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<br /> THpMAS L. pNDgRSON, a single person: DONALL�� S. ROUSH �\G
<br /> and MARLBNB C. ROtJSH, Husband and �ife; and I�RCHASL D�• ROUSH, a
<br /> sing�e peraon, GRAN�1'OR, whether one or more, in canei�ieration o£
<br /> pNg AND NO/100 DOLLAR (51.00) aad to correct the Deed Eiled in -
<br /> the Regfeter of Deeds office of Hall County, Nebraska, as
<br /> Document No. 34-108i86 and other good and valuabie co�YSideratfon,
<br /> receipt of Which is hereby acknoWledged. conveys �o J�.S R•
<br /> in N�e,b� , R�ev.�Stathe�7612011ain Ha1liCounty��raekaza� deP�ned
<br /> A tract of lan8 caaprisiag a past of the North �,al.f of
<br /> Che Southweat Quarter (NrLSi�ii) of Section Zti+enty--Seven
<br /> (27), To�mahip 8leven tii) North, Raage Nine (9)• Weat
<br /> of the 6th P.M., 8a11 County, l+�braska, said tracc
<br /> beinq more particulariy descri:b��3 as folloMS: Wi�h - __
<br /> reference to the Southeaet CQL'F[,�f�.* Of said N�.Si�.` �rience ,
<br /> running on an aBBUmed I��,-ing aiE N 90° 00' 00* W on the �
<br /> . _----- y..�L« 3s.,e, �f ,�a;� �s�fc tor a .d;�taace of 725.63 �eet .
<br /> � to a point on the Easti 1�ne o€ a tract Qf -�an,a Burveyea - -- - . .--- _
<br /> by L.&. Rucid or� �uly 7.3, 1�37 an3 recorded in I�a12
<br /> Couuty Suzveyor•� Bcaak #1 on pag� 486; thence 1� 00° 04'
<br /> 24M W on the Bast lin� of said tract su=veyed hy L.R.
<br /> ftudd fas a distance o�' 2.56 feet to the Northeaat
<br /> corner�a� the t�eact surveyed by L.R. Rudd, then�e N ai'�
<br /> 26' 02" w for 60.02 feet to the actual�PO1D1'P��h �he
<br /> � gT�GIDIDi�G; thence S 89° 55' 19• T�T pa
<br /> • NortY� T3.ne of the tract aurveyed by L.R. Ruc3�d fax
<br /> 72a.$� _�eet; thence N 4Di° 26' 02• W f�r 315_47 f!�et; -
<br /> thence N 01° 22' 28' i� for 160.00 feet;. thence 2�F� 69°
<br /> 58' 00" B for 760.16 feet; thence S 0�.� �6' 02' $ for
<br /> 735.98 fe�t to the POINT OF S�Git�t=NG. said tract
<br /> " coataiaing 10.029 acres more ar lese.
<br /> Grantor covenants (joiatly aad severally, iP mare thaa
<br /> ene) , �i�h the Grautee thar Grantor: .
<br /> (i? fs lawfully sefsed of such real estate and tlsat it
<br /> is tree �ra� encumbrances except easesoents aad restrictiou� of
<br /> recard; , -
<br /> _ �Z) bas 1�ga1 po�er and lanful authorit� to camrey the
<br /> aame;
<br /> (3) warranics aad wiil defend the title to the real
<br /> estate against the la�ful claims of all pereons.
<br /> �
<br /> RYp�t�: , 1996.
<br />