao�at.a+hetba ar not thr�8tue.
<br /> Ualess i.codtt�Borto�ver od�awi�e+�fa wrioin�.aeY�ca�n of P�a"oe�b Pr�c�s'h�[:not a:ta�d or poatpooc
<br /> tbe due dato of ti�oaoatNy p�yinonu refdml us ia pa�1 aod 2 ar clsa�e d►c aaoo�t of�cb paymea�. .
<br /> 11.Barraww Not Rekardi Fa�bnrs�oe By l.e�kr NaR�Wsirer. Futra�ioa ot tbe tim�e fa paymeat oe a�odificatiou
<br /> of�marti�a of d�e sums aecured by t�Seasi�ty Inttrumeat�ramed by I.eader w tay wc�iu iolrmt of Bortow�er�u11
<br /> oat opaa�e�o rcde�oe the 1i�bititY of tbe arl�,mal Bare�o�ver ac Bae�a�ae:'�s�ocsro�a ia i��tereat.I.eackr�Lfll�ot be roqui�ed to
<br /> oommeace pa��ae��ina�y moowor ia iatec�ea ot reEiae t�o ac�eod tia�e far pa�rmeoc a otlr�we modity aaoo�ti-racion af
<br /> tbe su�s aecural by ddt Sesanity Ia:aumeot Byr nasm of any deao�od m�de by die ori�inal Baero�r ar Baa�er's mooea�arc
<br /> ia i�Na�t.Mp forb�a��na by I.eader ia e�r�say ri�t or remody st�l!aa be a waiv�of or pracbrda d�e ese¢�e of�ay
<br /> ri�a�a:+aaody.
<br /> il Saooea�aa�sd Aarip�t i�sd:Joiet aad Se�srad Li�iCt�:Coiipen.'Ibe.cs�cea�ntt add a�e�ts at thlc
<br /> S�ectuity Ia�tctbn�cat aW11 biad aud be�rFiR I�e �cee�ors aod�t of I�eader aod�aCt+o�aer. sa�rj,aat w tbe pravitlmt of
<br /> �h 1T. BpiO�YEi�6 OOtilBMUf � �COb ihi11 6C JO�t i0� iC9tai� 1�" BCR'01Ya �sa(S GO�il�llt (II� SOp�t
<br /> -�-- —;�.w�.�i� r�is-w�iwr�w":..�w"'�� '�.�L��.t.� 'y��.w„��ie Gnte�1�ce�i:/Maf�c!D bofEfYl�Q�t�d C��IY.1VL--—_._
<br /> $�OR�Ct'i i1Nl�i�1 d!G�1nQ!!ty U�Ci d1C IRIDi of t�lf SOC@I[y�(v)s�i��Y O�Oi�f��LiiE iGIDQ
<br /> �OCa(Od�t�i SOC1IItl)'�t[1�OCm'.�(C�i�lCL i�li[I�C�ti 7111d�ly CVf!!�it�0'MCt liltj►�OC 1D WE�,a10ai.�f.�fjlt�a ,
<br /> ��►�p�106f�1►Mb l+C�,�b{�!C IC1�t Qf thi/$CCOf�!�QC dIC I�IdC wlei0{�(�BO[�dlY�i'�COYl�.
<br /> �.l.OM�.'�'[�. �1bC�Orl�OCIII�l��►f�t SOpQYy�lf N$;R�CZ fl��iN N�11C���;Ifll��i�li.
<br /> �11�h1Y 1t f��pf�C�q dlit d1C 101Crtit O[OtvCr 10�!C�d OO�0000�O[1�+�OOQOCIOd 1D OOOOOC3�OR OYtaf d1C 10�1
<br /> eue�ed d�e pamiuod li�s.Wea:(��uY�nch ian cJ�a�hail be ro�lucad by ebe�4.000ea�►a saduc�e d�e�e a ik
<br /> pti�jMpo lmrt�Id(b)py t11�1f akCdy o0i10Ci0d frOm BORO�Ili wihiCb G'tCa0f10d pa�Yl�Imifi�Vi�b0 tCFuOded b HOaDMel.
<br /> I�fdli'�y Cti00�E 10 uNicC 1ht�trfllod by[�O�CA[1bC p[YlC�pl O�IOC� Nodlt IbG�Ob Qr by RfAk� i dilbGt prydlot b
<br /> Baer�.If�refuod re�iuo�prmcipd.tLe raduction�v�l be tne�led a4 a�tid peplr�nast�rittinni an7 P�P�Y��
<br /> �derl6e No� �
<br /> 11.Nlotic�a. Aay oolioe w�soav�o N:�:�d far in 1h�Saa�ritY Ioawmeat�b�F 6e tivea bY ddtvr�iei it ar by��k
<br /> b�1 fi[rt Clfss mt�eda�appilCab]C h�v tr�a u�G Of anOth�m015od.7�ke nOtic��l bm di�eclDd b ibC PrOQa1�AddeeM 0[
<br /> �y olYec�d3�cso Baeto�es dee�po�la by notioe to I�der.My uotico 1�I.c�ndte sb�ll�e givm by f�t c�s mW b I�udet's
<br /> atldre,u m�ed hasio a aay odier tld�as Irad�r dai�mla bg►aoticx tir Barro+uer.A�r notioe povi�ed far is dnt Sac�iq� .
<br /> 1�t�hdl be doeo�ed w bave t�em�ivea e�Boa+o�ver a Larloc�►4�m�Iv�ea ae piwicled in 8us ps�p�.
<br /> is.Go���.aw;Sex�lility. Thu 5ocari�y I�+ua�t �Lall be jo�va�aod by fedaal bt�v �od tb� fa�v of t0e
<br /> �etioa ia�Aich the Prapaty is bc�ed.ta tbe aveut d�at�ny pe+ovicioo ar claua oE tbit Sac�uiY la�noast�d�e Nole
<br /> oo�w�1i appBtabie ha.sn�000ftici aauiJ.uot a�'ect otMi pe�nviaioat of t�k Saco�ity�rir d�e Nale w6icL pa�
<br /> �ir�d�eff�ect witti0ot tbe 000Elic�provi�..'I't�thia tnd tbe p�+o�rioow a��is SoaQity Inmummt�die,Nole ae+e detJ1[ad b
<br /> be x�rabie.
<br /> For�702f !!!�
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