,.:1� . +1��'► r.� :T�
<br /> _ . . ,. ,. . ,
<br /> . _ _ . .�.
<br /> � � ��_ . _ ..__. —�— � - --.-_.—_..
<br /> 'AI�RRC.. .. .� . - .. . • -• . . 'l.ti �`'�i�i'13T..�{r. .: _- . ' ....r. . . ,i<_�� _-�— �
<br /> _ ��i4tLeC�i- _ " 1' ' ' ..Y.�+"\iVNt � __+r�i"Y}'Ir.�ir.'r:w: .`.��:.' ,ri __ –�_ �.
<br /> 96- ���.5�'
<br /> 'It�Qfil'HE�t Wi i'f��II tiw in��ttavruuxsis uc►w ar isra�f`wx rra:it4l w�tbZ�x�cY.�ad�l1 P�°�.a�,pu.-tcaas�es.aad
<br /> fixwres at�w or AaulZrs�pxt of thu ptopc�ty.Ail n:�tAxaaeats�ud addition9 abt�!alao bo o�vand by ti�Se�'i►�'far�ru�a:.
<br /> Atf o(lho fae,qoiaQ is refertnd 4D fJ tht9 Socurity utulutt�i i�tbo"Pr�paty."
<br /> flORkO'VVF.R OOVFNAN'I'S+�wt&xror�ic�rwfuUy�ri�ed of�e ataeo Aeroby oonvayod and Aa�tbe ri�ht to�nnt aad
<br /> cAtivey tba Pro�eny aad tlnt 1�a P►t�paty L ur�Yamberal.exce�t fat eacum6raac�i of rxarl. Barowec'wamats�od wW
<br /> dofasd�cAa�11y�ba Wla a t2so 1'ca�sut's�+;;si:t W cltwna wad demw�ds.wbkct�o wy c�curabraacrs af roca�d.
<br /> THIS SE(.'tJR17'Y INS'iRiJlt�':,y'�"c�.btnt� unif�m cavc�ats far a�sioa�! we aad aoa•unlfam ooveraai�with Iimlbd
<br /> v�ri�tiont by�tatlidlctio�b oon�ttutu�unifotat�ocutrtv inuruaae�u oov,�'ia�ral properRy.
<br /> [�iIF�iVE C�3Y'r.�3MF'i'S.�cc�wa�L�a±u�•��u r.�3�:aa ra�aitow::
<br /> l.P�y�wat d Prioetpal u�d fWtratD��J'��at ud Lat�CYar«w Bamwer �batl procnP�Y p�Y �+ha� duo tlse
<br /> ptinaiptl of�od iobcest on the doDt cvicfaxxd b��tt�n 23ae�ac!ay pe+ep,yraa�t aad We ctiarYa due ua�er tho 1VotG.
<br /> Z.Fwd�tor Tax�wd Iru�.��. Subjoc2 ai ap�llcable law ar to a wriuw wiivet by I.ctKfer.Boarower ais�1! pay to
<br /> Leadrr oa t!a daY��Y WY�are duo ut�dt7 ti�e No1�und!the AFo10 ia p�1cf,ia fu11.�aum("E�uKI�")far.(a)ycariy taus
<br /> aod messmaus which a�y�tqtut ptio�lcy nva�this Swcuraty In�onuneot�s a tka on tbe Pmnaty:N)Y�Y�P�Y��
<br /> or�round raus ou the Property,if aag;(c)Yc�rl7'lwrt�rd or p�aiy iawcaaoa p�iueo::(d)Yar1Y fiood in�ururoe�'"':.��if
<br /> �nY:(a)Yu�Y�+�e�"�P�'�'�wj7 t�ad(��►Y suaas P�Yabb by Fim�o�rer 10 Lax1a.ia acoorQ�wae with tbe ,
<br /> pcovisioas of p�n�gr,ph a. in�i;a, ot� tho p�y�xau r,r�e int�n�oce pr«akva:.'�we i1��ra auoa-Fs�a+ov Ium�."
<br /> L�ncta may.�t any time,cdbct�ad bokl�ads in�wnouac not a euoeod the�a�imum�nouot a kada for�€ala�lly rtLbd
<br /> ano�tp�o lo�a auy s+equlce far Bo�towa's e�aaw a��couat under tbe loderd Ral Bst�lc Swleaaent Prooe�rrs Act of 1974 a4
<br /> �rnaoded trom time t�tLpe. l2�JS.C.St�cticw 2t►�I�seq. ("RBSPA'7.w�less�aottKr iaa d�t�ppiies w tbe FY�+xt�a 1c�a
<br /> rnomt.If�o. l.�ndar mty, at aay time.ool{dci atft{�hoW Fuadt ia �o amouot aot io ea�c�eed tho lesut aaw�u�t.I.erda way
<br /> estimMo tba amouac of Amd�due oa the b�s af cwr�t d�ta�od reasoo�bie estimates of cxpmdiwra of f�ce Fsxxow Ueau a
<br /> o�hawi�e ia aoo�a�d�ooe�h apQti�cablc biw.
<br /> The�sMU be MJd fa an in�utioa wbaoe dt,posits ac�inwcrd by�federil r�rr�.'y.iar�umauaiitY,a eu�tY C��
<br /> L,e�der,if I.mtl�+r is such an bs�timdnn)a�in w�►Fcdesal flo�ae Loin B�nic.I,tader dWl appiy the Fuads to pay t�e Fi�a�o�►
<br /> I�aos.Lmcfer may mt chrQa�rr for bakUnB�ad apptying d�e Ii�nds.aoouWY aoalys�tbe eacm�v a000�nt,or varifyiaa�
<br /> the fi�o�r I�.unlest Lmtltx p�ys Ba�m�rcr initus�t oa the F�ods�od�ppticable h�►pamitt Laxier to ta�te�s chatga
<br /> However.I.eacki msy�oyain:Bocrowcr to p��a or+�time char�e far�a iss�9e�mdmt c+q1 estaee mc reQorticg xsrice u�ed by
<br /> L,ea�fa ia ooaaecdoa w�i1h tl�a 1ow,uakss�pplic�t�ic law provLlra otha�ri�QJakss w ag�oema�t L mad�e or�pp�ic�bie L�r
<br /> requiea iOlere�t b�be p�id.I�ender dwl nd b0 toq�lfred In pty Bocm�uer�ny�o[dmiojs on the Fimd=.Boa�er�od
<br /> L,eador mty agrte in wii�qg.Mrveva.d�t iala�ce tk�il be pid ao the P�oc�.Iraidet�hall jive b Boe:�ar.�vitl�out char��n
<br /> ■opltl acoo�Of doG Pwtd�.�horvia8 t7atitT aDd�dCbitf b thC Fimds aad d10 putp0�e fOt whiCb�dd�i[b tre��i Mai
<br /> made.'Ibe£uads�c�e�da°�eB a9 addltiaaai�ec�uity fa�all wms�ecured by thi+Security 1n�. � ..
<br /> tt me Pw�eetd b}�1d'eaeaed d,o aax�ats pa�mitted a be Ndd by appticab3e 4.v.Leoder�hau�oouuat a Bare�a+Mar for � .
<br /> tbe esa�s�io a000�ao�Bo�s tbar raquit+�c�m of apQiic�bi�e Inr.If d�e aioonot af the Fimds deid bp l.eader x aay timme is
<br /> oot fa�cirat b pay die B�+v Ite�cs�'�ea duo.Leo3ei may so nutify BaraMer in�rritiag.aod.ia sucb c�ase Bon�r�h�ll py
<br />_ 10 I.mdtx the amouet neoc�ry to a�atre up tba di:�ic�ascy. Borrow�a sf�m�te up t�e def'�acy in oo a�oce d�n tMd�e
<br /> -- ��%�;...,�.+�:.�r':��..�.� - - _ _ .--- -..-_--..._
<br /> �P�i'�'s�fd!�aU wmt xcurod by tWn Sacurity Iau�meat.I�ea3er sh�pramptiy nfaoil b H�v�ar a�y Fmc�s
<br /> beld by L�eader.If.nctkr;ypr�gr�pb 21,I�sdt�a6s�i�oquire oc adl the Pic�gat�,Iasd�r,Pria b die aoquisi�oo ar ade af tba
<br /> ProQaty,sdri�pQi�r adv gi�ods rdd.6y ia�d�r sR�t�time of ao�6on ar s�ie at a a�e3it�in�t the w�saveed by thee
<br /> �� , .
<br /> 3.A�p�ealio�d'Ihlwab. Uakss appiiCaUl�la�v provides�tha�r�e��payme�ts�or�xivod by Leac{a�a�1a p�tapbs
<br /> 1 aod 2,aM�be�ppSea:fr�st,te au�► p�ytt�l,�a due imaer t6e xc��ecood,w���uoder p�c�pc�pL 2: .
<br /> d�d.�a iiMaat du�fo�cta;to pasr�doo:�od lus¢.w any l�e clmcga dne vod�a tbe No1e. . .�.
<br /> �.C�ts;IJe��. ISorlowa s�it p�y sq qcres��,�S+�+�d�ovporitio�a apr�able w 1h��bo�My .
<br /> �vbich m�t�tfao pitiority over tWt Sacaaity lnsttttar�ot,sod 1eue�aid prya�a�t or=c�ouo�d tenn.if�y►.BoQ+ewet�plry tLe.-s
<br /> obi�tioos ia tMe ttweaet paerided io p�c�p6 Z,ur if not pdd m dqK�mmr�Bato�er�all pq Wam oa time die�y b ttie .
<br /> . p[�lo�Ow�Ed pMyalpW. BO[m�r d�II proo►pdy himnh b Leadet alr Dabces oE�a�oua�b bG p�id o0d�er tms p�pr�pi�.If
<br /> - Baerower at�icas theac pqaneo�t�diracxly�Bcs�aLtll promptty fa�t�L�end�receipb evid�eacio�tbe pRymm�c •
<br /> � Boa►a�r�h.0 p�a�dy�Sa�ago s�y lko w�h e..pcia�o�rr t�is saurihr ra�u.aeoc+deu soere�er:(iy�Cen io
<br /> t .v�i�a�b fhe p�naeat«�tbe atY�Or�saauoa ay tbe nd,in a��+coept�ie b Iman;(b)oonlac.in�ooa hiii+be}ien
<br /> 7 by. a dafeod��eafu�aem�e�t of tbo ilm�:ia.1e�1 Praseedia,as w�o�6� 1Le Leode�'a apioion ape�le b preveat Itie .
<br /> +� a�£oroe�at of d�e��a�(c)s�e�,s�a f�vn tLo t�t�ri of tbe 1iw ao�gi�aea�eot atafactory►la Irader subor�iado�the tiae b '�
<br /> dus$ec+rity In�auma�.�If Ir�tkp dmermin�s ttu�any p�t af t6e Ptopaty is subject 10 a liea wrhic6 miy�p�riotjty ova dns �
<br /> Seerrit�T��meet.Ir�er ma►y�-Bors�a�a aotioe idea�t'�ic�tbe liea.BaccoMer si�I[s�tid'y d�e tiea ar t�ice oae a more .
<br /> of dia scoont set Wr�b�bu+re vithin 10 daa oi ttm givisg of ootnce. � . _
<br /> � • Foro!0� !rM , -
<br /> � ��ill(M4ca��.o� ' rq.:�� �wu.r�: � �
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