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<br /> <br /> <br /> Cm) ---I <br /> C C= X' <br /> r1 n 2= n <br /> C7 *1 f <br /> V n n Cr) <br /> M !2 <br /> rri.. ".7" <br /> r'1 V1 1,t'9 F~ on C_ Q <br /> Cn <br /> cx1 <br /> M <br /> 4 <br /> WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br /> HASTINGS STATE BANK <br /> MAIN BRANCH <br /> 580 N BURLINGTON <br /> PO BOX 2178 <br /> HASTINGS, F RgCQRj?g8'g USE ONLY <br /> R <br /> MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> THIS MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST dated DECEMBER 7, 2010, is made and executed between RODNEY <br /> W. TIMM and HOLLY L. TIMM, whose address is 200 WEST J STREET, HASTINGS, NE 68901; Husband and <br /> Wife ("Trustor") and HASTINGS STATE BANK, whose address is MAIN BRANCH, 530 N BURLINGTON, PO <br /> BOX 2178, HASTINGS, NE 68902 ("Lender"). <br /> DEED OF TRUST. Lender and Trustor have entered into a Deed of Trust dated November 14, 2005 (the "Deed of Trust") which has been <br /> recorded in HALL County, State of Nebraska, as follows: <br /> RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 16, 2005 AS INSTRUMENT # 200511315. <br /> REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. The Dead of Trust covers the following described real property located in HALL County, State of <br /> Nebraska: <br /> ALL THAT PART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (E1/2NW/1/4) AND LOT SIX (6) (ISLAND) BOTH BEING IN <br /> SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT (28), TOWNSHIP TEN (10) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M„ HALL COUNTY, <br /> NEBRASKA LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE #80 <br /> The Real Property or its address is commonly known as FARMLAND IN HALL COUNTY, NE. <br /> MODIFICATION. Lender and Trustor hereby modify the Deed of Trust as follows: <br /> MATURITY DATE IS HEREBY EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 7, 2025. <br /> CONTINUING VALIDITY. Except as expressly modified above, the terms of the original Deed of Trust shall remain unchanged and in full <br /> force and offegt. Cogr?_pt by,Lgndgr,to.,thi N)pdification dues not waive Lender's right to require strict'performance of the Deed of Trust <br /> as changed,. lTpvl~~'por hlr:gatsrtVq)dlvr:tbtMjke 8ny future modifications. Nothing in this Modification shall constitute a satisfaction of the <br /> promissor na%or other credit- ~s~ rrl~pt secured by the Deed of Trust (the "Note"). It, is the intention of Lender to retain as liable all <br /> parties to pe d0eUf •Trwst end ,a parties, Takers and endorsers to the Note, including accommodation parties, unless a party is expressly <br /> released Iyy , ;vvriting.,_Any., maker or endorser, including accommodation :makers, shall not be released by virtue of this <br /> Modification. If any person who signed the original Deed of Trust does not sign this Modification, than all persons signing below <br /> acknowledge that this Modification is given conditionally, based on the representation to Lender that the non-signing person consents to <br /> the changes and provisions of this Modification or otherwise will not be released by it. This waiver applies not only to any initial extension <br /> or modification, but also to all such subsequent actions. Trustor hereby ratifies and affirms that Trustor's liability shall continue in full <br /> force and effect through and including the Note's now extended maturity date and that Trustor has no defenses, setoffs, or other claims <br /> against Lender arising out of this credit facility. If it is determined that any other person or entity other than Lender shall have a lien, <br /> encumbrance, or claim of any type which has a., legal priority over any term of this Modification, the original terms of the Note and <br /> Mortgage shall be severable from this Modification and separately enforceable from the terms thereof as modified hereby in accordance <br /> with their original terms, and Lender shall maintain all legal or equitable priorities which were in existence before the date of execution of <br /> this Modification. It is understood by and is the intention of the parties hereto that any legal or equitable priorities of Lander over any party <br /> which were in existence before the date of execution of this Modification shall remain in effect after the execution of this Modification. <br /> TRUSTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MODIFICATION OF DEED -OF TRUST AND TRUSTOR AGREES <br /> TO ITS T -M THIS MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST IS DATED DECEMBER 7, 2010. <br /> T G TS OR: <br /> X <br /> DNEY W. TIM <br /> X <br /> HOLLY L. TI PM <br /> LENDER: <br /> HASTINGS STATE BAN <br /> X <br /> STE E PRESIDENT <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Y4 ~ 4! <br />