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2oiioo��o <br />Property: The lands (being real property) located zn Nebraska that are specifically described in <br />the schedule that is rnarked "Exhibit A", and that is attached hereta ai.z�d xnade a part <br />hereof far a11 purposes, together with all bu�ldings, facilities, structures, <br />improvements, and fixtures that az� located thereon or attached or affixed thereto, <br />and together with a11 rights and appurtenances thereto, including, but not lirnited to, <br />easements, licenses, water zights, mineral rights, and leaseholds, and �.ghts, titles and <br />interests in and t� adjacent streets, roads, alleys ar�d rights-of-way. <br />Graritor does by this Receiver's Deed (herein referred to as "Deed") hereby GRANT, <br />SELL and CONVEY to Grantee, withaut recourse, cove�zant, representation,_or warrar�tv of any <br />kind or nature, e�press or implied, and subject to all Encumbrances, as hereinafter defined, and <br />to the tearzxis, covenants, limitations, matters, and conditions herein set farth, all of Grantor's <br />rights, titles, interrests, and estates; if any, in the Prape�rty (as defined above) situated in the State <br />of Nebraska. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Properiy, together with all and singulax the rights and <br />appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto Grantee, and Gran.tee's successors and assigns <br />forever, without recourse, covenant, representation, or warrantv whatsa�vear, a�d subject to all <br />Encumbrances and to tkxe cavenants, limitations, matters, terms, and conditions hereiz� set forth. <br />PROVYDED, HOWEVER, the Property is conveyed without recourse cavenant <br />representatian, or warrantv of any kind or nature, express or implied, and sub'�ct to all <br />encurnbrances, liens, defects, conditions, liznitati�ns, restrictians, exceptians, reservations, <br />covenants, and any and all other matters or conditions affecting or relating to the Property (herein <br />referred ta individually and collectively as "Encumbrances"), including, without limitation: (a) real <br />property ad valarem taxes, gen.eral taxes, standby fees, general assessments, speciai ass�ssments, <br />maintenance fees, and other ta�es, assessments, and fees; subsequent tax�s and assessments far prior <br />years due ta change in land usage or ownership, aar due to omitted impravements or change in <br />exemptions or allowances; all rights, obligations and other rnatters en:�az�ating from and existing by <br />reason of the creation, establishment, maintenance, and operation of any County Water �nprovernerit <br />District, Municipal Utility District, or similar governmental o�r quasi-governmental agency; taxes and <br />assessments ofwhatever kind, type, or nature, assessed, levied, due, or payable for the year or period <br />dwring which this conve�ance takes place and for an� subsequent year or period, the payment of <br />which Grantee assumes; taxes, penalties, and a.ssessments for the year i� which this conveyaz�ce <br />takes place and prior years due to change in land usage, awnership, or omission at�,d/or mistake of <br />assessment, the payment of which Grantee assuznes; (b) zoning and land use laws, regulations, and <br />ordinances of mttnicipal and other governmental authaz�ties; (c) all existing, recorded or unrecorded, <br />valid, and otherwise enforceable cavenants, conditions, lirnitatians, restrictions, mineral interests, <br />mineral severances, oil and gas leasehold estates, reservations, exceptions, liens, conveyances, and <br />other encumbrances, titles, interests, defects, and matters affecting or relating to the Properiy, of <br />whatever kind, character, or nature; (d) all e�isting, valid, and atherwise ez�forceable easements, <br />rights-of-way, access limitations, licenses, and leases, w�ether written or oral, recorded or <br />unrecarded, express or implied; (e) prescriptive rights; ( fl rights of parties i.� possession; (g) rights of <br />tenatYts, co-tenants, other co-owners, or adjoining owne�rs, rights of adjoining oumers in any wa11s <br />and fences situated on a common boundary; (h) shortages in area, boundary disputes and <br />discrepazacies, overlapping af improvements, encroachrnents, axid protrusions; (i) rnatters which <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />