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- <br />EXHIBIT A � � � � � �Q � � � <br />Parcel 1: Lake Lot 6, Sandy Beach Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Parcel2: A tract af land comprising a part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter <br />(Nl/2 NW1/4) of Section Twenty Six (26), Township Eleven (11) Narth, Ran�e Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th F.M., in �-�all County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the North Line of said Section Twenty Six (2G), said Point Being <br />Szx Hundred Sixty (660.0) feet Cast of the Northwest corner of said Section Twenty Six <br />(26); thence Easterly alon�; the North line of said Section Twenty Six (26), a distance of <br />Qne Thousand Three Hundred Twenty One and One Hundredths (1,321.01) feet, to the <br />Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast QuartEr of the Northwest <br />Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/4 N W 1/4); thence Southerly along the West line of said Northeast <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4), a <br />distance of Six Hundred Fifty Eight and Six Tenths (658.6) feet, to the Southwest Corner <br />of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE 1/4 <br />NE 1/4 NW I/4); thence Easterly along the South Line of said Northeast Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter of the Northwe5t Quarter (NEl/4 NE1/4 NW1/4), a distance of Six <br />��undred Sixty and Nine Tenths (660.9) feet, to the East line of said Narthwest Quarter <br />(NW 1/4); thence Southerly along the East Line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4), a <br />distance of Six Hundred Fifty-Eight and Five H�indredths (65$.OS) Feet, to the South Line <br />of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N 1/2 NW 1/�); thence Westerly along the <br />South L,i��e of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N1/2 NW1/4), a distance of One <br />Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Five and Ei�ht Tenths (1,9$5.8) Feet; thence North�rly <br />parallel to and Six k�undred Sixty (6b0.0) Peet East of the West Line of said Section <br />Twenty Six (26), a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred `I'wenty and Five <br />Hundredths (1,320.05) Feet to the place of beginning <br />