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<br /> �accutcJ tw�tlu: p+u��a:crcatir.F.srcuring or guarantying the Sccu�ed Iklu. A gax! Caith t►e�f by cn�+�r that _
<br /> i.ccu[rr�t w�y tinu is insccwe v:ith respcct to any pc•��n ur entity a61i��:cd on tttie Secureci Uebt or th.ut iL�p�c�?ect _
<br /> ��f unY�wymeut ur thr valu�of the Prc�x;rty is impairecl shall alsu conslilute nn eveat af dei'ault.
<br /> 15, R�MF�IFS 1)lti UEFAUi.T. {n wn�c uuianccs,E'�ckral and state!aw will requirc Lcnder t�pravide Grantur w�ith
<br /> no�ice of tbe right to rure c�t ut�er n�:ia:s erid m:y c:ia�lish tia°.;s:h,eclules for forcclosure actioas,�uhject tn th�:x� _
<br /> tiniitations,if snX,l.ender n�ay acrelerate thc: Sccurcd De6t aud faceclose this Security L�strument in o a�aaacr _.
<br /> �xoviileJ by lew if Grantor is in�tault. -
<br /> At the option of Lender,uU or any�art of the agceed fecs and charges,arcrued interest and principal shaU t�coumc
<br /> immediately due und payabk, after giving natice it reyuired Uy taw,upan the cticcurrcace uf a�3�fuuli c�r a�iXiir,�e =-
<br /> thereaftee.ln ad+iition,l.c�ndcr shaU bc enlitled to all the remcdties provicted by law.thc tertns of tha Sccurc�l Deb�,
<br /> this Security Iastsument and any related ckxuments,including without fimitation,the pawcr to seU tdc I'roperty.
<br /> lf there is a default,Trustce shall,in additioo to any othcr permitted remcdy,at tt�e rcquesl af the l.ender,�ivertue
<br /> and seU ihe propeey zs a whole or in sepu�te parcels at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and cnnvcy
<br /> abso[ute title free arsd ctear of all right. tiUe and interest of Grantor at such time and ptue us Trustee cle.c;gr�tes.
<br /> Trustee shall give potice oE sale includiag the time.terms aad plac�of safe�ud a ci�:scriptian of the property ta tx;sa�d
<br /> as required by tt�applicable I�w ia effect at the time of the proposed sale.
<br /> llpoa sate of the Qcoperty aad to tl►e extent not prohibited by law,'Y'rustee shall make and dclicer a deed ta the I'i�operty
<br /> sold which oonveys absolute tide to tfye pwchaser,a�d after first paying all fees,charges and cc�sts.sha1�paY to l.utider aq
<br /> nwneys advanoed for repairs,taxes.inswanoe,liens.assessments and prior encumbranccs and intctcst thereoa,und tlu
<br /> P�+P� aad interest on the Secured Debt.PaYu►8 the surplus,if any,to Grantor. l.ender mtiy purci�ax;ii�r�u�,i��.
<br /> 'Iltie n�itals iu any deed of caoveyanoe shaU be ptia�a facie evideaoe of the fads set fwth thereia.
<br /> All remedies nre distinct.cumulati�e and noi excltuive,and the l.ender is en6tled to aU rea�dies provided tn law or
<br /> cquity,whetber or not expressiy set forth.'Il�e aoceptance by Len�der of any swn in payment ar partiul paymei�t on thc
<br /> Secured peW aFter the balznce u due or is accelerated os after forcclosure praoeeding,s are filed s,hall not constitute a
<br /> waivet of Lendei s right to require oom}�1ete cure of any exicting defauIt.By not exercising any temedy on Grantor's
<br /> default,Ler�der clo�not waive Leuder s nght to later�onsider the event a def�ult if it oontinues or hxppens a�ain.
<br /> prohibited by law,Grantor agrees to psiy all of Lender s expenses if Grantor breac3�,s any covenant ia this Security
<br /> Instrument.Grantor wil�also pay on demaad any amouat incunetl by Lender for insuring,itasped'utg,pres�aving or =.
<br /> otherwise protecling the Property and Lend�r s securiry interest.'Il�esc expen.�es will bear interest fran ttu�date of _
<br /> the p�ymeat untii paid an full at the highest interest nte in effect as prvvided in the terms of the Securrd Debt �
<br /> Grantor agrees to pay a11 cs�ts and e:penses wcurred by I.ender in oollet�ing,enfo:cing or protxtiag Lender s righis =
<br /> aad naiedies uader tt�S�ecucYty Instrument. This atnount may inciucie.but�s not limitod to.attomeys' fezs.caurt _
<br /> oosts.�ad otLer iega2 expenses.'Ibis Security Iactnuneat shall ceuiaia ia effect untit reieased.Grantor agrerx ta�Sy =
<br /> for�sy recordation ooqs of suc3�release. -
<br /> 17. ENVAtO1WIF.NTAI.LAWS AND NAZARDOUS SUBSTANCFS.As used in Wis sectioa,(1)F.nvironmental law =
<br /> means,without limitatioa.t6e Comprehensive Envirnnmental Respc�ose.�ou�ptasation and liability Act(C�:RCLA. '
<br /> 42 US.G 9601 et seq.l,and ali other federsli.st;ite�nd,bcal laws.regu:ations.arc}iaaaas.ooztc4 ord�rs�attorney
<br /> .._ Qmeral ogioions or iniororetive letters�aicec'eiag tl�e pc�slic healtv.safety,w�eifare.enviroaaoent or s huzardous
<br /> sutrs2aace:sac!{2j Hazardous Sutascance mes�ns aay cosie,radioac�ive csr nuar0o�materia��te,—pax�wi�i-or � -
<br /> ooataminant which has characteristics whid�render ti�e subatance daagerous oc Pote.atiallY daog�erot�to the puWic
<br /> txalW,safety,wrs�fare or eavironmeut'Ibe term indudes.without limi'.�tioa.any wbsian�s ck�n0d a�"h�rdw�s
<br /> ��CTI�,n`�IULiC SjlbSL211CCS,�`��7Z�ldO11S WZSLC�Ot"�idOl1T enhetam�",t1ildCl 30j1 EIIYIT�f.'t�1.8W. -
<br /> �ltpip[iC�if5C1ILS,W8T[�I1t48D�d�i'CCS t113t:
<br /> A. F�oept zs previousiy disclosetl and acknowledgod in writing to Ixnder,no Flazardous Sttbstaaoe is otr will'be
<br /> lex�ated,siored or released On or in the Property.Tbis restriction does not apply to smai}q-�:+.�t��:es:.f
<br /> �L�rdous S�bstaoces tl�ac ane ge.nasllY reoogniu�to be appe�psiate fa�the normal use�ad�'�°�^^oS
<br /> tlse Prope�ty�-
<br /> B. F�ccept as pn.wi�s[y disclosed wd xlcnowiedged in vv�itiag to Ixtxier,Grantar and zvery teaaort ha�re bi�o,ar�e. '
<br /> and siWl remaio in fiill campiiaox witb any applicsWe Eaw�onmeotal Iia. �
<br /> G Gr�owr shall immodi�tely notify Lendcr if a rekase or threateaod nkase of a Hazardo�u Substaooe oa�rs on,
<br /> �mder ot about the Propefty or there is a violatioa of any Eov��ineat�!Law�conoeming the Property.�n snch
<br /> w eveut,Graata sl�lt tate all aeoessarp rean�dial xtioo in a000rrianoe with aay Environmental L�w. �
<br /> D. Gruitor sh�ll immediaiely��otify Leader in vrritiag as sooa as Grantor has resson to believt then:is aay
<br /> peodieg or threateaed imestigatioo.claim+a Proa'e�in8 relating to We rel�ase or threatened rdeaw:of�y
<br /> Na7ardous Substaaoe ar the vioiation of�ny Eaviraument�l L.aw.
<br /> � ]S. COND�VATION.Graasor wiU give Lender prompt notice of any pendiag or thresteaed action,by private or
<br /> public entiti�s ta purdtiase a talce any or all of We ProQerty throug6 condemeation,emineat domain,or�ny otber
<br /> meaos.Grantor anthori�cs Lender to intervene in Grantor's name io any of the above descxibed action:.a cIaims. -
<br /> Grantor assigos to Leoder the pxnoeods of aay award or claim for damag�oonaocted with a caWemoatioo or other
<br /> tati�g of�tl or aay Part af the�perty.sucb prooee�sha7j be ooasiderea Q�ymeius�oa wiu be�pp�iea as prc,riaea ia
<br /> tLis Security Insuum+ent This accignment of prooeeds is subject to We tetms of aoY P*��888e,deed nf trust.
<br /> senuity agirreesneatar otber lien daa�meat `
<br /> l�. �tJIUNf�. Gsaator shzlt ketp Property inseued againsi loss by�rc,flaod,thcft ans! othcr lt�:ds a.nd risks
<br /> reasooably�ssociated MitI�tLe Ptoperty due to its type aad loqtioo.7Bis insur�ac;e sh�1i be�++���:.._.*��ncd ia tbe z�mo�s
<br /> aaci for the periods that LeodeT requir�s.'Iltie i�uraaoe c�rrier providing the iasuraace shall be chacea by�irantor
<br /> subjat to Lender's approv�l, wl�ich shaU uot be unreasonably aithheld.If Grantor failc to maintaia tLe awcrage
<br /> desax�ed above,Lender uuy.at L,ender's optir�a.obta�n ooverage to Qrotect l.eader's rig,�ts in tbe Property aoeordiag
<br /> w the ter�of t�ic Searity Instrum�ent.
<br /> A�iawr�nce policies aod reoew�s sh�ll be ac�ceptabk to Leoder atd shall ind;:s:c a°'^�. ^...a�*•±"•••,.w.�^b�••r1an�"anrl., �
<br /> wt�re a�ptir�bie."toss payee clzuse."Gru�tor shal!ima�ediateiy notify I.euder of cancellation or uatian of t6e
<br /> i�uanoe.Leaaer shall 6ave the rig,'�t to hdd the pdicies and rcaewa{t.If Lender requires.Graotor sluil imm..^diauly
<br /> pjvo w Leada all receipts of p�id prctnivau and renerval notioes.Upon 1oss.Gr�ntor st�aU give immediate�otiot w .
<br /> We�M�carrier and I.cnder.Lender may make�roo[of ia�ii not made immodiately by Granior.
<br /> �• �..i_N"% s
<br /> �yo.sa.�
<br /> ouw�r..ner.r.�rc.s�.a.aw«aowor,zxv���or�s�s� ,
<br />