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. - ._,*v T q�,,� , . .nn�... .�.ro� ,. ••_ <br /> r. g- '--- _-.. --- <br /> �.»�..c_�'_".:."�". .-----�°°�-..P.,�F _ ,� <br /> .� -F�- �-.--- y rn�...+..r:�w.rti.-� . - - .. <br /> ,�i. . .ar��7i'!. 1��'�'i+�.�, ., - ....��,�� _ <br /> ��� � .`�' ;- <br /> �i�':' � — <br /> .��� - - �1T _ _ _ _—__ .�I,Y ___�� <br /> _ ' . _' . ��► -__ _- __ _ — __ <br /> `� .. ��cY..�.R_�u �/2�r �O��V� <br /> . :�..c„r"u::.,... i.d��T:� <br /> _�'T.YA� <br /> -- --- ttw Prop�Ar b�o hk�n a dam�p�d,l.Md�r�h�ll haw th�optfon,In It�aoN and�btolut�disCr�dan,to apply 4tl wch Prace�d�. <br /> -- �IIN'd�duoGn(�the�kom 1111 oo�q 1lnd�xp�nMq incurnd by It in conn�cllon with wah ProaNdi,upon ony Indabt�n�s�aCUnd <br /> - hK�by�nd I�suoh ord�r a�lrnd�r m�y d�Nrmin�,or to appty dl woh ProcNds,�Re woh d�duadon�,W th�nsbr�tlon o�th� <br /> .. _ -- prppKty upon wah condldons a�I.�nd�r may d�tsrmin�.Any eppllcaUOn o1 Proce�d�to IncNbbdnNr�ha���o!axt�nd or postpon� ' <br /> � —�"""-�3 th�duo d�t�ol�ny p�ym�nb und�r tho Nots,or cun�ny dNault th�r�und�r or honund�r.Any un�pptiwl tun�Wwl10o palA to <br /> v ____°. : .!:. � h,, Tru�ta. <br /> :�_ �::�.:. _ <br /> �«.�� 8. Pwlorn�nc�b�L�ndN.Upon th�ocournncs of an EveM ot D�hull h�raundK,or II any act I�fakon ar IspU procMdlnp <br /> ����-�'+�= ��z�' commsnced which m�terially aflaats Lend�r'�Intersat In ths Property,Lande m�y In ib own dl�cretion,but without obtlQatlon W do <br /> --a,__-�-N________ <br /> � �«.� so,and withou!noUce to or d�nt�nd upon Trunor and wlthout ral�sinq Truotor Irom any obllpoUo�,do any act which Truator es i�--�.� -,- <br /> '�� apned bul f�llt to do and m�y�Iso do any oth�r�at it daem�necssfary to p►otect the acuriry hsreot.Tru�tor�hall,Immrdi�Wy <br /> upon dsm�nd iharefor by Lender,pay to Lendar oll costt and expenset incurred�nd�ums expended by Lw�dar In cannecqon with <br /> •`�?��(�:�::s�a y�� ths oxerclee by Lender ot the lorepoinp riphts,topether wfth Intere�t theraon at the delault rate provfded in the Note,which�hall bo <br /> � �«�y�`�'��'I.�� addsd to th�Indabt�d��u socurad hwaby.t.or►d�r �hall not incur any Ilablllly b�caua of mythinq it may do or omit to do <br /> ���.'xn:.,�:::�y�,.,�,.: . �ounder. <br /> '��°�..���.�.� -�'' 9. NuaMou�MatKIN�.Truetor�hatl keep the Property in aompllence wiM all appliceble lawe,ordinancea and repulaUons <br />°"�i;;�• °..;• �' �' relatinp to induatrlal hy�lene or environmentel prptOCUOn(collectively referred to herein aa"Environmental Laws"�Tru�tor�MII __ <br /> _�'�'�`f�'" �'� ' keap the Propeny Irea hom all eubstencea deemed to be haierdous or toxic under eny Enviro�mental Law�(collecdvely►ef�r�ed to <br /> -.-.,,�r..�: . �. `�_ <br /> '` ��''�,#�'• • hereln e�"Hlwrdou�Mpta►lala"�.Truetor hereby warrants and repreeenta b Lendar that there ara no Hexardous Mato�i�l�on or <br />�'�y� ` ��' �` � under the Proparly.Trustor hereby aprees to Indemnify and hotd hermless lender,ita directora,oNicero,emplo ees and e enta,and <br />-°--�.,:?.a�e�:o•.ti�.n, �.°� Y � <br /> ��:�°�'�dl�� • any euceeaora to Lender's interesf,lrom And aqalmt any and all clalma,demape�,loas�and liabilides erl�inp in cannecdon with <br /> ���-°���,�ry;�-%�i;•; . the preadnce,use, dlapoaul or tranaport of eny Hezerdoua Materials on,under,from or about the Properly.THE FOREaQINO <br />--- .�,;,,,. ";•;�,�;,r�•� ; WAHRANTIESANDFiEPR�SENTAT10N3,ANDTRUSTOR'SOBU(iATI0N8PUA3UANTTQTHEFpREC301N(31NDEMNITY,8HALL <br /> ��.��;. °;, �� ��� SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THI3 pEED OF 7RU3T. <br />� � ti..�,•W i:•'•'.='it'. <br /> -- 10. Ass{y�M of Rmb.Truator t�ereby aeaipns to Lendar Iha rents,Uaues and profits oi the Proporly:providad that ruetor � _ _ <br />���„_•;�.,;, ,� ehall,untll the occurrence ot an Event of Oafaufl hereunder,heve the ripht to collect and reteln auoh�er�d1,iesues and proflis ea they � <br />_�„, � �r;Y;�,.���! n became due and payable.Upo�tha occurrence of an Event ot Defaul�Lender mey,either in person or by epent,wlth or wlthout � <br /> c�•..+� h�I�pi�p any eation or proceedina,or by a receiver appointed by a court end wUhout reperd to the adequacy of ita�ecurlty,enter <br />=°_� , :»�� • upon and teke possesefon o!the Prqparty,or eny part thareof,in ita own name or in the name of the T�ustee,end do any acts which ft .,,� <br /> ' �'"- <br />,�..�— �"';{�?�+ dseme necessery or desirable to pre�erve the valua,marketebillty w rentablllry ot the any part thereaf or intereat therein. �_ <br /> f_- Increase the Income therefrcm or protoct ihe security horeof and,with or without taking possesalon of the Property, aue for or <br /> otherwlse collect the rents,isaues and prolNa thereof,Includinp those paat due end unpald,and apply the same,less costs and <br />`��;� ' expensea of operatian end aollectlon Includinp attwneya'fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all In auch order as Lender ��'_--- <br />.",f„m" °.`���'4��+��"��� may datermine.The entering upon and tekiny poe4eaelo�af the Property,thQ coll�ctlan of such rents,faeues end protite and the � <br />��'"•'• • �� eppl�aGon thereoi es aforeseid,shell not cure or walve any delault or�atice oi delauft hereund�r or invelidete any act done in __._ <br />?�,� ' reaponse to auah defau�t or pursuent to such notice of dafault and,notwlthatendinp the conAnuance In poasesslon of ihe PropeAy o� _ <br /> - the collecNon,recelpt end epplfcelfon of rents,issues or prolita,and Trustee end Lender ahall be endtled to exerclae every ripht '-�°""'" <br /> - � provided lor io any o1 the Loan Inatruments or by law upon accurrance ol any Event o(Default,incluGnp without Ilmitation the ripht tat�'?�s'•`: <br />;s�" ` to exeralee the power of aele.Funher,Lender's rlphts end remedies under this parayraph ahaii on cunwiailve wlih,and{n na way 3 __� <br /> ' � ' �� � ��'-'"'` � Ilmltatlon on,Lender's ri�hta end remediea under any assignment of leases and rents rocorded apeln�t the Properry.Lender,T►uatae �__� <br />;-. � � `; � �° and the recelver ahall be Bable to account only for those rents actually recefved. � <br />�� . �'��' , 11. Er�nb ol ON�ufl.The following ahall constltute an Event of Default under this Deed of Truet �""'- <br /> f '::i� _ <br /> -• (a) Failure to pay any Inatellment of princlpal or Interest of any ather sum secured hereby when due; <br /> • '.: . (b) A breach of or delault under any provlalon conteined In the Note,th18 Deed ot Trus1.any ol the Loan Inatrumenq,or any <br />;� . � othor Ilon or encumbrance upon the Properry; <br />� . � (o) A wrlt ol executlon or altechment or any almi lar process shel I be entered ayafnst Truttor which shell become e lien on <br /> �.. � the Property or any portlon thereof or intereat therein; �..� <br /> (d) There shell be Illed by or againat Trustor or Borrower an ectlon under any present or future tederal,state or ather ;��_,:�� <br />'� � etetute,lew or reguletlon reletlnp to bankruptcy,inaolvency or other relfef for debtora;or there ahall be appolnted any truatea, �'.• . <br /> '��' ' recelver or Ilquidator of Truator or Borrower or of all or any part o1 thw Property.or the rents,Itsuea or profib theroof,or Tru�tor __ <br /> : ' or 8orrower shell make any yeneral aaalgnment lor the benelit of credltors; -:.-- <br /> y y <br /> •� � (e) The aale,transler,laase,aselgnmen�conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or eny Intereat fn the ��,: .r+4+f;+~ <br />' .. : �• - ` ' Property,either volunterlly or Involuntarlly, without the expreas written con9ent of lender; provided that Trustor ahell be • �„1-_�.' <br /> • • permltted to execute a lease of the Property that does not cantefn en opUon to purchase end theWrm ol whlCh daoa notexce9d ;.i�:;;�;�,,- <br />,�_.� ;r::�ti`, ,, • ono year, �::. �,, ; <br /> 4• '� :� •,;'�� (Q Abandonment of the Property;or <br />� , • ., �,.!;,,i��, t:�•';_°.� ;. <br />� . . . �,.:,�. (p) It Trustor fs not an Indlvfdual,the Isauence,sale,trenafer,assfynmen4 conveyance a encumbronce of more than a total v - <br /> _„ �.u , '" o� 51 x percent of(il a corporaUon)Its lesued and outstanding stock or�It a partneranip)a totel of peroent of <br /> partnershlp Interesta during the perfod Ihls Deed of Trust remalns a Ilen on the Propery. i,, _�_, <br />� - y�f.;;�;�,w:, 1 2. R�m�d l�s;A c w l�r a U o n U p o n O d a u l t.I n t h e ev ent ol en y Event of Default Lende�ma y,wlthout noUce except es►equired by �� = <br />> � ��� law,declere all Indebtedness eecured hereby to be due end payab�e and the same shall ther�upon become due and payebie �-�'--�,- <br /> f �° without any presentment,demand,proteat or notfce of any ki�d.Thereafler Lender may: <br /> �•. :,;�.,,.: <br /> " � (a) Demend thel Truatee exerclae the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and 7rustee shall thereatter cause Trustor's <br /> .. ,+ Interest In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,all in lhe manner pronded In the Nebre9ka Truot Doeds q�.•� _ - <br /> � `:� ' . Ack ... <br /> , . •. (b) Exerciae any and all riyhts provlded for�n any of Ihe loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event ot <br /> '+'i';,;� �. Default;and <br /> F'• <br /> (c) Commence an action tq foreclose th�s Oeed of Tru�t as a mortyafle,appant a recelver,or spHCifically enbrceany ot the ., <br /> � :. ' COVenants hA►6of. , <br /> • � No remedy hereln conTerred upon or re9erved to Truetee or Lender�s intended to be exclusrve of any other remedy hereln,fn the • <br /> ,; Loan Inetrumenta or by law provided or perm�tted,but each 9hell be cumulatrve,sha11 be�n addlt�on to every other remedy glven <br /> hereunder,fn the Loan Instruments or now or hereaRer ex�sUng at Iaw or in equuy or by atatute,and may be exercised conCUrrently. <br /> ' � � • Independently or sucaeasively. <br /> � 13. TrutlM.The Trustee mey resign at any t�me without cause,and Lender may at any time and wrthout cause appo�nt a <br /> auccessor or subatltute Trustee.Truitee ahall not be t�able to eny party,�ntluding wfthout limitatlon Lender.Borrower,Trustor or any <br /> - purchaeer ol lhe Property,tor any lose or damege unless due to reckless or w�llful m�sconduct,and shell not be required to take any <br /> � actfon In connectfon wlth the enlorcement of this Oeed ot Trust unlesa�ndemml�ed,�n wnting,lor a�l costs.compensatfon or <br /> • expenSee whlch mey be associeted therew�th.In addd�on,Trustee may becorne a purchaser at any sale of the Property Uudiaal or <br /> �..�.. ..�.��.. ...��......1 IMs O.nnurfv na nrnvlr1�1t1 h�IAW'Of lB��►�1@ . . <br />�-_-_- .� .' _ _.._'_ '—' . .. .'''' "'_"'iioioii: __"_�.._.�., ......... ...._ . ._�_ � " � ' '_' • <br /> . � „ unaer�ne pvwnr vi amn y�mua�, r. Mw.r..�,o .�,., .,.,... .......... »..,,.,...._.. _ . . <br /> Property as a whole,or�n seperate parcels or lots at Trustee's o�scretlon. <br /> 14. F��nd Exp�n�n.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerC�se of power of sale, Tr�stee shall be ent�tled to apNly <br /> any sale proceeds flrst!o payment ol all costs and expenses ol exerasfng power of Eale.mclud�ng all Trustee'e fees,ond Lender'9 <br /> .� and Trualee's ettorney'a lees,actually incurred to extent perm�ried by applfcable 18w In the event Barrower or Trustor exerclses any <br /> rf�ht provlded by law to cure an Event ol Defeult,Lender shall be entltled to recover}rom Trustor all coats and expenses actually <br />' — . . . - Ifi�Wlef�da o i65U�S G��iiiSiGi�o�C�MY,�. ��M�U�:^Q :�::!!L`.��1�..��«hnn M�1 T.�g�noe gnrl�nnrna�e Ime.�n II1P P1/fPA} flPITI}IPII F1�/ <br /> V eppllcable law. <br /> 15. Futur�AdvanCp. Upon request ol Borrower, lender may,at ds optlon.make add�tional and future advancea and re- <br /> ' advancee to Borrower.Such advences and readvances.wlth�nterest thereon,shall be secured by th�s Oeed o1 Trust At no tlme shall <br /> . Ihe pr►nclpal amount of the�ndeb!ednes�secured by th�s Deed of �n I �ng sums advanced to protect the secunty ol Ih�s <br /> Died ol Trua6 exceed the orlyfnal pnncfpal emount steted herem,or S�L�i���•o� , wh�c hever �s greater. <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> �y. <br />