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<br /> 'ic�a`itiTi ii:w'tii�'ITi��li e�c io���•:a�.'.z:s aaw or RtrcaR:t es.�t�c*n tht�+m{*trty.and rH eacetnd�t�.ap�urtet�t�cts,xud
<br /> tixtures cww iK f�rre,�(lrr � �+rrt ot' the prc�pttty. Al! r�{si�cuYxat+ �tY! acShctia�s cfwll riw bt eo�•er�xi by this Socurity
<br /> Iutil�uut�tu. Aii�f tht i�wcguiug iY t�tfc�ic�to in u`�is 5�.:ut1tJ Insc�umeru�th�c"Pm[xAy."
<br /> BORItOWEi�t COViiNANTS thyt Nom�vtu is lau�fully seiseci of the c�te hereby�v�+�veyed anci tus ihe right to�rant and
<br /> ��nvey tt�c PrriptrlV wW tls�i Lhr Property�is uucncwnbcrat.excxpt ti�r cncun�tx��of ro��rd. Barrowe��w�rrunts :uxi v�ill
<br /> tiit&ad rrneniity tix sitie to tnr P,r�jk�t��+:;.�t ni3 cl:i�::u:!d�::i:rits.su.h;ect ta�y cncuniGrukes of rccYUd.
<br /> Yi�S sECUtu�r� wsTauMEN'r��unt�iirs uid�osra cflvena�u.ti f'�1t IUIIilI1.1I LL�E WY� p0il'41Uf0iR1COYCtiBJUt will'1 Il1ILiC�
<br /> varidkiRC hy jurir�lic�Nxti k�cc�,�.ctitute u u�ufue•�ucecuriry in�irwuent.��ori►'�rcai prc�,eny.
<br /> UNIFORh!CUV ENANTS. Borrowcr and I.ender covenuu and:igrec as folk�w��: •
<br /> 1. Hrya�eot ot Pr�isciptl acd IWcraY;PrYWYip�ent w�d L�te CbarRer. Burruwer at�ali pr.�nW�Y PaY wbcn due tae
<br /> prirkiµ�l ot:uul intrsrst on tlse debt evisk�ed Ey the Nate xrxi iu►Y przpaYmenc and t:�te ci�ar6a due urdcr che Notc.
<br /> 2. FLwW[ur T�and Inwnnce.Subkci to applicabk law or to� written w�aiver by [.endcr,Borrower sl�a4 pay to
<br /> Lt�der an ttse daY���Y PaY�s���r the Nate.until tly:Nc�te is paid in full.a wm("Futtds")for:(a)ytarly wua
<br /> aad sssasmaus wb9ch m�y atwip prioritY over�his Socuriry laucument as a lier�on the Property: lb)y'euiy le�selwld paYment9
<br /> os ground rents ou ttk Property. if any;(c)Y�arly haxard or prnpcny insurance pranivau;(d)yrarly flood inuirancc prraniums.
<br /> if any: (e)yeariy cmrtgs�e inwranx prtmiurns, if any: �od t��►Y��WY�k by Borrower ta l.ender.in amordance with
<br /> the provisioas of E+ar��aph 8.in lieu of the p�yaxxu of morseage iasur.u�ce p�ruwns.71�ese items are callod "Escmw Items.'
<br /> Lqder may. �t eny tia�e.collect and hold Fuods in an�muat mt t�t�oeed the m�xicrwrn amount a leader for� foderally.
<br /> related mort8a(i:.loan may requirc fur Ban�wer's escrow ac,�eount u�mrfer the foderal Real Estate Settlem�t Prooeclures Act of
<br /> 1974 as�na�dod fmm timz to time. 12 U.S.C.Sectiaa 26U1 et seq. ("RFSPA'),ualess anottur law tAat applits to the Funds
<br /> sets a ksssr s�mount. If so. Lender may. �t any time. cuElvct ur�d hold Fuads in c�n amouw not to eaceed the tuser �mount.
<br /> i,ender may�stia�ate the arswunt of Fus�s dnsc on th� basis of c�urenc data and rcasonable estimates of eapa�ditures of fuwre
<br /> Fscraw lums or otherwise i�axotdancc witix applica�le taw.
<br /> 'iUe Funds shall be fieid ia an iactisutiou whose deposits are iasuted by a fedual agtncy. insuument�lity, or catity
<br /> (including lra�kr.if l�eader is sucL an iastitwioa)or iu wy Ftdecal Home Loan Bartik.l.ender shali apply tbe Funds ta piy tbe
<br /> Escrow Itemc.l�rsxkr uuy nut chu$e Bormv�a fa hvidsug and�pplying the Funds,arw�ally analyzing tbe escrow ucount.or
<br /> vuifying the Escmw Itans. unkss I,ender paya Bcxrower iu,terest oa the fi�nds aad se�plica6k law peraiits luuier to make sucb
<br /> a charge.How•e�er. i.eader may roquire Bomowu to pay a ox-time chuge for ao indepadau�+eal estate tvc reportiug serviee
<br /> used by I.axltr ia c0000cciou with this loan, ualess appliwble law grovicles otheiwise. Unless an agreernau is made ac
<br /> applipb�e!aw rcquires interest to be paBd.Leader shaU not be roquirrd tn pay Botrowu any intensc or eamings on the Fuads..
<br /> Borrowu aad La�det�uay�tree in writing, howevcx. tbn iaterest sball be paid on the Fuads.L�ealet shall give m Bor�uwa,
<br /> without ch�rge.�o anowl acmuating of the Funds, stwwiag cred+ts aid debits ta tbe Funds�rd the purpase for which ach
<br /> debit to the Fuuds was mad�.The Fuadn are pledged u additional socacit7 for s11 surns secured by this Socurity Iastruaaeat•
<br /> IE tbe Funds b�id by I.�ader eaooai ttc :w�ouats petmiued to be he�d 6y applicabk law.Lender sh�ll sccount to Borrower
<br /> fa�the exass Fuads ia a000rdance wi�h the s�siraocasa of appiicable law. If the amounc of tbe Fuads held 6y�.rn�e�at�uy
<br /> tia�u not suffuient to p�y the�scrnw Items whe.n du�c.44nde�may so aotify Bomawer in writing,and,in such cs�Hor�awu
<br /> st�lC pay to I�eoder the unotiuot�a�essary to m�iCe u(r e1�e.defic►eacY. Bomawer shall n�lce up We dcficieacy ire sur r�+oe tb�a
<br /> tw�dve mood�lY WYmaits,at l.e�der's sole disrneeioa.
<br /> . - �----- ��JA`-�F�Y�in full�of�11 s�unic see�u�ed by i�lis J000t1iy t1lsi�st, i.e�er siaii pwmpiiy rciuu�i-iv w�ii,:�c�-:�:-j_: - ----
<br /> �uads he,M by Irndtr.If,undec parsg*�Ph 21,La�der s1�11 xquine or sell the PtnQexty.L�axkr.pcior W tLe acquisitio�or sal�
<br /> of the Prape�ty,sha11 apply any Fuads heW by Leadet al tbe time of aoquisition oc s�le as a cralit�iast the s:i�sect�rod by
<br /> tt,is Secwity lacutuncs�t.
<br /> 3.Applkatiar o�Pnymeats.Unless applic�bk!aw pc�ovides otbawise.all p�ymer�ts rea�ved by l.eider ander p�r��slw
<br /> t and 2 shall be apQliod:first.to anY pn�{z+y�mau clu�rSa dae undcr tite Note:se�ond,to amouata PaYabk uadet p�ugnph 2:
<br /> tLind.to interest due:fauth.to priocipal dtt�;and last,to any lata chs�t�es dne under tLe Note.
<br /> �.!�;I.ieos.Bortower stsall�y�Ii taza,acsessa�tnts, chafSes. fines aod impositions aurilwtabk cn rLo Pn�party .
<br /> whicb cnay ruain priority ova this Sa�rity Iastnuncnt,:and Ic�uh�W p�ymwts w•gmu�l ra�ts, if aay.Sorror�r shaU��pay
<br /> tl�ae obligacioas in the m�cmer pro�ided ia parignph 2.or•�if not paid i.n tLac maoaes.Borrower slWl p�y them on�timo�cliroctlY
<br /> W thie pa�on ov�-�d paymait.Bomawer sLal.l, i?romptlY fumisb ta'L�dr.r�all notias of suaouots to be�iid undet tlsis p�raph.
<br /> if Bor�+nvres m��tbese paymes�ts diraxl}, L�otr�owu s�ll Proa�tIY futnish to Lenda rooeipts e�ideacing tbe`p4Ymeatt-
<br /> �onnwa shill proa�tlY dischu8t�cry lien which lus priority ovet this Saurity Instrumeat udess Borrower: (�)agras in
<br /> w-h�g to the paymwt of the obligation�by the liea ia�manoer aoxptibk W I�es�du;(b)000tats iu good fiiH the liea
<br /> by. or defa�ts againct eaforamau of�u:..''�en in. lei� P�8$ which ia tbe L,eader's opiniai o{x�ate ta prtveat tl�e
<br /> enfomemart off time liea:or (c)socures froctu tl�:holder of the lien au�.a�snmait sxisf�ctoty to I.isad�r wbordin�tiu�,tLe lim w
<br /> this Security fas�mesu.If Lender ddamir.�°s tls�t any part of th�Property is subjax w a lien ufu�,�h u�y athia priority ovcc
<br /> t6�is Socuriiy Instruusast.LarJer may give Barower a�wtice identifying tt►e liea.Bortnwa sE��tisfy the lien or take one o�r
<br /> nooce o€the xtions,set fw�th above within 10 days of the�ixing of notice. .
<br /> �m 3oss arna
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