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<br /> �7Vr �V��W.7� -._
<br /> pyY��us��wy n��Ic�c��er l+e r�yuinxi,u UK�ptinr�f l.�lrr, If nx►�tQ��inwr�ukc cu�•cra,�c tin the�u�xwnl uu!l�tt�tJlu pc�e+r..i Y
<br /> u`wt i.:n::..r ret=ulrcs!�-ov+tkr9 hy�� inwrcr rp}�ro�oJ by l.cxxle�'�CYin brruuks Qv�ll�blr wxi iw��t+trinoci. f�urr�n���c rttull EwY -
<br /> the pr�enuwtu�rdyuiroJ tu nwlutait�ctxutu�e insu�atke in eiiat, «r t��pt���k1.:a IcxL rcur��a,u�uil thr nr{uira�►eui fu► i�H���aro ---
<br /> lwur�tic2 crti:t�in:r••��nSv��c with W�y writlt���+yrocraene betN�cen kktrruwer�uxl[.urt�:r w�:�li�blc lau�. =-
<br /> 9. la�{�et�tk�a. Lender uc;t.n,Qc�u auy nul;c reitscuuil+le�nxriey upon wx1 iuK�ecticuw c�F�hc 1'n�c�ty,i�ndur�i�ull Qiva
<br /> Burrov.�er nWic:at the time ui ur priur t��a��i�tl�ui ysocifyi�tr ttxso��ble cw�c frr the i�u{x�tiwi.
<br /> DJ. l:e�lnmtsal4u.n.'1'he pn►►�lc rf w►y xw•.�rd �u�I�lm fur cir+�u�es,dircct ur ��►nse�yuc�uiAl, iu eoniHxtiun w•ith +u�y
<br /> ctiw►;k�iuuti�Ki ur uth.r ialliyi��F au��part of the!'m�crty.w tur+�w,��ryu►x.�e in Ileu uf�w�cf�uuwion,ure hem4����s►i�ui�i un:.i _
<br /> �uit be�wici w l.�xsrr.
<br /> In t!u c�•au of a tcxa!wl�iuyi af the Pn�e�ty.thc pruccods�sawli t+c++PPlia!�u�I►e watic sckut�i bp Qiis�xutity Uty�umcn[.
<br /> wt�ether ar not thai dur,with xny n+�� pai�tn k3cusvwcr, ii�u'se er��s'K of a�•�:.n:�!t_1?� Qf the Pn�+er�y in Kfiich�iw fuir _
<br /> muket vrlue uf ti�Pn�pertY iinmalixttly beforc the taking is cyu�l ta�u grcuer tiwn the u►�wu�u of the wn»:secura!by this
<br /> Srcurity L�strument inunoJiYtel��lxFiMe the t�king,unless Bc►rmv�cr atxl Lcidu ott��isc�roe i��•riti�y;,dta sunu�wrunxf by —
<br /> this Securiry inst�unmr►t slull be ruduceel by th�enwuru oE the proceods n�ultiplied 6y the fotic�w•in� fructinn, lul thc tMUI
<br /> anwunt of t!K suuts sa.�ura1 imaiodiately before the �iar.dividal by lb) the fdr m�ict value of th� i'ro}�cny inmwcliiuciy
<br /> beforc the taking. Any balsux sitill be pai�1 co Borrowu. la the e�•a�t of o ps�rtial takin� uf Ure Pmperty in wt�ich tho fuir
<br /> n�rlet valuc of the Pnoperty immafiately bcfure the taicing is Icxs thsn tho��ount of the wms securod imn►aaflutcly befare thc
<br /> taicing.unless Borrower ru�d lrnder atherwise agra in wriang ar unlcss applicsble law otherwise ptnvidus,.Uw p�ocoods�sh�tt
<br /> be applial to the sums sxurod by this Securiry instn�m�nt whetl�er or not the wu-s aro theu due.
<br /> [f thc Fropetty is abiadoned by Horrowar,or if,after aotia by l.ender ta Borroww that the caxlnutnar affc�to nwl:c an
<br /> awud or setde A claica for datnages. Horc+ower f�ils to trspor�d to L.a�der within 30 days aflu�t�e�iutu dic noti� is giva�.
<br /> l.e�cr is aushorized to colltict and apply the prcweocla,at its optioo.eitber to nstonuioa or n�ir of tha Prnperty ar to the wius
<br /> secured by thir Security Iasttumaot.whetMx or na th�n due. to tui stuill nat extead or
<br /> Unkss i�ender and Borrow•er otherwise agrce in writin�, anY aPPlicatiau of pcocoeds Pri {'�l
<br /> postpone the due date of the monchty WY►nen�s referred to in par�raphs t and 2 or cl�u�e th��a�wuni�of sucb ps�ymonts.
<br /> 11.Borrower I3W Rda�ed:Fo�be�raece BY Lmder Not�Wdrer.Extuuion of the dme fun paymoat or modlficatian
<br /> of amwtiiation of the swac securod by this Sxuriry lastn�mesu gruued by I.adtr ca any wcotsscu�in•intcrost of Bc�rrower shall
<br /> not opeiate to t�deau the liability of the origiaal Borrowu or Borrower's cuco�ssors in inut+est.T.c�der slwll not be requirod to
<br /> ooia�ueaoe Proceedin8s s�inst aay wooessor ia interest or refuse W extencl dme for pa}�t ar,cuhorwise modify smatir�tion
<br /> of tbe suuu securod by this Socuriry Instrum�su by reason Qf any demand rwde by t1►o ariginal Bc�rroww os Bo�rorver's
<br /> w�ooessots in inurest. My forbaranoe by leader in exacisic�anY ri�ht or esmedy sh�il.nal bc a w�aiva af ar proclude tbe
<br /> esacisr of aay right or ranodY• 'i4�a aovesuwts and�roemaxs of this
<br /> 12. Succesoors smd As� Bou�c1:Jaiat aad Serersl �h'f l�eader and Bnaou�cr. subject w tho provixioas of
<br /> Sec�rity Instnvs�eot stu�ll bbd a�l beaefu the s�ooasors aad�ssi�ac
<br /> puograpb 17. &xtower's coven�nts and sgie�s s6a11 be joint aad seseal. Anp•l3mrowrr Wfio ea-signs this Securi�ty
<br /> Iasuu�ot but does not execut�the Nou: (a)is co-signing this Security l�trume�l�oniy ta martp�go. 8c�►nt�od ooavey tt�ae
<br /> Bormwet's intemt in tLe Pcnpaty under the tums of this Socurity tastnimwt:(b)it�na1 personallY obligued to pap iho sums
<br /> • so�vred by this Savrih'In�us�eat:aM{c)�gras thst Lender ud any otl�et Borrm�Yr c�uy agree to exta�d,modifY.fo�ixar or
<br /> make any socoaunod�ti�s with rcS�rd to tho tams of this Socurity Instnuneat ar�ttio I�tote without ttut Boirow�er's oo�oseat•
<br /> :.'"" . •. L__e�_�. ' I...ti 't n� i�et f f� _ . . _
<br /> ---73.I:Oiw 4�.'II t%IG�oan smuott vy ivaa.aw...."i."j.....• '^`i..�!�«—..4_�:vthicL i[!i miii[ONN lO>A .
<br /> and tl�t !nw is fin�lly intapceted so tLat tI�e itr�t or other Wan ehar�es collaxod or ta 6e tmil�ecsed in man�aa�ritb s!x _
<br /> loza ex�oeed the permiuod limits,thea:(a)wY svch loaa ch�-�e stvll be teduaed ay tho a.�nount noascarY to rodace the chu�e
<br /> to tho pexmiaod limit:anct(b)wY sums alcr�dy colloctcd.�u+m Bocrow�er wfi�id�azaeded Pmnitted limite wiU be refuadod to
<br /> Borrnwer. l.eades may'choose to make Wis c�fuud by �ag the priffapal�vwecl uider tiK Note or by making a dlnoct
<br /> paymmt to Bcxxvnwe�c. If a refund roduccs �, � �� ��+lll bc ttratal.as a particl PrepxYma►t witho�t any
<br /> P�PaYme�charge s��the Note. ..
<br /> 14.Notkes.Any notia W Sarc+ower provided for in this Savrity Ic�tturt�ent shstl�bc givm by ddivuing it or by mailiag
<br /> it by first cTass mail udess�lia�bje hw c+equires use of motha mdl�1'."iltr natiaa sRt�116e dirociod W tb�Pm�tY Ackt�+�
<br /> or any other address Borrowet deccignates by, uotice to Ltadu. My ursEit� to•I:encint s3sa11 be gives�bY fI�st d�ss mW ta
<br /> I,axler's address stued berain or any other adc9ness I�eader design�tes 4�D'nxise tn Borrowmr. As��.a�tioo pmvided for in tbis
<br /> . Sopuity Uutninxat sh�U be dcemed to hav��ea given to Borrower or�i.�nder+��p.vca ssR providn�i ia this par�gn�.
<br /> 1S.Goveroin� I.�w, Srverabilky. 7bis Sacurity Lvsr�uuxat sha?J b�� governvd by fdrler� [aw as�d tt�c law of tbe
<br /> juiis�dicxia�ia w6ich the PraQaty is located. Ia the ovmt tftat aay ptovision�o�:cltiuse of tbis Sewrity 1nth,e,�uc the Note
<br /> oonflicts wit6 applicable law.such oontl�et sha11 not affect a�'P�'ovisi�s of�ttds Security Insttu�[neat or the Note w�ich c�a be
<br /> givea d�'ect withoiu the ooatlietio�provision. To this end the provisi�as oSctjii Security It�ttutneat aad tt�ee Note are doclarod
<br /> to be severabk.
<br /> 16.Borrovrer'c Copy.Borrower sls�ll be�ivea aa oaiformod capy af tbt,hbso and of this Soarity Instnunmt• .
<br /> �;a� �190
<br /> Wp�lat6 �
<br /> �
<br />