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201�00�60 <br />THAT GRANTEE TS NOT RELYING ON ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY GRANTOR IN <br />DETERMIl�IING THE PROPERTY CONDITION. BY ACCEPTANCE �F THIS DEED, <br />GRANTEE SPEC�F'ICALLY ASSUMES ALL RTSK, COSTS AND LIABILITIES OF <br />WHATEVER NATURE ARISING OUT OF THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY. <br />The fact that Encumbrances, limita.tions, or rnatters or other conditians may be mentior�ed, <br />disclaam.ed, or excepted in any way herein, whether specifically or generally, and whether in the body <br />hereof or any exhibit hereto, shall nat be a covenant, representation, or wa.r�ranty of Grazitor as to <br />Encumbrances, lixnitatians, or rnattexs or nther conditions not mentioned, disclaimed, or excepted. <br />Notwithstanding anything herein ta the contrary, however, nothing herein shall be construed <br />or deemed as an admission by Grantor or Grantee ta any third party af the existence, va.lidity, <br />enforceability, scope, or location of any Encumbrances, limitations, rnatters, or other canditions <br />mentio�ed, disclaimed, ar excepted in any way herein, and nothing shall be construed or deemed as a <br />waiver by Grantor or Grantee of its respective rights, if any, but without obligatian, ta challenge or <br />enforce the existence, validity, enforrceability, scope, or location of same against third parties. <br />Crrantee hereby assurnes the payment o� all ad va�orez� taxes, standby fees, general and <br />special assessments, ma.intenance fees, and other taxes, assessrnents and fees, of whatever kind and <br />character affecting the Property which are due, nr which rnay becorne due, for any tax year or <br />assessrnent period priar ar subsequent to the effective date of this Deed, including, without <br />lunitation, taxes or assessments becoming due by reason a�a change in usage or ownership, or both, <br />of the Property. <br />This Deed is executed puz�suant to a certain option to purchase that is contained in that certaix� <br />Purchase and Assumption Agreement between Graz�tar, Grantee, and the Federal Deposit Tnsurance <br />Carporatio�, i.n its carparate capacity, dated as of June 4, 2010. <br />[THE BALANCE OF THIS PAGE IS 1NTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - <br />SIGNATURES ARE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE] <br />Page 4 af 6 <br />