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<br /> The abovw�i�tcilbed essament and r(Lhi-of-�uvay coc�taintng e tatal of
<br /> 100.0 sq. ft.�mora ar lew, es chown fln th� plat dated 6/13/S6,
<br /> rr�rk�� �achtblt i�`, attaCt►�ti hereto and incorperated her�ir� by
<br /> rafara�$,
<br /> ta�ethet wt�h�he ffl!lowIng riQhis:
<br /> Cr�nY�e shafi hav� �nrest�icted inp�ass and e�ress to tha abova-dBSC�ihec3
<br /> �nt and r�qht-of-way for any purpose necessary for the surveYin�,
<br /> c�nsVuction, InspQCtton. malntenance, �epatr, replacement, relocation, extensio�,
<br /> romoval, snd�rstbn of wch publlc utUities and appurtanances• Such �i�hts of
<br /> ' i+r��s and �p��ss she11 !� oxercised in g rsasanable manner.
<br /> G�antee shatl hava tt►e�i�ht ta ex�avate and refill ditches and trench�s
<br /> rwcessary for auch pub[ic utWties aald appunenances; ta r$move, clear, ar�ke�
<br /> cl�sr,tre�s, bushes,hed(�t�.s. under�rowth, and/or any othe�obstructlons
<br /> inta�fi�in� with tha :urveyin�, constr�ctlon, i�spection, mainEenance, repair,
<br /> r�t, robcatlan, extonsion, removal. and oparation cf such public'utf�ttes
<br /> � ,,:-
<br /> snd a�ppurt�nsnCes. _-
<br /> Grsr►Lar shalf hav�ihe ri�ht to use the ��a.�nd right-of-w�y for
<br /> �� ptx�s not inconsittQnt wtth Cua�,U�'s full �joym�t�t of tha rlyP�ts heretn
<br /> p�snt�d, provid�d th�t Grantor�11 nat atiow any structuras, buildin�s.
<br /> ----- --- __ __ . _ ... __ ---. - - - -- -
<br /> - .-.--_- ---
<br /> cambs�la�_.�ot7� p:c�y O�any �ctr�w�atsoever. tQ u�a ere�ceaf .
<br /> conttzucted.ol+e�cad�star�d. or accumutated ln, upo�,. atiove. sfon�,ovei. acrw�s,
<br /> � w�d�rrwstl�, or through the essement and risht-of•waX hersln �ranted.
<br /> �� Grsntu s�li have the�i�ht at a�y time, w relo�r.�i�a. add. o�up�rade such
<br /> - pW�:�tia sr� ap�urtenances coru�ected ther4with, in. upon, above, alqn�, �
<br /> o'vK. scross.und�meath, or throuph ths easement and ri��ht-of-way hetein �:
<br /> :',: �t�rtt#d- �►r�Y such public uiilitios a�d appuri�ns�es pf�ced in. ia�an, abov�.
<br /> , . sbc�.,ovar, across,un�6rnuth, or tluouph s�uch itact af tar�d shal!rema�n th�a . :,..:'.. .
<br /> .,f� . . . .
<br /> � " ptoperty uf Gas�ratse�an� may be removed or �e�laced ��any time. '_ -
<br /> ,
<br /> � , . , . -- _
<br /> � � .
<br /> ,� -2' .:.
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